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Decided to go out yesterday and practice some wind technique, pick up a friend and shoot some approaches. As typical with a high pressure coming down in the spring, winds were quite sporting out of the northwest. Lots of nice runways pointing just that direction for this very reason.


On initial takeoff with just me on board, on RWY 34 out of PDK and winds 310 15G25, I commenced ground roll. Those of you familiar with the runway know there's a bump a few hundred feet past the threshold. I hit that bump at about 50 KIAS and the plane just leaped into the sky and immediately started climbing like a homesick angel. Cold temps helped too I suppose. But I thought that was as close as I'll get to feeling what it's like to take off in a VSTOL machine.


Pretty fun!


I had fun today, also 60 degree temps and a high altimeter setting, by myself, and 25 gallons onboard. I leveled off after takeoff and was at 160 KIAS by the end of the 7000' runway. Then I zoomed up to 1500 AGL or so, stuck it at Vy and was at 7,500' in 8 minutes or so. Then I enjoyed a nice tailwind with 175 KT groundspeeds burning 8 GPH. 

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