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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Your rebellious, insulting, belittling accusing tone speaks for itself. Btw - I did not say I support blind obedience. You said that. Nor did I say all government is evil. And I did not say I did not care for justice or citizens rights. You said all that. I will bear your personal attack on my intelligence, my morals, my service and my character as a badge of honor. You really have exposed me for what I am. A law abiding citizen, who pays his taxes, has served his country, respects good order and society, and is concerned for his safety and the safety of his family due to unrest caused by those who live by and continue to stir up hatred, revenge and disorder.

It is called civilization. We have common morals which produce rules and order. They separate us from chaos, disorder, rule of the strongest versus equality for all. Without it we are beasts and barbarians? You know ... Crazy right wing stuff like: don't steal, don't do drugs, don't assualt retail workers, don't attack public servants, don't burn down people's businesses. We have laws and officers to enforce those laws. They are public servants and have a sacred trust. Those laws promote (or should) the safety and welfare of the citizens. I believe the barbarians and lawless, have shown us plainly just who and what they are ...

The civil rights "hate machine" is once again at full speed! Al couldn't be any happier! Excuse me for stating the obvious, but the race card is not a get out of jail free card. Do the crime, do the time. Comparing a SS treatment of Jewish citizens in Nazi Germany to the current racial tension is a pretty far stretch don't you think? And comparing police and soldiers to mafia hit men ... You really do have a problem.

23% ... 37% who cares ... None of that forced a man to do drugs, steal, assualt a store clerk, then go brazenly walking down the middle of the street before assaulting a police officer ...

Sorry, we do need some law and order. No one is exempt based on their race.

We love our rat terrier! She and our cat are BFF. Shows even animals can learn to co-exist.

Thank you for your concern for my safety. I generally hit what I aim at ....

Have a nice day!


I'm sorry, but "don't do drugs" is how we go in this mess in the first place. Giant militarized police force on the lookout for a quick buck and private prisons on a lookout for a warm body to house at my expense. Just like the war on terror caused much larger damage than terrorist ever did, the so called war on drugs caused hundred times more damage to the society than all drugs combined ever did. Billions, up billions spent. Entire communities destroyed. Blacks arrested and convicted at rates 10x of whites, even though in my high school and college years, I can attest, it was us white rich kids who did them with impunity.


No, I don't have a problem. When the government is acting like mafia, that's exactly what the policemen become: mafia hit man. I cannot think of a greater freedom than freedom to produce and consume whatever I and my fellow citizens feel like. There is demand, people are filling the demand. How can you call yourself a conservative. Little bit of weed, lock them up, throw away the key, if you don't shoot them first. Destroy an entire Gulf of Mexico, slap on the wrist. 


Few more decades of the current "conservative" policies, and you'll be rioting too. Except than by then it will be too late. If you're concerned about the safety of family, I hate to break it to you, a Glock and few bullets is not going to do you much good. Supporting justice and more equitable society, quality education, healthcare, living wage, family time, vacations, maternity leave for all, would go a lot further and in the long run be a lot cheaper than "law and order" and packing prisons to the max. 


I should care less, I have 3 passports (yes, Scott, US is one of them). I've been all over the world. I've seen countries that work and countries that don't. Nobody ever policed themselves into "law and order".

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 Just like the war on terror caused much larger damage than terrorist ever did, the so called war on drugs caused hundred times more damage to the society than all drugs combined ever did. Billions, up billions spent.




I don't think anybody could argue with that. The only problem with your statement is that over a trillion has been spent, not billions.



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23% ... 37% who cares ... None of that forced a man to do drugs, steal, assualt a store clerk, then go brazenly walking down the middle of the street before assaulting a police officer ...



What if the numbers were 100% and 100%, would you care then? What percentage of court room proceedings must become secret before you start caring? What percentage of total government funding must "crime" amount to before you start caring? Because to the people of Ferguson and all the "Fergusons" in US, it already feels like 100% on both, so maybe they don't have much left to lose. Maybe I should change my question: what percentage of white defendant's courtroom proceedings and white communities' revenue? Nobody cared about the drug laws and gun laws in this county until white folks started looking down at mandatory sentences of 10+ years with no possibility of parole. 

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What's sad? I don't worship the police or soldiers? They have a job like any other job. No different than a plumber. We don't have parades for plumbers and quite frankly they are a lot more important to our long term well being than cops and soldiers. There were soldiers and cops long before there were plumbers, but plumbers saved thousands times more lives. Once again, you claim the government is out control and yet you support its violent enforcement arms. It's called Stockholm Syndrome. Read up on it.

