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Would appreciate any suggestions on others results with gyro OH

I have a king KAP 150 AP in a 91 J that uses the KG 258 AI ... P/N 060--0020-01. S/N 11667

Any one had overhaule experience with King AI OR THE 525-A HSI recently

Based in San Antonio

Thank you in advance for any comments



I did mine about 8 yrs ago, was sent out from avionics shop. BUT: this is your chance to slap in an Aspen. That is my plan if I need another overhaul. For backup AI, use a R C Allen electronic AI with battery backup. Time to get into the 21st century.


I used Bob Bramble a few months ago for my KI-256. No BS kind of guy. He's not the cheapest but he has a long list of satisfied customers.

But I also agree with CCowboy (does he studder? no, wait, his name is Chuck :lol: ). I have an electric AI in place of my TC and it has been flaky since I bought the airplane. I'm in the process of replacing it with the RC Allen 2600-3 with inclinometer.

I AM THROUGH REPAIRING/BUYING MECHANICAL GYROs! If that KI-256 craps out again I'll get something solid state (maybe an Aspen).


I AM THROUGH REPAIRING/BUYING MECHANICAL GYROs! If that KI-256 craps out again I'll get something solid state (maybe an Aspen).

But, but, but... They are fine Swiss watches! Jewel movement and all... Where's Peter Garmin when I need him? :)


Bob Bramble used to work for King. He did my gyro/flight director. Great service and very reasonable price...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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