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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. At least I don't have blackouts
  2. THANKS!! They had them in stock...they also were running a special on the older Landing/Taxi lights, so I pick a couple of them up while I'm at it.
  3. I have a 1978, from my reading of the FAR 91.205.B.11 (TOMATO FLAMES), tells me that they are not required for VFR day flight (only if post 1996). My plane is in annual, and I have a problem with the power supply, so I was going to replace it with the new Whelen LED version (which doesn't require the power supply), unfortunately there is an 8 week delay, so my question is they an airworthiness item and required to be fixed in order to pass an annual??
  4. True, but many come here, probably to get the coveted US certificate. Ditto for Brazil.
  5. Everyone I've talked to says that as long as your plane is hangared, having some fuel is enough. It's heat from being baked in the sun that causes the sealant to break down. YMMV
  6. Done, see KSHAWs post: http://mooneyspace.com/topic/12233-kt74-integration-with-gns530w/
  7. The long range tanks add 36 gal, or 30 if you have speed brakes, you could ask about retrofitting the K tanks, which would add an extra 10 gal, might be much cheaper but still give you the extra range you want. Anybody know if that's an option?
  8. The J has a 6.5 hr endurance at 55% power, I think if you took a poll, 95% or more would say 4-5 hours is their personal max. That said if there is someone who really needs it, your plane will stand out. I think the extra tankage makes more sense if its a K or conversion with higher burn rate.
  9. Regarding the plastic bag method, it won't work, because the CO2 level will quick rise (remember Apollo 13), and your body reacts to it long before your O2 % drops.
  10. I'm curious, have you tried this?? I would get a O2 meter, that way you can correspond with the readings, and can set a personal limit. Why do you need the wife, forget the rubber band, and just hold the bag to your mouth
  11. The difficult part for a Mooney as compare to a Cessna for example, is the flaps don't have a preset, so you have to spend a few seconds waiting...I usually count to 3 instead of staring at the flap indicator. Add to wishlist for new Mooney's, a heads up display with flap setting, airspeed, turn coordinator and AOA indicator
  12. Did you ask what should you do if you bounce a landing or get out of control during the flare? I was taught if you bounce twice to do a go around, because the 3rd bounce will usually result in a prop strike.
  13. That's the one I have, it registers as little as 11ppm, with digital readout you can monitor in real time, I never hear of the 30ppm limit....the device limits come from standards set by UL. 500ppm is considered lethal over many hours. Probably could mount it down by the flaps switch. I know when I had a hole in the muffler, the second I open cabin heat I knew something was wrong, so I don't think I'm in danger from that perspective, probably more of a concern of small leak that the nose can not detect.
  14. You have to answer why are you practicing these maneuvers T&Gs in case you bounced a landing, or run out of runway, or an animal runs out... No flap landings in case you have a flap failure or have strong crosswinds I see no reason for no flap takeoffs... Full stalls while perfectly coordinated? Chances are if you made the mistake of stalling an airplane, it won't be wings perfectly level and coordinated. Accelerated stalls probably more realistic. I would only practice at 6000' like the POH recommends, and with an qualified instructor.
  15. I went the home depot route as well, I keep it one of the pouches...it has a digital readout with peek/current values...it's highest value I think was 11.
  16. How does lack of O2 relate to too much CO?
  17. Getting in is easy, getting out after a 4+ hour trip is a little less easy.
  18. For me its power, trim, flaps, trim, gear, flaps, trim
  19. Thats right, I forgot about that.
  20. Yes with v5.0 of GTN software and v3.7 of KT74 software...according to the AML
  21. You need the light level inside and out to be the same, try shooting early or late in the day, with interior light on, or mount a couple of lights on the headrests (need 2 to cut down on the shadows). If someone knows of a way to get the video to work for both the inside and outside view, please let me know. Phil
  22. I notice that too, the Aspen was displaying 90 and his ASI was indicating 107...
  23. Cruiser makes a good point, I will add that you are trying to trim and control the wheel with one hand, setting the flaps with the other, for someone who lacks some upper body strength I can easily see how things could quickly go wrong even if they do everything correctly. This is on a J, I assume the more powerful models are worst?!
  24. awesome, now I assume there will be a firmware upgrade to enable it
  25. Can you elaborate about configuring your account?
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