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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Actually, aviation maintenance is tax free in Florida: Current exemptions for qualified and fixed-wing aircraft are unchanged. Replacement engines, parts, equipment, and labor used in or for the maintenance or repair of fixed wing aircraft with a maximum certified takeoff weight of more than 2,000 pounds remain exempt.
  2. I got it, thx, hope you have good wx.
  3. Unless you had a bigger engine installed, I can't imagine that's correct. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. My experience with my first power off stall during my transition training was the same, I did the forward elevator, but the CFI took the airplane controls and actually did the recovery. Is that full right rudder?
  5. You mean this: http://mooneyspace.com/topic/12203-mooney-busts-tfr/ That was a TFR, DC restriction has been there since 9/11
  6. Which engine does it have in it, GB or LB? Wastegate? Intercooler?
  7. From the news, they don't mention tail # anywhere, you vintage mooney owners are going to have to buy a GPS :
  8. You can't change a zebra's stripes...which explains why a few here have gone to Bonanzas. For 1-2 people, x-country, in this age of $6 gas, mooney's can't be beat. The only way I can think of to save a little weight is a lighter battery (Lithium), new lighter avionics, replace fiberglass cowl with carbon fiber one. Might be able to save 200Lbs, you probably wishing for more
  9. Why not just put the box on the copilot seat, with it all the way back, if it will fit thru the door, it will sit on the seat, you may have to worm your way around it to get in to the left seat Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Don't forget you would be dropping your Vfe, Vle speeds with manual extension.
  11. Manual gear and flaps, in 2014??? They weren't popular in 1974 let alone today. Anyone interested in a manual gear/flaps is not going to pay good money for a refurbished J, IMOHO.
  12. I'm curious, what do y'all do when you travel?? Assuming you'll be somewhere for several days...do you arrange a hanger for it? What does that normally cost, it seems leaving tie-down is usually free if you get fuel.
  13. Am I the only one who doesn't get enthralled with glass displays?
  14. I would watch it like a hawk, oil analysis every change, pull plugs, scope it every 100 hrs, change the oil often, every 25 hrs or so, and then decide if based on what you see.
  15. I would extra fuel tankage, standard range is too short for this airplane. If you are going to fly high, you want to be able to reach your destination without stopping
  16. That J has been on the market forever, I think the bravo as well. As I mention before, I think you need to keep your costs to $150K, sell them for $199K, you could do this if you didn't totally redo everything, only what was required. Of course I'm not a huge fan of the glass cockpits, so I'm not your target consumer. I wish you luck.
  17. Thats why J & K are good candidates, they don't compare with the new planes. The K 231s have exceptionally low prices. And the finish product would have to be in the 150K or less, so don't compete with planes on price either.
  18. Can't you test this theory by simply goosing the throttle and see if the vibration gets worst? If the vibration goes away then it could be negative torque you discussed above?
  19. Seems to me the 231 is the sweet spot from a business perspective: You have a little more upside, the 231 carries around some bad press, so upgrading it to the 252 engine would be first step. I think the margins are too low for the pre-J models.
  20. I'm no expert, but have been told the GAMIs are almost a requirement for the 6-cyl engines, otherwise there is too much spread to run LOP effectively.
  21. Do you have GAMI injectors? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. You may not be flying at FL180, but will you be flying to Canada, Mexico, or Caribbean ? UAT is for US only. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. just to be clear, the 74 also requires a new tray if you want the ADS-B capability
  24. It was hard to tell from the video, but did the CHTs drop too...I guess downloading would allow a better look at the data.
  25. Have you tried moving you digital CO detector around: At your side pedals, copilot side pedals, in front of each air vent, etc I would think if it's accurate enough you should see a spike wherever the CO is coming in.
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