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About This Club

A place for Mooney flyers to collab on fly-ins, shops, and anything in the Midwest states. Click "Join Club" to participate and "Follow" to get notified of posts.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Have had some work done at a new facility with Mooney experience. Bohm Aviation in Pekin, IL (C15). Good work and nice folks. Just FYI if you’re looking for someone in the area.
  3. The weather was below minimums and we had to go missed on our last attempt to get together for our first group lunch. We've been in the hold waiting for another attempt. Let's try again. The location, day and time are the same as that fits the preference of most of the respondents to the survey. So, mark your calendars now! Sunday, March 13, at 11:00 EDT. The Corsair Café is a relatively new restaurant that opened (of all times) during the pandemic at Terre Haute Regional Airport (KHUF) in Central Indiana. They have gotten excellent reviews and I look forward to trying this place. We've got a private room reserved. We had several people say they liked some of the other choices, maintenance tips, safety seminar, and/or tour, and we'll plan on doing something along with lunch for the next get together when we have more time to plan we'll see what else to do. This one we'll make it simple, just a social gathering. Please pass the word to others who may not be visiting this website regularly. See you soon! Michael
  4. Very disappointing, today's weather isn't working out. We're not going to be able to fly there today. I am guessing that next weekends, before/after Thanksgiving, is probably not going to work for a lot of people. December 5th looks like the next possible date. But we're now planning into December in the Midwest, very hard to guess what the weather will bring... like today. I'll set up another event and another poll.
  5. Tomorrow's weather forecast does not look promising. There is currently icing potential. We're going to reassess in the morning.
  6. Would love to join you but I'll be in route to London that day. See you next time! ... Oh and the planes down again for maintenance.
  7. I hate to miss this, but I’ve got a Cub Scout hike that day that takes priority. Thanks for putting this together…I’ll be watching for more opportunities to get together in the future.
  8. I am pleased to announce that we have arranged a location and date/time for the Midwest Mooney Flyers. This location, day and time fits the distance preference of most of the respondents to the survey. So, mark your calendars now! Sunday, November 14, at 11:00 EST. The Corsair Café is a relatively new restaurant that opened (of all times) during the pandemic at Terre Haute Regional Airport (KHUF) in Central Indiana. They have gotten excellent reviews and I look forward to trying this place. We had several people say they liked some of the other choices, maintenance tips, safety seminar, and/or tour, and we'll plan on doing something along with lunch for the next get together when we have more time to plan we'll see what else to do. This one we'll make it simple, just a social gathering. Please pass the word to others who may not be visiting this website regularly. See you soon! Michael
  9. There may be a challenge of getting things started this way… I had to join the club to respond…. There is a polling device as part of MS…. Where everyone can see each other’s input… Just a heads up if things don’t work as planned… Great idea to get the fly-in season started before the snow shows! Best regards, -a-
  10. Hey Mooney flyers. It's been ages since we've had a fly-in in the Midwest. I figured it's time to fix that. So, weigh in with your preferences. Poll on getting our first fly-in started. I am thinking we could get this going for a fly-in on Saturday, November 13, or Sunday, November 14, 2021.

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