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I recieved an e-mail from AOPA this morning about downloading the "FLY Q" app that has replaced their free airports app.  I went ahead and downloaded it, as I'm looking for an app to replace my older version of foreflight (back from the times where they didn't demand a yearly fee).

Since I'm already an AOPA member, the APP is free for me in addition to the magazines, etc that I recieve for my membership.  It's *almost* perfect (for what I want): it had the full airports database which it updates automatically, it has realtime weather, weather graphics, icing, winds aloft, a weather along route feature, and a flight planning portion that interfaces with DUATS for filing.

My only gripe?  no visual depiction of the flight plan once you've entered it in (or let the app pick the routing for you).  That's a real bummer, but it's still totally functional: my workaround? enter the points in my aera 560 for the visual depiction. 

In summary: for those that want an app that has the AOPA database, information on airports (to include freqs, etc), weather info (TAFs, winds aloft, etc...) and a basic flight planning function, all for free, then this is the APP for you.  If you NEED the ADS-B or XM portion or the moving map type stuff that foreflight or wingx provide, then you'll have to keep paying their expensive subscription fees.

Anyone else tried this app out?

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I was messing around with FlyQ yesterday since it's free. I had some intitial bugs getting it to work flight plans, but it was apparently because I hadn't fully entered my aircraft profile yet. Once I got that worked out the app functioned.  It is graphically appealing, and the ability to automatically create an airways routing at optimimal wind altitude is nice. Beyond that, I think it's more confusing to use than ForeFlight and as noted above, no map view at all for looking at flight plans, etc. It's a nice free tool for weather and pre-flight planning, so it has that going for it. But since I'm a dedicated FF user I can't see FlyQ offering me too much.

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