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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. If I was the owner of that other Mooney I would not be happy having my plane disassembled and parts pulled. If the alternator has 500+ hours on it I would just have it overhauled, probably could use it anyway.
  2. I don’t have any paint details, just inspection entries.
  3. Offer to be an investor (got a few million?) …then you’ll get updates.
  4. I’d expect more air in the cylinders means more compression resistance, hence a slower turning prop? Maybe slightly better glide.
  5. It doesn’t actually attach to the radio stack, so any water will drop to the floor, assuming it can make it up the vertical section.
  6. Why? The Acclaim with bigger round inlets compared to sleeker Ovations…I’d like the Os.
  7. Please explain the difference between filling via cascade vs manifold and how it affects breath ability?
  8. Also try opening your cowl flaps once you’ve put gear down and deployed 1st set of flaps. This will help cool the engine and fuel lines on landing.
  9. On my J I use my calibrated index finger to set throttle. There’s confusion with POH, it says 1/4 forward, some take that as 1/4 travel, some take that as 1/4” The flooded start with full throttle I don’t like due to crazy antics required.
  10. I can’t imagine any frost on the plugs lasting for very long, the heat from the compressed air, low freezing temperature of avgas and the high voltage potential would melt the frost I think, unless we’re talking well below °0F. Not something I plan on testing.
  11. It’s nice that owners want to their planes to be like a J, probably should have just bought a J in the first place. You still have the A1A engine and the ram air….the Js have A3B6 and dropped the ram air and as well as mentioned higher speeds. I take issue with the “even better” part and it’s that’s considered 82J…good marketing. [emoji6]
  12. Since we’re talking about hot starts, oil is hot, and all internal parts are covered with oil, so I don’t see any reason to limit starting RPMs, staying within reason of course. If you ever do a flooded start you’ll exceed that 1100 by a lot. I think higher RPMs help stabilize the engine since your pumping more fuel and cooling air and therefore cooling the fuel lines. I’m not talking 2000+, but 1200 seems enough. I give it a few seconds to settle down and then reduce power to 1000.
  13. I guess so, I had it repainted a few years ago, never noticed the placard.
  14. I have this and still run a hose to the back of the radio stack to supply some cooling air.
  15. What’s so magical about 1100 rpm limit on a hot start?
  16. Well, they’re hot starts, just not challenging hot starts. I think the 10 minute (fuel stop) is the most challenging. The 1-2 hour (oil change, long lunch) hot start isn’t bad because the engine isn’t so hot to percolate the fuel.
  17. Guilty, but I paid them off as quickly as possible. In other words, I could afford it.
  18. For those of us with EFBs, that’s a glide ratio of 13.8. My only question is if there’s a problem with lack of oil pressure, will the prop still feather?
  19. If the engine feels warm, I do a hot start.
  20. Windy forecasts are reasonably accurate. GP doesn’t sum up the total effect of the winds very well, maybe just use the closest forecast? Might help to select altitudes the forecast for (5000,6400,10000….), don’t know what it would do if you select 8000.
  21. What is the white box mounted in left rear window?
  22. Probably can straighten it out to allow flying it, but looks like it is creased so won’t be perfect repair. Salvage part probably best option.
  23. My order above was made on June 13th.
  24. Now Nov 28…
  25. I go to scuba store, they can do it but it requires a guy who knows what they’re doing. I think they have to disconnect the “scuba adapter”.
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