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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Insurance companies require 25 hours of Mooney time.
  2. Are you using your plane for commercial purposes? If not, it’s not mandatory. No manufacturer can dictate maintenance to part 91 here in the USA, not engines (TBO), not propellers, etc…are you in Canada…they have different laws?
  3. Just be careful (keep seat belts on), I don’t want to read about you on aviation mishaps forum.
  4. Start at the one elongated end and end at the other as you thread the edge of the cushion in the groove.
  5. I have all but the rotating beacon. (003) If you have strobes, I don’t think you need the beacon. I have 231, 009, and 523 versions as well.
  6. No audio, but it does have a warning light that you can place in view and will alert you when any limits are being exceeded.
  7. I think you’re overestimating FBOs desire to sell a new fuel. It costs nothing to do nothing and until there’s a market demand and drop off of 100LL sales, nothing will be done. It’s a chicken vs egg problem. Let me know when substantial owners buy the STC. Right now that number is zero.
  8. Why not just replace engine cluster gauges with 900, they look to be about the same size. Remove other factory engine gauges. Then I would replace entire radio stack in the future.
  9. But that only works when ROP, LOP it’s some number x fuel flow. For my IO360 the engine constant is 14.9
  10. 1. The J is normally well balanced, and has no rudder trim. 2. My J may ever so slightly yaw in level flight but you’d have to look closely and remains within the center brackets. 3. I believe he had his plane painted, so the rudder may not be rigged correctly now.
  11. Unless you’re planning to fly above 12,000’, you don’t need a turbo (normalized).
  12. I think it would might be more economical to replace the G1000 with a G3X?
  13. Or 9 gph if you run LOP.
  14. The question is why is it yawing in level flight?
  15. Generally, it’s an ignition problem, since it is only 1 cylinder we can rule out a bad magneto or ignition timing. Pull both spark plugs, if dirty, clean them, if not replace them.
  16. Look for heat shrink wrap, wrap it and then use a hair dryer or heat gun on low and the bubbles will disappear.
  17. If true, they should know the GPS will be useless as soon as owner reports it stolen to Avidyne, so either they are counting owners not reporting it, or people buying it without checking it. If I was the owner I would check eBay and classified pilot forums. First thing to always ask for is a picture of the back to check it’s serial number.
  18. Engine approaching TBO, dated avionics (not even an IFR GPS)… I think the asking price was about right.
  19. I think they use FB to communicate plans..
  20. Garmin is a company, companies are created to provide goods and services to make money. Whether it’s Garmin, Apple, BMW, etc, they will try to entice you to buy other products. I don’t see this as a negative. At least they provide products, not vaporware that other companies hype with no end in sight. We’ve had other companies want money BEFORE they even had the product certified! Easy 80 AMUs will get you a completely new panel. But yeah, you won’t get it all back when you sell, more like 40 in vintage planes, a bit more in modern planes. So if it’s not your forever plane, probably better off not putting money into it.
  21. New boxes aren’t just better screens, they have more capability: holds, airways, vnav, smart glide, simpler database update, …. If you don’t have a modern autopilot some of the functionality is not utilized.
  22. First I try flying without it…you may decide you don’t want it replaced.
  23. That won’t last long if an owner keeps databases updated or has customized his unit.
  24. They also use the data to see how engines are used, and have developed a “bad exhaust valve” tool based on the EGT data.
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