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I wouldn't know what redlining is asstelmistake, I'm Hispanic and grew up in third world slums. Were those created by the white man too? I didn't know you evil crackers had a monopoly on that industry.  :P   BTW, disagreeing with Jonathan, Barkley or that other insightful young man might mean your racist......careful!  

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I wouldn't know what redlining is asstelmistake, I'm Hispanic and grew up in third world slums. Were those created by the white man too? I didn't know you evil crackers had a monopoly on that industry.  :P   BTW, disagreeing with Jonathan, Barkley or that other insightful young man might mean your racist......careful!  


Actually, when it comes to Europe, Africa and Americas, the crackers more or less have held that monopoly for quite some time. I've spent some time with both rich and poor Mexicans. The rich ones are mostly crackers. Same in Brazil. Spent some quality time there doing business with lots of crackers burning down rainforests to plant soybeans. Well, the crackers weren't doing the burning. They were doing the marking on the maps.

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Reparations are due then....please send me a check via PayPal, considering how bad you feel about this whole situation I gather you will be quite generous with it. Thank you in advance, it was about time!

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Reparations are due then....please send me a check via PayPal, considering how bad you feel about this whole situation I gather you will be quite generous with it. Thank you in advance, it was about time!


Well, if you believe in that whole evolution mumbo jumbo, we're all Africans inside. So how about we call it a wash.

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Your rebellious, insulting, belittling accusing tone speaks for itself. Btw - I did not say I support blind obedience. You said that. Nor did I say all government is evil. And I did not say I did not care for justice or citizens rights. You said all that. I will bear your personal attack on my intelligence, my morals, my service and my character as a badge of honor. You really have exposed me for what I am. A law abiding citizen, who pays his taxes, has served his country, respects good order and society, and is concerned for his safety and the safety of his family due to unrest caused by those who live by and continue to stir up hatred, revenge and disorder.

It is called civilization. We have common morals which produce rules and order. They separate us from chaos, disorder, rule of the strongest versus equality for all. Without it we are beasts and barbarians? You know ... Crazy right wing stuff like: don't steal, don't do drugs, don't assualt retail workers, don't attack public servants, don't burn down people's businesses. We have laws and officers to enforce those laws. They are public servants and have a sacred trust. Those laws promote (or should) the safety and welfare of the citizens. I believe the barbarians and lawless, have shown us plainly just who and what they are ...

The civil rights "hate machine" is once again at full speed! Al couldn't be any happier! Excuse me for stating the obvious, but the race card is not a get out of jail free card. Do the crime, do the time. Comparing a SS treatment of Jewish citizens in Nazi Germany to the current racial tension is a pretty far stretch don't you think? And comparing police and soldiers to mafia hit men ... You really do have a problem.

23% ... 37% who cares ... None of that forced a man to do drugs, steal, assualt a store clerk, then go brazenly walking down the middle of the street before assaulting a police officer ...

Sorry, we do need some law and order. No one is exempt based on their race.

We love our rat terrier! She and our cat are BFF. Shows even animals can learn to co-exist.

Thank you for your concern for my safety. I generally hit what I aim at ....

Have a nice day!


I don't remember you being all outraged about this fellow not being shot on the spot promoting unrest and clearly being a danger to your beloved peace officers. Oh, I forgot. Foxnews was on Cliven Bundy's side. Here is a guy pointing a loaded weapon at peace officers. Where was your outrage then.




What about these fellows. They sure as shiat make me and my family uneasy:



How about this little fellow and his 2nd amendment rights:


He just happened to be mowed down in a hail of bullets without a single word from the officers. Don't talk to me about race baiting and pretending everything is honky dory.

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Oh, I forgot. Foxnews was on Cliven Bundy's side. 



Hey, don't you dare attack Bundy, he's a true American hero! How many of us would have the nerve stop paying fees to the government simply because we felt we were entitled to the land itself?

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I'm surprised know it-alls like you two didn't get the memo.....yes, they were for it before they were against it. Who knew the guy would come out of the racist closet?


