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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Ok, then the obvious ? is what does all this mean? Approvals: FAA TSO-C96a, TSO-C30c Types I & III, E-TSO
  2. If you download the Whelen 2014 catalog, pg 8; FAA/TSO-C96a & TSO-C30c — approved FAR SPEC Exceeds FAA minimum intensity requirements for maximum visibility and increased safety of flight Environmentally tested and certified to RTCA/DO-160G
  3. They already approved, I just installed them, Whoever told you that is a bit out the loop.
  4. I've never heard of LEDs causing electrical interference, it's the power supply or switching circuitry that is the problem. What kind of problems have you seen?
  5. I think this is one of the myths that get passed down pilot to pilot, my slicks had about 1200 Hrs on them since last 500Hr. Jim: let us know which way you went and if you go with 500Hr, how much.
  6. I'm glad it worked out for you, but jeez, I think I would have gone to ABQ. Do you carry a handheld radio now?
  7. What!?! I just had both my slick mags inspected....$458....parts & labor.
  8. I would inspect the left and be done with it, first annual since you bought it? I would save $ for other squawks that they find.
  9. My Nav2 is VOR only, iPad is my GPS backup, but I don't do heavy IFR, YMMV
  10. ARX 100 is a receiver only, but GDL88 is a transceiver, if you don't need ES, you can just go with a GTX 327, save yourself ~ $2500 in the Garmin solution
  11. Regarding the cost of repair, see other thread "Here is to mother...", $23K for what was a perfectly good airplane until FAA inspector got a hold of it...I agree it's worth looking at but any damage will likely be expensive, not to mention the prop and engine repairs required. Once they deduct salvage value....doesn't leave much room for any kind of damage.
  12. The cost difference now between 650 and 770 is closer to 2 AMUs, Garmin has a rebate going on. Also the screen size is not that much different: 5.7" diagonal vs 4.9", the 770 sucks up a lot of panel space in process.
  13. I'm curious, what made you do the overhaul in the first place? Was it results of oil analysis, bore-scope inspection, TBO?
  14. I just had both of mine repair, someone had grounded them by putting staples through the rubber gaskets
  15. That poor guy with the Prius, if that's his plane sitting on his car, that;s when you know you are having a bad day. I can imagine his phone call to the insurance companies ...
  16. I assume #4, you mean bypass the alt-field relay, if not, try that, or at least clean it with electronic cleaner. .
  17. there is a AD 85-24-03 about the fuel caps that addresses water getting into the tanks, it should be done with every annual.
  18. I'm partial to the Ovation 2 DX style. For practical reasons as well, I like the white on top, dark color on bottom.
  19. Great job!! Not the longest of runways either.
  20. There should be a K-factor on the fuel transducer, just enter that into system configuration
  21. I check 2 different year M20J POHs and found no mention of that were they define the tank capacity FWIW
  22. Oil temp and CHTs, no...EGT 5-15 degrees, maybe caused by voltage change or maybe by a little more drag from the alternator. We're talking just 0.2V change...1.5% change causing a 1% change in EGTs. Easy way to figure it out would be to find out if EGT, CHT, OT sensors have different part numbers for 14v/28v planes, if not....then they don't depend on the voltage.
  23. The Clanton Fire Department has confirmed a small plane crashed at the Clanton airport on Tuesday evening. Chief David Driver said they received report of a plane with engine trouble around 5:20 p.m. He said it landed at the Clanton airport and sustained major damage after coming off the runway. The only person on board was the pilot and he was not injured. "It definitely could have been a lot worse. In his flight path it passed over a city park where there were little league football team practicing, there were some little league baseball practicing down. He came right over them with no engine power so it definitely could have been a lot worse," Driver said. The Federal Aviation Administration confirms they are investigating. They said a Mooney M20K aircraft originated from Austin, Texas and was headed to Fulton County Airport in Atlanta. Was lead story on http://wsfa.com
  24. I have a JPI that logs the voltage, I check a couple of flights, I know it spikes just after charging, but by the time I take off, it's very stable. But it is something to keep in mind, especially after a long hot start procedure.
  25. I was told the fuel tanks MUST hold their spec amount, but could be more, so you may be carrying a few extra gallons. Has anyone drain their tanks, then filled them up to check their capacity?
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