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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. Lacee, our condoleances to you and Billie. Diane just lost her mother this week. We will pick her ashes on Tuesday. She did not ask for aerial dispersal. Yves
  2. Here is my setup for Canada. I put the sleeping bag on the cowl to help heat stay in. The original 120V fan for the blower was replaced by a 12 V one. We carry a 12 V battery pack...this setup has never let us down. Coldest we did was. -30 degrees Celcius. Yves
  3. We are still around $8 a gallon here. If we account for the money exchange it is even worst. We are always the first to go up when the barrel goes up and last to go down when it drops. Yves
  4. The first New Mooney from the factory restart has it too. 2014. Yves
  5. It was still required when I did my private 17 years ago but not for the recreational permit. I don't know if it has changed since then. Have no clue if China has spin requirement or not. When I did my training, I remember having done a power on stall solo which took me into a spin. Without having received ground coaching on spin recovery before that flight I would be dead by now...so I am a firm believer that this should be part of the training. Yves
  6. Looking at the picture I can predict that they will have to increase the tail and rudder surface. Our M20s are not approved for spins (required for trainers) and such a small tail will not allow fast enough spin recovery. Yves
  7. Andrew, I am not aware of any en route or approach fees anywhere in Canada... only landing and ramp fees. Yves
  8. Chicago too busy for small airplanes? Who wants to bet a four seater could land at ORD? Watch this: Yves
  9. There are a few things you need to decide up front: 1. Do you want to make this only for you? For you and others as a free app or charge for it? 2. What about liability? Assume someone uses it and something goes terribly wrong because they used this. Regardless of what the user will agree with, some lawsuits could be triggered against you. You need some form of insurance. I think this is what happened with Navion. 3. As any software development project, you need to define (and limit) the scope of the project and come up with well defined requirements. The group here could help do the formal requirement inspections which is a step that is often overlooked which is primordial for success to my opinion. But this is just the start... more "good practices" items are required. Just my 2 cents. My job is Software Quality Analyst. I have seen many projects went berserk because the above was not religiously followed. Yves
  10. I agree with you. I am in software too. Many people ask me why I do not get a job in aviation... I always tell them that this would mean taking a cut... Owning and flying an aircraft is expensive... Yves
  11. I was very proud to be part if this. Was L2, second last aircraft of the group. We had very good sight of several wings. The landing was dicy with pooring rain and gusting crosswind but we managed. We will possibly set-up a clinic near here in the spring. I forecast the number of aircraft to approach 50 next year. Yves
  12. If he is saving money, it is definitely not on fuel. This aircraft is from Canada. We still pay over $8 a gallon over here... The price per barrel is getting low but the CDN dollar is doing the same. So we get screwed whatever happens. Yves
  13. Anyone knows?
  14. I would really like but not possible Aaron, thanks for the invite. Diane has changed work and it is not possible to take time off for a little while. Yves
  15. The high pressure moved eastward, this changed the wind here which comes from the south-east now. This helped raise the temperature and I went earlier today for a flight and did not need to pre-heat the engine. Yves
  16. It is already cold enough in Canada to need preheat before starting the engine. It was 0 degrees Celcius here this morning. I had plenty of time before my guests would arrive so I was able to test all my winter stuff. The 35000 BTU propane heater only needed 5 minutes to preheat. Yves
  17. Here is the Canadian version: Yves
  18. My battery minder is a solar panel giving very low current. I only use it from fall till spring. This helps for cold temperature diminished capacity. I started using this after I almost cancelled a flight where we had to boost the airplane from the car. With the solar panel, this has not happended again. It follows me wherever I fly. If the aircraft sleeps in a hangar away, its temperature will normally be higher than outside so the battery will be OK. Yves
  19. One thing to add in your preflight... you might have it already on your checklist. Ensure there is nothing in the way. When I acquired my iPad 2 years ago, I wanted to keep it connected to the lighter adapter to keep it charged. The first time I realized that the wire was in the way. From then on, I would keep the iPAD disconnected until after I am levelled. Yves
  20. Tires sold to a nice Canadian fellow. Yves
  21. Even if the goods originates (and got manufactured in) USA? The worst is that I did pay tax when I received them. I had them delivered to Ogdensburg accross the St-Lawrence river and drove to cross the border. I told the custom officer the truth that I won them. They made me pay the tax on their value. The tax is probably not that high going to USA. I will call them on Monday to find out what we are up against. Yves
  22. Bob, I double checked this and the same ones are $209.95 at ChiefAircraft. They have two different types of 6.00-6 6 ply and the ones you quoted are not the same. There are a few guys who contacted me about them and would anyone know the rules for goods shipped from Canada to USA when USA manufactured? I would not want a poor fellow to be nailed with import taxes or brokerage fees. I am already taking a hit with the $70 shipping cost. Having a tax on top would not make this a good deal for anyone. Yves
  23. Bienvenue eman1200 My specialty: Flying in the cold. Right Elton? Yves
  24. On my last US entry, after we were allowed to get out of the plane and follow the officers in a room, they refused to allow me to go take a leak in the washroom next to us until ALL the paperwork was completed. I was not starting to see yellow yet however I was about 10 minutes away from this. Next time I'll use the airborne appareatus in case they do this to me again before I land there. (Was Port Huron) Yves
  25. I noticed this when moving from Cessna 172 to Mooney years back. I assumed this was caused by the higher stability of the Cessna due to its larger empennage surface. Yves
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