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15 hours ago, Hyett6420 said:

Great pics and comments.  Love the pic of the guy so stunned by it all his mouth is agape @Raptor05121   :)  

have you seen plane restoration (restorers) on netflix.  Uk series but the first one is a guy who hand rebuilds a P51 and explains why it whistles as it flies.  Watching them rebuild each piece by hand is simply amazing.  



I asked the guy about that, he said it is not because of the gun ports but because of the landing gear doors. I am not so sure I believe him.

5 hours ago, gsxrpilot said:

@Raptor05121 Getting an Instrument rating is like taking the training wheels off the Mooney. I wouldn't wait to be able to afford /G to get your rating. I use my IFR rating all the time, but RARELY get to shoot an approach. Unfortunately most approaches are done under the hood as the weather just doesn't cooperate. But being able to take off and climb through a layer, really opens up a lot of flying.


None of the airports around here have any sort of equipment. They are all GPS only. I'd have to fly 100 miles over to Jax to shoot ILS and even then, that doesn't help me get home.

On 2/4/2017 at 9:26 PM, Hank said:

That's quite the upgrade, Tom! No fuel stop, UP to FL?

Ya, only 8 1/2 thousand hours of work over 18 years.  Not sure the math works on that. Especially when you consider my age.

It IS really cool to be flying along with that kind of performance, look out the window at all the areas of the plane (and they're not departing the air frame) and realize I built this with my own hands in my garage.


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Flew out with the crew out of Spruce Creek this morning to KTIX for breakfast.  The Lancair guys I flew out with (formation flight X-ray) were awesome.  Getting ear banged by Keith Phillips, apparently the formation flight guru, at Titusville after landing over not being "tight enough in formation" as a first timer, not exactly motivating to repeat. 

My second choice was to fly to Bartow for the Florida Mooney gathering would have clearly been a much more enjoyable experience.  Sorry guys, lesson learned.  


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34 minutes ago, Yooper Rocketman said:

Chupacabra stopped in to Spruce Creek to look at my Lancair and talk airplanes yesterday.  Very COOL to meet Mooney Space friends!!!!   



Thanks again for your hospitality and taking the time to show and tell about the Lancair. You are an artisan extraordinare my friend!  The air ranch is an amazing place as well. It was a great time. 


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Well FINALLY got some flying in. Yesterday we took our new puppy for a short test flight and he did well until the roll out when he got sick but we caught it in the bag so no problem we will have to get him up again soon so he becomes accustomed to it. Today we flew to LVK to visit family and had a nice flight. I got to try out my new DC pro X headset and really like them. They are super light and I like the on ear cups especially for wearing glasses. The ANR is so quiet made it weird for landing because the sound is just not what I'm used to. Any way was great to be back in the sky with perfect weather it had been 6 weeks of crap weather and rotten chest cold nice to start feeling human again.

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rare clear, warm, calm day along the rocks today. Jumped to leadville and back before work. 1.2 round trip. LXV of course is 9,933 ft MSL. Nice flight, smooth as glass. Quick touch and go at LXV and home. Love that rocket power.








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No flying for me today. I actually lost my great uncle, who was a professor and avid pilot. He and my grandpa got me hooked on flying with their Cherokee 140 and M20F, respectively. I do not have any pictures with him, I really regret not getting one. I last saw him a month ago, where I got to show him my license (he was aware I am blind in one eye and forever said I had to fight for my license). He transferred his Cherokee 140 to me years ago, and I ultimately eneded up selling it to a parts company since it had major spar corrosion, but it used the money as a down-payment on my Mooney, so in part, I am flying today because of him.

In other news, I am flying to Arcadia tomorrow for the Millennial Aero Club (bunch of 20-year old pilots). I'll try and post when I am down there, but if not, I'll be back Sunday.




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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Raptor05121 said:

No flying for me today. I actually lost my great uncle, who was a professor and avid pilot. He and my grandpa got me hooked on flying with their Cherokee 140 and M20F, respectively. I do not have any pictures with him, I really regret not getting one. I last saw him a month ago, where I got to show him my license (he was aware I am blind in one eye and forever said I had to fight for my license). He transferred his Cherokee 140 to me years ago, and I ultimately eneded up selling it to a parts company since it had major spar corrosion, but it used the money as a down-payment on my Mooney, so in part, I am flying today because of him.

In other news, I am flying to Arcadia tomorrow for the Millennial Aero Club (bunch of 20-year old pilots). I'll try and post when I am down there, but if not, I'll be back Sunday.




I'm sorry for the loss of your great Uncle, but what a great bunch of memories that led to your flying and getting your Mooney. Have a great time at the Fly-In! The more of the younger crowd that are interested in flying the better off GA is. 

(I was once part of the younger crowd, not sure I qualify for that anymore, except in some circles :P

Edited by Skates97
No flying for me today. I actually lost my great uncle, who was a professor and avid pilot. He and my grandpa got me hooked on flying with their Cherokee 140 and M20F, respectively. I do not have any pictures with him, I really regret not getting one. I last saw him a month ago, where I got to show him my license (he was aware I am blind in one eye and forever said I had to fight for my license). He transferred his Cherokee 140 to me years ago, and I ultimately eneded up selling it to a parts company since it had major spar corrosion, but it used the money as a down-payment on my Mooney, so in part, I am flying today because of him.

In other news, I am flying to Arcadia tomorrow for the Millennial Aero Club (bunch of 20-year old pilots). I'll try and post when I am down there, but if not, I'll be back Sunday.


