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Only one transponder that I know of which is the 345r. 
gia63w is the only path to waas. You will have to find salvage ones. 
they are out there regularly, you just have to be vigilant and willing to pay. 
they will be 10-12k each. Plus install and the new garmin software. 

Only one transponder that I know of which is the 345r. 
gia63w is the only path to waas. You will have to find salvage ones. 
they are out there regularly, you just have to be vigilant and willing to pay. 
they will be 10-12k each. Plus install and the new garmin software. 

So would the G1000NXi be a better route?

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Obtaining the boxes is challenging. It possible.  I have done it three times.

there are only two versions of the boxes that work with the Mooney, so make sure you get the right ones. Brian Kendrick, or Paul Maxwell are the in,y two I would go to for this mod. In fact, Paul may have some waas boxes. There are several specific things, procedurally that have to be done correctly for it to go smooth. I’m sure most avionic shops can do it, but they will fumble around with trial and error before accomplishing so it could fake a while and likely cost more than the two I mentioned. 

Obtaining the boxes is challenging. It possible.  I have done it three times.
there are only two versions of the boxes that work with the Mooney, so make sure you get the right ones. Brian Kendrick, or Paul Maxwell are the in,y two I would go to for this mod. In fact, Paul may have some waas boxes. There are several specific things, procedurally that have to be done correctly for it to go smooth. I’m sure most avionic shops can do it, but they will fumble around with trial and error before accomplishing so it could fake a while and likely cost more than the two I mentioned. 

Oh boy! Plane is out of the country

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58 minutes ago, drstephensugiono said:

So would the G1000NXi be a better route?


As mentioned, not available.  If you are not experienced with them, something to know about the G1000 generally. These are not add-on units in the sense of G5, GI275, G500 G3X, Aspen, Dynon, or other glass. Garmin issues a firmware or software or hardware upgrade and, if you got the dough you’re good to go. 

The G1000 OTOH is a system which is OEM and in which the airframe manufacturer has a huge say about content and updates and upgrades. The result is that an old G1000 might have very limited upgrade or update options.  In most any type group, including this one, you can find posts complaining about this. And the excitement when one is overcome. 

Back on topic… like others, the one I see most is the 345R transponder. 

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As mentioned, not available.  If you are not experienced with them, something to know about the G1000 generally. These are not add-on units in the sense of G5, GI275, G500 G3X, Aspen, Dynon, or other glass. Garmin issues a firmware or software or hardware upgrade and, if you got the dough you’re good to go. 
The G1000 OTOH is a system which is OEM and in which the airframe manufacturer has a huge say about content and updates and upgrades. The result is that an old G1000 might have very limited upgrade or update options.  In most any type group, including this one, you can find posts complaining about this. And the excitement when one is overcome. 
Back on topic… like others, the one I see most is the 345R transponder. 

Limitations definitely!

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9 hours ago, drstephensugiono said:

Potentially buying 2007 Acclaim with a legacy G1000 and it has NO ADSB or WAAS.

1. Which quickest remote garmin system would you add to be ADSB compliant ?

2. GIA63W still the only way to WAAS?

If it's out of the country it's priced that way for a reason. By the time you pay a ferry pilot to bring it here, after you go over and inspect it and supervise a pre-buy, plus have the GTX-345R and the WAAS boxes installed, you're better off to buy one here that has those items already. (A WAAS upgrade at Maxwell, assuming they have the boxes, by the time you get it up to the latest software version will cost you roughly $35,000. A GTX-345R installed at the same time will set you back another $9000.)

Although one without these things may appear like a great deal, if they didn't upgrade when WAAS became available and was much more reasonable, what else have they been too cheap to maintain? A "cheap" Acclaim might not feel that way after getting all of the deferred maintenance caught up.

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If it's out of the country it's priced that way for a reason. By the time you pay a ferry pilot to bring it here, after you go over and inspect it and supervise a pre-buy, plus have the GTX-345R and the WAAS boxes installed, you're better off to buy one here that has those items already.
Although one without these things may appear like a great deal, if they didn't upgrade when WAAS became available and was much more reasonable, what else have they been too cheap to maintain? A "cheap" Acclaim might not feel that way after getting all of the deferred maintenance caught up.

Maintenance is superb because they are strict BIT the Avionics part is lacking and only mode C only required

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You can make the system ADSB compliant with a 335R (WAAS)  or 345R (WAAS).   This will need either a GPS duplexer or another GPS antenna added to feed the WAAS GPS in the 3X5R. 

You do not have to upgrade the GIA33 to GIA63W's... that is only required for the latest software versions and LPV approaches. 

Now, I feel that the update to GIA63W is worth the $$ I did that and installed a 345R at the same time for ADSB compliance.    Today, the choice would be for the 3X5RD (duplex) for space based ADSB compliance. 

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Just asking, would a GTX345R with an internal GPS controlled by a GI-275 MFD work?  Complete standalone system?  Replace the comm antenna with a combined GPS com antenna?

Or one of the wingtip / tail mounted ADSB out systems?






You do not need the waas boxes to get Adsb, you can install the 345r with the waas capability. But be aware this only provides waas for the Adsb, it does not provide waas for navigation. And no, the 275 will not provide legal waas to the g1000

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