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I'll tell you why we picked the Bad Elf (maybe it wasn't super scientific).  We were originally drawn to the XGPS150 because you could leave it on the dash and it would have a good look angle for gps regardless of where the iPad was located.  However, we picked the Bad Elf because it uses the iPad for battery power rather than having its own internal battery that needs replacing/charging - frankly we have enough conversations that go like this "is that headset out of batteries again?" without adding the gps into that mix.


I have the Bad Elf and works fine, but I would have bought the XGPS150 had I known about it.  Advantages seem to be that the XGP can be set up on the glare shield for unobstructed view of the sky, and the Bad Elf can't.  I've had occasions where i've lost signal.  The XGPS150 uses it own power, the Bad Elf draws from IPad.  The XPGS150 has app that tells you how many sats are located, the Bad Elf does not.  

Also, you don't have to explain to your wife that your not surfing porno when you constantly get emails from a website called "Bad Elf".  



I have the Bad Elf and it works fine, but frankly, I don't use it anymore because when I'm in-flight the internal GPS on the iPad seems to work just fine. I suppose if you don't have a 3G version of iPad then you do need some external GPS antenna, so that may be part of your question.


Quote: Jeff_S

I have the Bad Elf and it works fine, but frankly, I don't use it anymore because when I'm in-flight the internal GPS on the iPad seems to work just fine. I suppose if you don't have a 3G version of iPad then you do need some external GPS antenna, so that may be part of your question.


Quote: rbridges

 That's my problem.  I've got a wifi only Ipad.  I'm thinking about getting a bad elf or the xgps150 and trying to put all my sectionals on the ipad. You wouldn't want to sell your bad elf, would you?


Quote: scottfromiowa

HMMMmmm.  I guess I need to mess with the i-pad (my wifes) as it said "Not connected to the network) and wouldn't load the maps.


Quote: Jeff_S

 That's my problem.  I've got a wifi only Ipad.  I'm thinking about getting a bad elf or the xgps150 and trying to put all my sectionals on the ipad. You wouldn't want to sell your bad elf, would you?


Also, my main initial concern was that with the appendage sticking out of the bottom data port it might bet knocked off. But the iPad is so flexible, you can just turn the whole unit upside down and have the Bad Elf at the top and everything else works fine. It's just that your Home button is now on top instead of bottom.


Quote: Becca

Yeah, so on that subject, we've actually found its more comfortable and readable to use our iPad in the horizontal, rather than vertical, orientation on our laps.  We haven't been able to find an ipad holder for an aircraft that supports that configuration, so we must be in the minority.  But you definitely don't knock off the bad elf that way either.


Quote: PilotDerek

 I bought a yoke mount for mine from Sporty's. It allows me to set it up either way. I prefer foreflight orientated horizontally. I had no issues with it being in the way in a M20J on the yoke.  


iPad fits inside the yoke vertically but you cannot put it there because ful forward elevator the top of the ipad hits the panel.   looks like mounting it above the yoke is right in your face, and there is no way I would do that.  Id sure to see that mount you have.


I will take a photo next time I’m in a Mooney (hopefully soon). I was flying with a fellow Marine and Mooney owner out here and he was hesitant on buying an ipad as a backup for his iflight. He thought that it would obstruct his view of the panel and was unsure of its gps capabilities. I used mine in his plane and with the flexibility of the yoke mount and showcasing the capabilities of foreflight he was convinced that he needed to get one. Here is a link to the one I have http://sportys.com/PilotShop/product/15736 of course now it’s on sale. I had it set up in a 201 so I am not sure how it will fit with other style yokes. Although the 201 style yokes look smaller in compassion to older mooney yokes. Putting it anywhere else would obstruct some view of either the panel or outside.


I have an E model and mount my ipad on the copilot side, and Im still allowed full foward elavator, not on the pilot side though.

For anyone interested: I Jailbroke my ipad at jailbreakme.com through safari and then bought a gps app called BTstack GPS for 5 dollars and now can use any gps with it and it works great.

If your familiar with Jailbreak this is the easiest jailbreak Ive ever seen.  If your not, its extremly easy!  The downside is you have to have firmware 4.3.3 and if you update your ipad through itunes you lose the jailbreak.


I love the Bad Elf attached to the iPad with Foreflight as it seems always in agreement with my GNS 430, but I'd offer a word of warning on relying on the iPad's internal GPS.  I flew with it a few times prior to getting the Bad Elf and it was literally over a mile off showing the plane quite a bit north and east of the airport as I was on final.  We all know the iPad isn't a primary instrument, but that would be a distraction I wouldn't want if IMC and see the 430 and the iPad disagreed on position by that much. 


Both the xgps150 & the GNS 5870 work great with the IPAD & foreflight, I use both,switching occasionally between each one. they both last up to 8 hours or more and do not drain battery life via BT at a rate which you could notice.

for a 3% discount go to www.oasispilotsupply.com and enter coupon code "mooney11"  FYI.


well, I broke down and ordered the bad elf from amazon.  I also downloaded the 30 day trial for foreflight on the ipad.  The foreflight program is pretty cool.  I'm looking forward to trying out the GPS function with the bad elf.


Just an FYI--on the trial of Foreflight, you aren't able to download charts for use in the air (at least, not when you don't have an internet connection--if you're flying low enough to be in 3G coverage you could get them while airborne).  Once you buy a subscription, though, you can download whatever you want.  The iPad makes a great platform for charts, though, and the whole country (sectionals, IFR enroutes, and approach plates) takes about 9GB of storage, so you can fit it all on even the smallest iPad (though more storage is always better).

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