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If it is a bad spark plug lead, just do a mag check while flying and see if the ticking goes away when one of the mags is turned off.3 points
In 20 years of Mooney ownership, I found that the connection at the alternator is weak. The constant vibration of the wiring harness causes the wire to break at the terminal where it connects to the alternator and mine broke a couple of times. I think it’s the field wire. A while back we replaced the wire because it was just a bit short and left a couple of inches of extra wire looped and tied so that I would have fresh wire when the time comes. I’m down for annual right now and will use this thread as the reminder to install a new terminal.3 points
if you’re tired of your Mooney tanks, weeping and you don’t think it’s worthwhile to completely strip or put bladders in 16k ,Toms Aircraft at Lampson 1 oscar 2 in Northern California can patch and repair. Both top inspection lids removed, and leaks detected Below. One tank usually 1400. Add in the second tank for 1000.2 points
2 points
@takair That is correct. It will follow LPV GPSS maneuvering but it has an altitude restriction of 700 AGL so no "coupled" LPVs down to minimums. Disconnect and hand fly from 700 AGL Its feed is strictly GPS so no VOR or ILS approaches are possible except one can us the "track" heading to fly a VOR/ILS down to 700 AGL. One could also us the altitude mode and manual descent control and capture down to 700 AGL- Might be easier just to hand fly those AND I will say (again)- If you can't fly an ILS you shouldn't be flying IFR. IF your flying entails LOTS of IMC down to mins or near mins spend the money and go Garmin If you are a VFR mostly pilot and your IMC is an occasional climb out or let down to 500 or more ceilings then the AeroCruze 100 will do just fine for you. If you are strictly a VFR pilot then the AeroCruze 100 is the PERFECT answer for a "cheap" autopilot for VFR flying. Its biggest feature for the VFR only pilot is the "One button push" to straight and level flight. As long as the A/P has power (whether or not it is in use) it will connect up and go straight and level with a one button push on the BLUE button panel mounted. This is the best safety feature that any VFR pilot can have and the FAA drags their feet in bureaucratic red tape and CYA in the approval of this safety device. They've been doing it for years and people die because of it.2 points
Ditto for checking connections. I had the same issue. Would get low volt alert on JPI and then back up to 14 in a few mins or so. Sometimes longer. Replaced the voltage regulator and that did nothing. Wish we had tested output from the VR before we replaced it. Pretty easy to do. But the mechanic was convinced it was the VR. Anyway, it wasn't until I was hearing occasional popping in the headset that we determined a loose connection somewhere. Turned out to be a loose connection between the main buss and the avionics buss. After a few turns of the screw driver, the problem was solved.2 points
I agree. After Mooney gets it's licensing fee and LASAR gets it's markup, the prices will be high (and CBs will complain) but at least we should be able to get some parts and Mooney can focus its limited resources on manufacturing the parts that it makes.2 points
Two fuel cap adapter plates are on the way priority mail. Sorry for the delay. I had to check one more time to make absolutely sure we didn't need any of the parts for my bladder installation. If you don't need them or can't use them, please pass them along to someone who can. Good luck.1 point
Thanks, but unfortunately, metal contamination damaged the bottom end and there is also a crack which would need to be welded...thats why my maintenance shop recommended to go for a new engine...1 point
That is the user manual... has nothing to say about maintenance/hardware diagnostics. 190-00303-04 is the G1000 master line maintenance manual (2008) If a garmin tech couldn't find anything easy, then it is intermittent, and will be a problem to debug. Usually the next step is to put the plane on GPU and start to push on the wire bundles and see if anything drops off line. If this happens in flight at least take a picture of the LRU status on the 4th main menu. (you said no LRU problems)..1 point
I get a faint tick from my beacon. Since I converted from high voltage to LED, it's quieter, but still there. So next time you hear it, vary.the RPM and see if it also changes; if not, briefly turn off your strobe and see if it stops. Then turn the strobe back on. Quick, easy and zero cost.1 point
Yes you can change the mains by jacking the airplane and lowering it on to the new pucks You may need someone to lay on the wing tip (with the wheel on the ground) to help get just that last bit of squish to get the cross bolt in. Just be sure you assemble it correctly1 point
Don't forget the connections on the circuit breakers also can be loose. Someone a while back was chasing an alternator problem and showed how they checked voltage drop at every connection and just how much was lost due to high resistance/age in all the electrical connections Most of the Mooney fleet has circuit breakers and connections that have 50 years of age on them without ever being taken apart and cleaned. On another note- circuit breaker manufactures recommend cycling C/Bs occasionally. How many are out there that haven't been cycled in 50 years?1 point
If you are seeing the red X where the horizon is, then it isn't your autopilot. you should be able to go to the aux page and see which component is malfunctioning.1 point
https://static.garmin.com/pumac/G1000:Mooney_G1000_GFC700SystemMaintenanceManual.pdf There is also Garmin Doc 190-00303-04 for generic G1000 information, I can't find a current copy online.1 point
Hey @bradp, yes that is my plan. Over the next year I will expand in breadth and depth and that is next on my list.1 point
1 point
Do you have a plot of MP and oil pressure? May or may not present some hints.1 point
