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  • 2 months later...

Stay on target, young Padawan learner....

That's a mix from my best Star Wars quotes.

Half way or further along?

Any new challenges?

Anything giving you a hard time?

Best regards,



"Yes, no matter how you slice it, soloing an airplane is a big deal.  And if you count yourself among those who have soloed, no matter what your future aviation attainments may be, you deserve a great deal of respect.  For you, my friend, are a pilot."


-C. W. Austin, CFI from AOPA Pilot.  April 2000


Alex, congratulations.  Keep working hard, learn from every flight, and enjoy it.  In no time you'll have 40 hours, will get your PPL, then get your Instrument rating, and keep learning.  In no time you'll have hundreds of hours.  I can't believe I hit 1000 last year.


This is a joy to read and I will keep coming back to this thread.  I'm even relearning skills and tricks I haven't thought about in years.



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What pray tell was your score on the written.  When I took mine I was so sure that I failed I got a 95 and was certain they got the numbers reversed.  good luck on the check ride and oral.  If there are any near by fields that you have not landed that are close to your examiner try and visit them before your check ride because you may get diverted by your examiner to one of them and it will make for a much better flight result if you've already been there,  Good luck I am still so new to all of this I feel much closer to your experiences than to those others that I hope to be more like some day.  I'm not sure but I am getting close to 500 hours now.  keep the reports coming as Seth has said a joy to read.

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Date is in stone, May 1st, this Friday at Herlong Airport in Jacksonville.

I made an 87. I've got a date tomorrow morning to go over what I missed and we're also going to do some checkride prep.

On a side note, I got to sit in the M10 mock-up at SnF and flew the Mooney motion simulator they had. Way cool.


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That M10 is a nice looking bird. I believe that your oral exam will have an emphasis on the questions you missed on your written. Good luck and hope you will have good weather on the big day.


Make sure to get a good night of sleep tonight, eat a normal breakfast, and relax.  You will need to demonstrate your skills in the cockpit of course, but when talking with the examiner they want to make sure you know what the killers are as well as simply having a good attitude.  The examiner will want to make sure you can read a map, not kill yourself, and not break any rules that will get his sign off privileges revoked.  Calm, relaxed, good decision making skills, and err on the side of caution.  


Good luck!  Let us know how it goes. 



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