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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. My 78J has the 3 prong version.
  2. They copied it off an Acclaim, I did something similar, but I move the stripes lower so they didn’t get split by the back windows. I kept all the stripes off the control surfaces as well because I didn’t want to add extra weight to them. And kept the stripes off the handles/locks.
  3. The top photo is not in focus (or reduce resolution), anyhow they provide the analog displays (arrow in the green) for quick check. The 930 is bigger with big numbers but does require some panel surgery vs 900 that fits in an existing hole. Both have a LED warning light to get your attention if something is not in range.
  4. Nope, I’ve checked, they’ll have lower price planes, but there’s a reason for the low price.
  5. There’s only 4 Js on controller…that’s a record low.
  6. The Cessna 340 pilot who ran into the 152 10 days was also 75 by chance.
  7. I imagine they have to have the required tools: gear, travel boards, etc and know how to use them and all required maintenance manuals of course. To me the most important thing is attitude, if you don’t like working on Mooneys, the quality of work will probably show.
  8. I was able to put 33.5 gallons into each of my “32” gallon tanks. So the full tank method would result in 18lb loss of useful load.
  9. My understanding is there’s a torque setting and we require the maximum, so there is probably little margin for any extra resistance.
  10. I assume this is because of springs/bungees, I wonder if they can be removed or replaced with weaker versions?
  11. I have 78J gauges…PM sent.
  12. Until TT actually ships and it’s installed by reputable avionics shop, any estimate of the its final cost should be taken with a grain of salt.
  13. How come your preflight inspection didn’t find this? Everyone does thorough preflights after maintenance, yes?
  14. When calculating SMOH time, do you use hobbs or tach time?
  15. If you can even get the filter these days.
  16. Why? Does a muffler ever clog up due to deposits?
  17. And if you want to make the inside look better, you have OCD and need to see a doctor. On second thought, polishing the outside of the muffler might be OCD too.
  18. It will turn over/cough/pop, cylinders will fire because there’s still some fuel in the lines but will die quickly if you’re slow on the mixture (1st sign of life, go full rich or equivalent if at higher altitudes). If it starts but is rough cause it’s really hot, then boost pump and slowly increase throttle to push more fuel and air to cool the lines to prevent vaporization. I’m no expert, but that’s how it was explained to me. Someone here can probably detail the magic of the fuel system. Note: for Lycomings IO360 only.
  19. Don’t touch anything, just start it, when it turns over, push mixture in. Yeah, that simple.
  20. Middle of the spar cover (carpeting), and mounted vertically. Only would gets in the way on exit or entry of the rare 4th passenger.
  21. No hostility, just truth in advertising. It’s a fine example of the F model…but it’s not a J (201 clone).
  22. What about hobbs time with new firmware?
  23. You still have the protective plastic on the Aspens in the pictures, and is there some reason the 1 Aspen isn’t working? Good luck!
  24. So they mean full rich and boost pump on until fuel pressure rises?
  25. Note 4.3 about RPMs we discussed earlier. I wonder what they mean by “prime” (they have it quoted)?
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