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Vintage Mooney Group

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Quote: mooneyflyer

 Well, I can fix that.  I head up the Vintage Mooney Group here for the Western USA.  If you want to start a VMG for the NorthEast or SouthEast, then let me know.

We will support you with website support, informal training, and checklists for fly-ins...

Let me know... it is a lot of fun.



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thanks for getting back to me.  What I had in mind was March/April Mooney fly in to PVG.  It's right in the heart of the mid atlantic states making trip distance not too bad for anyone who wants to come.  There are three navy hornet pilots that all keep our Mooney airplanes there.  We could possibly set up a tour of the Navy base and F-18 flight line as part of the activities.  That's the first thought that comes to mind, but I'm sure I could also set something up with local businesses or maybe our nearby Mooney service center.

Just ideas right now...looking for feedback to see if interested merits more effort

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quote: GeorgePerry


thanks for getting back to me.  What I had in mind was March/April Mooney fly in to PVG.  It's right in the heart of the mid atlantic states making trip distance not too bad for anyone who wants to come.  There are three navy hornet pilots that all keep our Mooney airplanes there.  We could possibly set up a tour of the Navy base and F-18 flight line as part of the activities.  That's the first thought that comes to mind, but I'm sure I could also set something up with local businesses or maybe our nearby Mooney service center.

Just ideas right now...looking for feedback to see if interested merits more effort

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Quote: GeorgePerry


I'm walking out the door headed over to Iraq for a couple of weeks.  I'll be in touch when I get back

Thanks, George

 It's a long shot but if you might know my old high school best friend who is now a Captain in the Marines and also a F-18 jockey.  Capt. Jason McManigle...long shot for sure, but one never knows Laughing

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm very interested in an east coast Vintage Mooney Pilots Group to form and would participate in whatever you have planned.  My parents,  Bill and Sue Newton use to belong to your group on the west coast flying out of Thermal, Desert Resorts Regional, Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, whatever the current name of that airport is.  They flew down to Mexico with you guys and had a great time.  Looking forward to something starting soon.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Well for all you guys that want a Vintage Mooney Group I can tell ya its real easy to do. Richard Todd And I started the VMG one morning in his hanger in Big Bear, and I gotta tell you I am damn proud of how it has blossomed. All ya got do is send out post cards to all the registered Mooney owners in your area and they will come. The first couple years was a lot of fun for us. I moved to MI in 2005 so I can no longer attend. I miss that aspect of the west coast.

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Nice site! Lot of members...some familiar faces. It's always nice to put a face with a name or a plane with an N number. I remember attending a VMG in Northern CA about 8 or 9 years ago when I was living in So Cal.  Since moving North to Idaho, I've  been out of of my old loop. Looking forward to flying to gatherings in the near future.

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