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Can't you just replace it with two sonalerts and be done? $50Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I'm not sure what the out come would be at the crash site when the FAA found that the stall or gear warning horn had been modified. I think you would want some form of approval to change horn types.

Last year there was a crash of a 172 from our field with the loss of four young lives. The report was just released, the stall warning system was found to have pre-crash damage. I can see all the lawyers lining up for this one.



Apparently they found the problem, went flying today and the gear warning worked!  However another problem developed, 1/2 hr into the flight and apparently the manifold pressure developed a leak somewhere and started showing the barometric pressure. Never a dull moment.


Search on MP leaks and calibrated leaks. There is an aluminum tube that is easy to replace, but it may need to be pre-drilled with a tiny vent hole.

The vent hole often initiates a crack in the tube.

’65C experience...

Best regards,



Thanks Caruso.  The problem surfaced before and my shop said they found a "loose" connection somewhere and the problem disappeared but is back again. 


Mine presented itself the same. The crack would open and close depending on stress on the tube. The aluminum is soft and malleable.

While searching for the problem, I broke the tube in half. I probably tugged the tube with the engine running... Then called the factory to determine which size hole needed to be drilled.

So if you need to drill a hole... I think I have the notes from that conversation....

What is the diameter of the tube 1/8"? The size of the hole is minuscule...

If you decide to replace the tube. It requires the right length, diameter, flaring the ends and drilling the hole. Your mechanic can handle this with these details covered.

Best regards,


  • 1 year later...

I have similar problem. my gear warning lights work fine and gear comes up and down perfect but my gear warning audible alert just quit working. I have the two small ones in my overhead and they were quite loud. One on copilot side is for stall which still works. Figures this developed on test flight after completely reworking my PC system and reinstallig new PC Gyro/turn coordinater . I just finished an extensive annual and now this. The switch is actuating in my throttle quadrant but i havent put a meter on it. The overhead instalation requires removing a large section of overhead . Didnt get that far yet was tired and didnt want to crack old panels in a discrental haste. It was annoying when it worked listening to it till i could get her slowed down to gear speed but now ill go crazy digging till i find problem. Figure best check would be to jack plane again and retract gear and pull throttle back to idle and check for voltage at horn terminal. if any one else has a better i dea im always open for quicker resolution. Side note i found another of the horns same day in baggage compartment when i was cleaning everything out. Hmm

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