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Everything posted by peevee

  1. Dunno, maybe?
  2. I mean, you have to split the case so it's a full tear down. How much labor is that? 80 hours? I've been quoted 17k to r&r an engine and have the mount overhauled so I imagine this will be similar.
  3. In our case the engine was installed as a factory reman in 96 and then field overhauled after a prop strike in 2006. The shop that did the o/h appears to be out of business and the cam was rebuilt if I remember correctly. We really have no way to figure out which sprocket we have other than measuring the teeth if that's even possible. If you think about all the budget or value planes with 520s in them like the older bos and the Vikings and such most of them aren't really worth a lot, I imagine a large number will never fly again if this becomes a now kind of thing.
  4. Man that's really gonna suck
  5. move out west and I'll go halvzies
  6. if it works on the ground but not in flight adjust the vane upwards a bit at a time and see if that helps. There are 2 or three screws to loosen and then just carefully slide the whole switch up so it goes off at a lower angle of attack. Don't try and bend the vane, it's hardened and not flexible. I would (and have) gone about 1/4" at a time until it was where I wanted it.
  7. they're not even in the same room. In the case of RDG I would place a hefty bet on them not even being in the same building. I do not believe there are any level 6 up/down facilities and being surrounded by level 12 tracons one of them probably owns it. Who knows. Call and ask. Which, speaking of, the reason they're called up downs in the first place is that the UP is the tower cab, and the DOWN in the radar room. The radar room is below the cab somewhere. You know, where it's dark. What you're likely hearing is crosstalk in whatever tracon is providing that service. The tower cab might have a dbrite or whatever the new version of that is, but that's about the only radar they'd have in the cab. Even then what they can use it for seems pretty limited.
  8. it was definitely personal and they had no reason other than they were bored and wanted to ruin your day by adding ten minutes to your flight. It's the only logical answer I'm sure. Instead of crying about it why don't you.... maybe... call the facility and ask. I'm sure they'll explain it to you. Or just keep complaining, that works too.
  9. No, they don't. Even if that facility provides the radar service the radar room is not in the tower cab. It's down below. Further illustrating my point that the information spread around here is dubious at best.
  10. KRDG is a level 6 and very unlikely an up/down. Approach services are probably provided by a larger nearby tracon. A VFR level 6 tower has no job security at this point. It might just be a position at philly tracon. Who knows. Find someone that actually knows something about the system and ask them.
  11. What a bunch of whiners.
  12. Oh no! best wishes.
  13. dear pilots, why do you always think you're the only airplane in the sky?
  14. Hadn't had great luck with the 360-LB and throw one in back with limited cooling and I dunno. I'm sure it's fine. I really want one now.
  15. That's the only down side. Not a big fan. And two of them... Still a lot of upsides.
  16. I'd sell the rocket for one. There's a nice example with boots and hot props for about 115k. Tsio360s?
  17. That sounds like a great airplane.
  18. o-320s on something like a turbo twin comanche can run 9gph a side, that's not out of line with what the tsio-520 we run now burns. Some guys report running them on 7.5GPH Corona lists $16k to overhaul one 320 and $35,600 for one t-520. That's not considering the props but the $3600 saved on engine overhaul I'm guessing covers the second prop easily.
  19. Very possible. Especially if you're not adsb out.
  20. I'd love a turbo twin with fiki. Any of them.
  21. Landing light wires - led Lower cowl is removed for something else.
  22. Maybe, or it just wasn't profitable. You figure how often does an airplane need an overhaul, ten years? That limits the window to when people might be considering the upgrade to once a decade, there are still a lot of 231s and 252s out there and the conversion is really nice to have.
  23. Correct. More money to be made in turbines I guess.
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