Ohh I should clarify on MY mini 6 Wi-Fi ha. There are benefits of being an electronics and software engineer1 point
1 point
Thought I'd share an update here after the holidays with some pictures of a recent flight I did to Guatemala City and back from my current base of Atizapan, just north of Mexico City. On the 20th of December, I realized that I would have to leave Mexico before the end of the year in order to keep my plane legal. With some help from Jack at Baja Bush Pilots, I planned a trip to Guatemala (don't go to Belize, he said). We departed MMJC (Atizapan de Zaragoza, about 40 minutes north of Mexico City) at 7:15am with clear skies and flew more or less direct to Tapachula, Chiapas (MMTP), including amazing views of five volcanoes (Popocatepetl, Iztaccihuatl, Nevado de Toluca, Malinche, and Pico de Orizaba) and a 30 some odd mile overwater flight (within gliding distance above 8500ft). Landing at Tapachula, we left the country without incident and picked up some fuel. The night before, I had coordinated with the Aeroclub Guatemala which helped me pre-register the aircraft with the Guatemalan FAA and be prepared for arrival. After having flown most of the past year in Mexico it was a pleasant surprise to speak with Guatemalan ATC. Friendly, courteous, clear, and with excellent English. Dodging clouds into Aurora airport (Guatemala City), the airport came into view and we descended through a 3 mile wide hole in the clouds to make an uneventful landing at the 9800 ft runway (at almost 5000 ft elevation). We taxied to customs where the military checked my pilots license however didn't ask for my passport, and my mother was then escorted inside the terminal building by a representative from the Aeroclub Guatemala. Twenty minutes later we had all of our permissions and were taxiing to the ramp at the Aeroclub. The Aeroclub is unlike anything I've ever encountered in my few years of flying. It's more like a yacht club than what we might know as a flying club. They have a massive amount of real estate at the airport, along with three private airports dotted around the country, complete with lodging facilities for their members. Guatemala has over 100 airstrips to fly to, many of which are accessible to our Mooneys. While we had initially planned to fly to the private strip at Rio Dulce, we ended up leaving the plane in Guatemala City while we spent a few days in Antigua, relaxing and enjoying the UNESCO World Heritage protected architecture. We bought textiles, visited the ruins of the some-odd 30 churches, visited a coffee plantation, and marveled at the Christmas-eve midnight fireworks. On the 26th, we departed Guatemala City after paying about $100 USD in landing, parking and FBO fees to re-enter Mexico at MMTP. There was some confusion with the immigration officer but eventually we were on our way back to Mexico City via the same inbound route, landing at 45 minutes before sunset. I highly, highly recommend flying in Guatemala, as well as the services of the Aeroclub. I will be returning in March to explore the country more.1 point
OK: 100 x 5 x $35 = $17,500. Still not pocket change. Assuming Mooney sells 10 of each part number per year, that's a ten year supply. Do the ROI math on that at whatever interest rate you assume and make it pencil out. Personally, I'd rather Mooney spend the money on parts that keep the airplane airworthy. Sure, I'd miss one of my wing gauges if it disappeared and I couldn't replace it. But, I could still fly the airplane. I can think of lots of parts that could ground the airplane if I couldn't get one from Mooney. I was happy that Mooney had just made a batch of nose gear legs when an FBO damaged mine. @LANCECASPER described how to get Mooney to make parts. So, if all of us that had wing gauges ordered two, it would only take 50 orders of each part number (assuming that the min order is 100) to get them made. Who knows what the price will be, but it will certainly be only a few hundred bucks which is a round off error in aviation costs. I'm going to order two on Monday. Anyone else with me? Or is everyone just going to complain?1 point
I just went through something similar this past summer prior to annual. I had two oil analyses come back with elevated iron and aluminum, with some flecks of metal picked up in the screen (I had the original screen at the time not a filter). With aluminum in the mix, I was pretty sure it was a piston pin plug which is apparently a fairly common issue. I got great advice from the very helpful Lycoming tech support line, and as others have said they did not recommend jumping to replacing parts or pulling a cylinder. I did send the metal for analysis and then discussed the results with Lycoming again, confirming my hypothesis that the aluminum could have come from the piston pin plug. Once in the ship, my mechanic scoped all the cylinders and we found the telltale "skid mark" pattern from a bad He was 50/50 on whether or not we needed to pull the cylinder right away, we agreed in the end to pull it while in annual and send for repair. The pin was visibly worn and the hole was slightly wallowed. The cylinder shop was fortunately able to repair the cylinder and piston for a very reasonable price, which made me happy we did the work now before it got worse. My next oil analysis was much better, with out the dreaded phone call from Blackstone that they do when your results spike. With 2.5 years of Mooney ownership under my belt I'm finally getting into the groove of being a maintenance manager. We also put in a proper oil filter while the plane was down.1 point
New GI275's come with a 10 hour trial of SVT. If you like it and want to add it there is a unlock that is needed. GI275's do a lot more vs G5 and interface with more equipment vs G5. Depending on the equipment in the aircraft the GI275 could have a advantage over the G5.1 point
Realistic Price: 119,500 (Asking)+110,000(Engine+Installation (2 Year Wait))+3,000 (New O2 Tank)+12,000(New 4 Puck Brakes)+125,000 (New Avionics)=369,500 = Find a different Airplane1 point
1 point