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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Thought I did but could not find it. I’ll be at the airport tomorrow and will take a picture. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. I put some under the middle piece too. Like Raptor said, don’t tape over the rain channel/groove. The tape easily splits down the middle (it is build so you can do that easily). In some area you will only need to use half the tape width in others the full tape width works better. I apply it over the screw holes then come back and use an owl to poke a hole on the tape over the screw holes. The tape is very flexible so you’ll never actually leave a hole in it unless you use a hole punch, but you don’t need to. The screw will find the hole and it will keep from tearing the tape as it goes in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. In my old Garmin radio the side tone drifted over the years getting louder until it got uncomfortably loud (either that or my hearing has been improving as I get older but I seriously doubt that because my wife says I can’t hear sht$&). Anyway, I finally went into the settings and adjusted the side tone back to a very comfortable level). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. My plane has a similar switch. It does take a little bit of getting used to press the button to switch NAV sources but it becomes second nature after a while. That being said in a stressful situation I can easily see this being forgotten introducing some confusion. Been there, but quickly realized the problem. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  5. That does not look like a crack. Scratch most likely. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Wow, thank you. That could work I hope. I’ll talk to the tech (hangar fairy has been fired) and see if a parts transplant is possible. If the wafer transplant is not possible maybe the gear is. I’ll pm you for details Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Already sent him a note. Has one but needs to be sent out for repair. Still an option if he gets it back before I find another. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. All: It appears my old but reliable COM2 radio (KX-170b) finally met its maker at the hands of an inept hangar fairy (me). It did not die a natural death; I killed it, although unintentionally. I had to remove it for access (new transponder for ADS-b upgrade) and I turned the allen wrench more than 360 degrees to unlock the radio destroying the wafer switch. Looking online, it appears this failure mode is beyond economical repair. When I purchased this airplane 7 years ago I had planned to replace this radio at the first sign of trouble, but it was so reliable and crystal clear I never had a reason to do so. I have an avionics upgrade planned for next year so I'm looking for an interim solution that does not involve rewiring. If anyone has a TKM MX-170 they want to sell let me know. Likewise, if you have an old KX-170b that still works I may be interested in that as well. By the way the picture below shows the wafer switch cracked in half. It is what happens when you are careless.
  9. Just got my rebate. Less than 10 days after I claimed it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Have you opened the under wing access panel front spar leading edge, forward of the fuel tank. You can be leaking fuel inside the wing and if slow enough will not see a stain outside. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Spoke with the Garmin rep for over an hour during SnF about the 175 and 375. He said something big would be announced by OSH and I would remember he said so. Could not get him to spill the beans but a 175 or 375 with built in COM would be really nice. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. I read somewhere that in our planes the tach time is roughly equivalent to run time at 2500 rpm or so. If you are spending a portion of the flight at 2700 and the rest mostly at 2500 then total tach time may be a little over Run time Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Was doing just that this weekend as well. Took my son to Miami of Ohio where he will start grad school in August. Beautiful campus. Miami University airport KOXD, just 1.5 miles from his new apartment. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Flew in a Cessna the other day with a TT autopilot. Coupled RNAV approach down to the numbers (I know...legal to 700 I think), but had a stiff crosswind and the TT was flawless. Took over just to flare and touch down. Very impressed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Maybe, but I will say that I have been on the approach on short final in driving rain and was able to see fairly well due to the airstream removing the rain from the windscreen. Once on the ground, however, I could not see squat due to the heavy rain. The taxing was way more challenging than he approach. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Drew, the JPI installation in your panel caught my attention. My JPI is similarly installed far to the right except without the angled bracket or adapter you appear to have. Did you buy that somewhere or was it custom made for you. I have asked JPI repeatedly if they make an angled bracket but no luck. I simply do not have room in the panelto move it closer to me unless I move up to a JPI900 and get rid of other gages. Beautiful plane by he way!!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. GPS only. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Looked at the G3x today at SnF. My brother in law was getting ready to buy a GTN750 but now is debating whether the G3x with a Garmin 175 is a better option. The G3x would provide even larger screen than the 750 and the Garmin 175 would feed the GPS navigation to the G3x Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Seth, Glad to help with whatever you need. I can get there early and help. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I have a hangar at Herlong. Been there a few years. Before that I had a hangar at Craig but it took some damage from the hurricane and KHEG is closer to home. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  21. I have a backup electric AI in my C and at times have briefly debated removing it to make room for another toy. Then I had a vacuum pump failure once and was soooo glad for that electric AI. With the vacuum failure the wing leveler stopped functioning and slowly drifted into a left bank around 10 degrees. Took me a few seconds to figure out what was going on. The two AIs showing something different then I looked at the vacuum pressure and it was zero. Quickly turned to the electric AI to get things back on track. Non-event after that but not sure how badly it would have gotten without a backup AI. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  22. Listening to the news on the radio this afternoon as I was driving home and there was a long discussion on BREXIT. Eventually got tired of it and switched stations only to catch the last verse of the Eagles’ Hotel California “You can check out any time you like but you can never leave” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I have a switch in the panel that turns the wing leveler on and off. I still have the button on the yoke to momentarily turn it off if I want to use that but when maneuvering near the airport on takeoff and landing I just throw the switch in the panel off so I don’t have to press the button. Works great. Installed by previous owner. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. There does appear to be quite a bit of variability between C’s. I have the Lasar cowl enclosure and adjustable cowl flaps. Cowl flaps remain wide open until I reach cruise altitude and cowl flaps closed is in reality about 1.5-2 inch open. Don’t know exactly the measurement now but they never complete close. Took of from KSSI just about one hour ago and it had to be close to 80. Temps all stayed below 400 but made sure I transitioned to 120 ASAP. Guppy mouth C’s May have more trouble keeping temps in check. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  25. I get over 18 on takeoff at sea level (67C). During the worst of the summer here in Florida I have to watch it because it will climb to 420-430 if I climb at Vy for too long. Typically, I climb at Vy to 1000 AGL then quickly transition to 120 mph. With this method everything stays below 400 and below 380 if the temps are 65 or less at sea level. My typical cruise power setting is 22/2400 above 5000 and temps will stay 340-360 in all cylinders running 80 ROP. CHECK THE FUEL FLOW AT FULL POWER. CLIMB AT 120 MPH. PLUG ANY HOLES IN THE DOGHOUSE. COWL FLAPS OPEN. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
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