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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Nice setup without a doubt, you should post a pix of your panel, but all that equipment installed would cost about $50000, that's probably more than what the poster wants to spend.
  2. They need to use 21st century technology: Carbon fiber, lighter, stronger, less labor costs 2 doors, pressurized cabin, parachute, A/C, electronic ignition, fully adjustable seats, quieter cabin (CF should help there and increase useful load), air bags, built in fire extinguishers with heat sensors and fuel cells the resist impacts.
  3. Use electronic cleaner on the alt field circuit breaker
  4. Your blaming the FAA because king,aspen etc can't get their stuff together? Ummm, maybe the problem isn't the all the FAA's fault? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I don't think G1000 is what driving the up the cost of the plane, if you tally up the cost of all the analog gauges it replaces, including engine monitor, I'll bet it's a wash. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. It will use the same tray if you want 76 compatibility, if you want to use ADSB in the future, you will need a new tray, there is new wiring harness for the GPS,TIS, etc They can wired it all up, then it will only be a software upgrade to give you the ADSB function.
  7. Text of a letter from FAA from 1992 published on the internet:. ... For currency purposes, an instrument approach under Section 61.57(e)(1)(i) may be flown in either actual or simulated IFR conditions. Further, unless the instrument approach procedure must be abandoned for safety reasons, we believe the pilot must follow the instrument approach procedure to minimum descent altitude or decision height. .... Donald P. Byrne Assistant Chief Counsel It really doesn't say the entire approach must be in IFR conditions, but you can't log it if you break it off early. At least that's how I interpret it.
  8. Thankfully they survived, once again it's the fire afterwards that is the true killer. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. You can use satellite view (google maps, etc) to check out the area around an away airport.
  10. Do you need 1090ES, ie flying at flight levels or outside USA? If not, you can get KT74 and not worry about compliance with 1090ES standard till 2020. My understanding the GDL-88 transmission should trigger the ground stations (they are suppose to merge 1090/978 and rebroadcast from what I've read), add FS 210 and you have it complete solution. When KT74 becomes certified, you be certified everywhere. Sell your GDL 39 I estimate $10-12K for the above. None of this has to be done for 5 years, so you can just replace the transponder (used KT-76A) and wait it out, unless as you noted you want see the complete traffic picture, of course that depends on where you fly, you only need 1 plane in area broadcasting ADSB to cause a rebroadcast.
  11. Good question, if you had to land in a parking lot, maybe 400' long, there is no way you could do it with gear down, you just bounce if you tried to force it down...and probably wouldn't slow down much. The only other option would be to simply yank the yoke back and stall the plane. One of the reports I read the witness stated she stalled the plane in the only place she could. Don't know if he actually meant it literally.
  12. ....and any price incentives :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. I'm going to jump in to defend my 201 :-) If you are going to want an upgraded panel, the 201 has more panel space and a higher price ceiling, so you will recover more of your avionics upgrade investments. Finally, when it's all said and done, the annual costs will be about the same across the non turbo models, and will dwarf the cost of the plane over time. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. But it always seems it's the fire that is the killer, I wonder if fuel bladders would help in the regard? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. The serial output is for GPS, fuel flow, I don't believe it passes on any other data. Somebody at Oshkosh maybe can ask the JPI guys what's the status? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Interesting, did they change the actually gear system, or did they change the doors (which I think would be the weak link)?
  17. yes, 4 of them: CHT, TIT, OIL, and FF ...correction CHT, TIT and OIL are for the 711 only The 830 has a single light for all alarms, with exception of Low Fuel
  18. I have handbook for M20J dated 1997, it gives Vle of 132 KIAS
  19. I know nexgen is going to used the broadcasted GPS for separation and hence the reason it is so difficult and important that the GPS position be correct. But, what happens if you lose satellite coverage, I wonder how long it will take for ATC or TAWS/TCAS systems to figure it out and how will they handle it?
  20. >But they also say the 110 supports flightplan transfer, how do they do that without talking to the GTN/GNS? Answering my own ?, from Garmin site: So it looks like in order to see the weather on your ipad, you need the GNS/GTN and a 88/69, don't understand why the flight stream needs the GNS/GTN in the loop, would have thought it could get it directly. The spelling error is Garmin's, which tells me they rush to put this on their web site, and hence the details may not be exactly correct. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. I see that now, before they didn't have that info with the product description. But it's still a little confusing, they list flight plan transfer capability for either, but GTN compatible for only the 210. So what exactly does 210 give you when you have a GTN that the 110 doesn't? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. The first year can be more expensive, due to upgrades, service items that have been deferred. Have some extra money set aside for it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. That's just software update, the hardware requirements won't change.. Your memory is good, and if you go further back, wasn't there a big uproar when the FAA was created? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. You'll need GPSS as well. Why the preference for WAAS approaches over ILS? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. And it's not getting any better...his 9 yr old daughter has died.
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