I did. The second I saw him. Now, who knew Ben Carson was a liberal:


The entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense. 'I deny that you need care and I will make more money.' This is totally ridiculous. The first thing we need to do is get rid of for-profit insurance companies. We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care."[25] In 1992 Carson wrote "The most natural question is, who will pay for catastrophic health care? The answer: The government-run catastrophic health care fund. Such a fund would be supported by a mandatory contribution of 10 to 15 percent of the profits of each health insurance company, including managed care operations.[25]


Now, who knew Ben Carson was for affirmative action, well, under a different name I guess, a very popular conservative game. Let's call it something else and claim it was our idea:


"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action." 1999


And who knew Ben Carson supported the death panels:

In 1992 Carson wrote: "As our general population continues to age and as our technical abilities continue to improve we will find ourselves in a position of being able to keep most people alive...well beyond their 100th birthday. The question is "Should we do it simply because we can? It is well known that up to half of the medical expenses incurred in the average American's life are incurred during the last six months of life....rather than putting them in an intensive care unit, poking and prodding them, operating and testing them ad nauseam, why not allow them the dignity of dying in comfort, at home, with an attendant if necessary?...Decisions on who should be treated and who should not be treated would clearly require some national guidelines."


And who knew Ben Carson was for gun control:

Asked by Beck for his thoughts on the Second Amendment, Carson gave the popular pro-gun argument: "There's a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons."

But when asked whether people should be allowed to own "semi-automatic weapons," the doctor replied: "It depends on where you live. I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I'm afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it," Carson elaborated. However, if you live "out in the country somewhere by yourself" and want to own a semi-automatic weapon, he added, "I've no problem with that."


Sounds to me like at one point he was for sanity before he was against it ;-)

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I'm surprised know it-alls like you two didn't get the memo.....yes, they were for it before they were against it. Who knew the guy would come out of the racist closet?


And he's such a loveable character too. Even Hannity was head over heels in love.

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Hey, everyone is allowed to be a dumbass once in their lives, some of you just love it and stay as such....that's ok. He's welcome in my club....I know it's long but well worth the time.

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And who knew Ben Carson supported the death panels:

In 1992 Carson wrote: "As our general population continues to age and as our technical abilities continue to improve we will find ourselves in a position of being able to keep most people alive...well beyond their 100th birthday. The question is "Should we do it simply because we can? It is well known that up to half of the medical expenses incurred in the average American's life are incurred during the last six months of life....rather than putting them in an intensive care unit, poking and prodding them, operating and testing them ad nauseam, why not allow them the dignity of dying in comfort, at home, with an attendant if necessary?...Decisions on who should be treated and who should not be treated would clearly require some national guidelines."


I'm afraid Scott is not going to like this quote from one of his conservative heros as he's already made quite clear that death panels are alive and well in America and that he doesn't support the concept one bit.


I have to be candid, I think Ben was right on the money with respect to the subject. Having first hand experience twice in the past two years, the heroics that the medical community administers in the last four weeks of life of the terminally ill is enough to make you crawl up into a ball. It's not fair to any of those involved and only prolongs the inevitable. Better decisions have to be made, most of which include palliative care and hospice, not intensive care units where hospitals can continue to bill bill bill while physicians not involved in the case walk into the room, look at the chart and head back to their office to submit their invoice.

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Hey, everyone is allowed to be a dumbass once in their lives, some of you just love it and stay as such....that's ok. He's welcome in my club....I know it's long but well worth the time.


I don't think he's a dumb ass at all. He is an extremely bright individual. I don't think he's views have evolved that much between then and now. He probably still does not believe in for profit health insurance companies. And guns in city limits (BTW, has been my belief all along, I own quite a few and carry quit a bit in WY and MT, but the thought of walking around Council Tucky or Omaha with a gun is simply ridiculous)  He is simply "dumbing down" right now and going with the flow in order to even stand a chance of winning a primary. Unfortunately, it would bite him in the ass in general election if he ever got that far, just like it did Romney. But, alas, there is no chance of him ever winning the primary, much less the general, as he simply has not been in enough pockets to ever make it.


And it's sad that in order to win a Republican primary a candidate better not demonstrate an IQ over 80 or the understanding of "nuance". The word "complicated" appears to be like kryptonite to majority of GOP base. It's voters like Scott and Daver that have dragged GOP down to this level. Everything must be black or white, not shades of gray, as last few pages worth of posts indicate. And it's like that on every topic. 

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Seriously man STOP quoting me and mis-representing my opinions. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself. State your case. Don't comment for me or about me. You apparently have not a clue on my position regarding end of life medical care. SHUT THE F@#$ UP on quoting me and comments about my hero's. ENOUGH.


Fair enough, I will stop. But didn't you complain a while back about Obamacare and its resultant "death panels"? I think we were talking about Palin at the time.

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