Sorry about your uncle Alex. Be safe this weekend and have some fun.

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I think it hit 80 today and we had our first Bluebonnet pop out.   And I got to fly.   Just a short hop to Eagle Lake.  There was a plane on the runway so I went to Columbus and did a nice landing and then home.  Good to fly around again.  Now for some Flight review and Medical....

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Yesterday I just worked on the "honey-do" list at home but I was able to get some flights in during the past week. I went out a couple of evenings to just do pattern work at night and work on landings.

A week ago I took my youngest son up for a Sunday morning flight. It was fun, but the calm winds when we left were 040, 18G26 just 45 minutes later. It made it a little interesting landing on 07.


Then I went and got in a little night XC last Wednesday, flying from Corona to Camarillo. Here's downtown LA on the way back.


If you're interested I got around to writing them up. If you want to read about them they are over on my blog.

Sunday flight with my son: "As long as it's not in that weather..."

Night XC to Camarillo: Camarillo by Night

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Great flight down to S. Fla. We had the plane packed to the gills. Cargo compartment filled with cooler, tent, chairs, etc. My poor girlfriend was in the back seat and was practically squished against her window with blankets and pillows. At 9,500 it was cold enough she was snuggled against them. We averaged 145KTAS, so I'm happy with it. We were about 100lbs under gross on takeoff, I could've brimmed the tanks (tookoff at 90% fuel) and still had more weight.


She was asleep once we reached 9,500ft.


Passing Lakeland. Such a fitting name.







There were probably 100 people and maybe 30 aircraft that showed up. Most of the pilots there were my age, but a lot more experienced career-types. Most of which were Riddle CFIs, etc,etc. There was a spot landing contest, pancake breakfast, BBQ lunch and dinner, and on both nights, a nice campfire and dubious amounts of alcohol involved. The 8-hour bottle to throttle rule was strictly adhered to. It was mainly a frat-party, so not my type of thing, but its has brought my appreciation to older pilots and the wisdom they share. I can't say I am thrilled with my generation of pilots, at least the ones that didn't "earn their keep" and grow up to respect it. But overall, a fun camping experience. 





She really does love sleeping :D



Total time: 182.8 hrs, total time in type: 70.1

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I did a touch and go today and the plane did not come apart or otherwise seem to incur harm.   Internet discussion forums are wrong.

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Sure wish I could fly to work with this morning's view...

Stunning alto-cumulus photo!

We had a similar coverage here the other day but with the sun overhead.

I took far fewer cloud pics before I became a pilot.


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Monday went to Kentucky Dam State Park. It was a lonely, empty place with a very nice runway. The numbers on the runway did not match the AF/D or the airport signs! I guess that is coming as the runway markings looked new.


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My flight today was interesting.  I am headed to KORL from New Orleans estimate 3 hour flight time with good tail winds.   Weather at take off excellent cool temps, clear skies forecast at KORl  is to be to be clear and current conditions are clear.

I get to Ocala area and ATC tells me to expect the visual for 25 just what I was expecting then 15 minutes later KORL is MVFR and ATC is jammed with traffic.

ATC vectoring me for the ILS 25 and I'm about 10 miles away essentially a down wind over KMCO at 3000 the engine starts running a little rough so I enrich the mixture and it goes away.  Now vectored to intercept the glide slope and the roughness comes back as I back off the throttle.  I push the throttle in and it lessens some but comes back when I back off the throttle.  Look at engine monitor and #3 is cold.  i debated about declaring an emergency but at this time I was on final and cleared for the approach.  I stay high once I'm under the clouds keeping more power that normal and we make an otherwise uneventful landing.

Once settled at the FBO I remove the right side cowl cover and my #3 intake tube is dangling no bolts.  I get with the mechanic who happens to be there tel him what is going on and he will look at it Monday.

So time for a beer.  Oh that already happen when we stopped for lunch with the grand kids. :D


Well at least the winds aloft forecast was correct we made it here in 3 hours.

  • Like 3
My flight today was interesting.  I am headed to KORL from New Orleans estimate 3 hour flight time with good tail winds.   Weather at take off excellent cool temps, clear skies forecast at KORl  is to be to be clear and current conditions are clear.
I get to Ocala area and ATC tells me to expect the visual for 25 just what I was expecting then 15 minutes later KORL is MVFR and ATC is jammed with traffic.
ATC vectoring me for the ILS 25 and I'm about 10 miles away essentially a down wind over KMCO at 3000 the engine starts running a little rough so I enrich the mixture and it goes away.  Now vectored to intercept the glide slope and the roughness comes back as I back off the throttle.  I push the throttle in and it lessens some but comes back when I back off the throttle.  Look at engine monitor and #3 is cold.  i debated about declaring an emergency but at this time I was on final and cleared for the approach.  I stay high once I'm under the clouds keeping more power that normal and we make an otherwise uneventful landing.
Once settled at the FBO I remove the right side cowl cover and my #3 intake tube is dangling no bolts.  I get with the mechanic who happens to be there tel him what is going on and he will look at it Monday.
So time for a beer.  Oh that already happen when we stopped for lunch with the grand kids.
Well at least the winds aloft forecast was correct we made it here in 3 hours.

I had a similar incident but mine was the exhaust riser. One of the flange bolts was over torqued leading to a fatigue crack failure and the other nut vibrated off. Let us know the findings.

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