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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. check that your exterior lighting works
  2. An insurance quote might put your Mooney trainer is perspective....
  3. Alan,

    Still selling a KX155?  Mine is out for repair and it may not be repairable


    1. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      Yes , I currently have 2 14 volt with G/S , 856 419 5209 ..

    2. neilpilot


      No longer looking to replace KX155....Just heard back from Avionics tech, and he can repair mine for $175.  

  4. Matt,

    If you decide to drive up to Monette this weekend and are passing thru or near W Memphis let me know.  I'm not busy this weekend, and weather looks good.  I also know a bit about M20Cs.


    1. cowboy85


      Thanks Neil,

        Depending on the weather I'm looking at flying into Jonesboro. Talked with Bill Starnes some last night, he may be able to visit the plane Friday, we'll see.

      I'll let you know, appreciate all the help!



  5. Another data point, for a non-MSC. http://www.jewellaviation.com/maintenance.htm
  6. I've had Jewell at KTKX do 19 of my last 20 Mooney annuals (M20E & M20C). Obviously I'm happy with their work, since I keep coming back.
  7. My daughter just moved from NYC to Scottsdale to take a position with the Phoenix Suns. I can see a Mooney trip out there sometime in 2016. My wife flew out commercial (Allegiant to Mesa) last week, and I stayed home to install a hardwood floor. I'll be interested in what you report back.
  8. During my last annual, we asked my non-MSC shop to touch up the paint. Our primary problem was erosion on both wing leading edges. They ended up painting the entire wings, and if I recall correctly it cost less less than $1k. The majority of that was the cost of paint.. Very good paint match, and they did a fantastic job. My shop isn't near CT, but my point is that you may be able to get a decent touchup from a regular shop, and not need to go to a paint shop. Just don't go back to your shop! On the other hand, my typical annuals (not including repairs, mag overhauls, etc) run under $1k. Have used them for 20 years. After 6 years, I took it to a MSC for an annual because I also had Mooney-specific mods installed, and the MSC didn't find any real deficiencies that the non-MSC shop had missed or induced over those years. Maybe a trip to KTKX for your last annual would be cost-effective?
  9. Have you asked Top Gun?
  10. Agree that you should decide on C/E/F based on overall factors (price, maintenance history, mods). I owned an E for 23 years, have had my C for 3. I really can't say that I miss those few extra horses. Even though I had a good starting technique down pat, I don't miss starting the IO360. A fuel injection issue in my E eventually resulted in an off-field landing (that's why I have the C now). Unless something has recently changed, you should note that the cylinder & overhaul cost for the IO360 will be significantly more since Lycoming is the only game in town for new cylinders.
  11. 2 failures each, vacuum and electrical. Both vacuum failures were in VFR, and never used Precise backup vacuum since sTec made them a non-event. One of the electrical failures was on STAR into Dallas Love in actual. I carry a handheld radio with external antennae connection and PTT accessory, and that saved the day getting into KDAL.
  12. Seattle Avionics is offering 2 years of data for the price of one Monday. Maybe a good deal if you use FlyQ, as I do.
  13. I reviewed this product's SDS, and it would appear it's safe for use on aluminum. I can't vouch for the paint, though. I would recommend using eye protection, and keep it away from acrylic (i.e. your windows).
  14. In industry, a close call that does not result in an injury or loss is called a "near miss". Since it actually "missed" being an accident, should it be called a "near hit"?
  15. Hi Bob, we will sleep in and leave Memphis around 9am. Don't get to KEPC too early, or you may get there before the fog lifts
  16. Of course! Since I last tried to connect, I downloaded FlyQ 2.1 and IOS 9.0.1
  17. Went flying today as safety pilot while my partner did 3 approaches in mostly actual IFR. To my surprise the Stratux was working in FlyQ with the stratux SSID and no program change. In the 1 hour flight, at 500'-3000' AGL, I was receiving 3-4 ADS-B ground stations. Here's some initial observations: [1] radar depiction is nice on the iPad's big screen, but different from the GNS430's XM. I plan to fly behind the Stratux for many months before I even consider dropping XM service, if I ever do. [2] I really like the METAR depiction, and I think it will be much easier getting this info off the iPad than from the GNS-430/XM interface [3] I have no traffic info on my panel. Even though the ADS-B in traffic isn't perfect, I welcome this additional info. [4] This was a short flight, but it seems my iPad was putting out more heat than normal. I already use a bluetooth BadElf, and suspect that the additional power to maintain WiFi will be a significant drawn on my iPad's battery (but probably no more than if I was using a Stratus at 10x or more the price). [5] The BadElf connection, which has always been rock-solid, seemed not as reliable. FlyQ lost GPS from BadElf a few times, which I presume is related to the Stratux connection. If I later modify the Stratux for GPS this should become a non-issue. I'll have much more time behind the Stratux when I fly down to Panama City this Thursday.
  18. Actual, that's not true. I've attached info I was able to find on how to make the change. Just that I'm not sure I can actually do this correctly..... stratux.doc
  19. I have a challenge with our Stratux. While Foreflight connects with no issue, my FlyQ (which connects to many more commercial ADS-B in units than Foreflight) does not connect. I'm told that I need to change the SSID to "Stratus12345" (or something like that), but not sure how this is done. Is this done in the Stratux code?
  20. By this time, you must realize that comparing absolute EGT readings between aircraft is virtually meaningless. One of many variables that will greatly effect readings is the placement of the probe; a short difference in distance from the flame front can result in major difference in indicated EGT for a cylinder operating under exactly the same conditions. This difference can even effect comparison of indicated EGT (not actual EGT) between cylinders on the same aircraft, if the probe placements are not selected with care.
  21. The above solutions are more elegant, but this just happened in our C and I simply visited the Loews PMN section, cut a 3" piece of clear tubing that was the appropriate length and added a longitudinal cut. Think it came to $0.23 plus tax.
  22. My Mooney partner just reported excellent reception using the "stock" Stratus with the latest download on a flight from KAWM to KHOT. Don't think we will give up XM on our GNS430, but after we get some time behind ADS-B weather on the iPad we may reconsider. Any idea if there will eventually be a way to add GPS to the Stratux package, or does that already exist?
  23. Depends....My first Mooney was an E model, SN 198. It was also a 64E. But it came off the line in 1963 and the FAA registry describes it as "1963 MOONEY M20E".
  24. Washington Center ZDC 133.125
  25. I'm sure your realize that the screen will catch those big pieces, and it's entirely possible to load the screen with internal part fragments and see little or no metal in the filter. In other words, checking the filter is not a substitute for checking the screen. Having said that, I'm also guilty of checking the screen only once every 75-100 hours.
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