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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. Don't hold your breath looking for a partner... I have been looking for one on mine for a year now and very little interest. Mooney pilots are a rare breed. There is actually another Mooney at my field also looking for a partner and talking to him he does not get more calls than I do. I listed it on COPA on 4 occasions and kind of giving up on this. A few years back I was talking to some potential guys who turned down opportunity to partner in a (different) Mooney and the reasons were: - No door on the pilot side - Cabin is small - Wife does not have enough room up front - Not enough cargo - Too much of an airplane for me Yves
  2. Lets hope nothing lengthy gets found during your annual. This would jeoperdize your presence in Oshkosh and the Caravan. Since I have owned my airplane all by myself, I always take it in on Feb 1st each year, regardless of the logbook dates... this way I always have it back when the sun comes back. Previous owners would take it in later year after year eventually reaching the spring period. Not for me. I would be very upset if something would come up (like what happened to Ned) this time of the year. Yves
  3. Did anyone ever seen someone successfully swing the prop on a Mooney because the battery was dead? Yves
  4. Depending when David arrives, we might be able to have him park with the Mooney Caravan. David, which day do you plan to arrive? Yves
  5. Take a look at my panel. It looks a lot like the one you want. The bottom CDI /DG are reversed. The reason is that my DG is so long that when fitted in the right spot, the control column would bang at the end of it so had to move it elsewhere. I will change this when the DG is replaced by a shorter one. I had to get rid of the glove box when added the WAAS GPS to make room for the transponder. (Sorry for the reverse picture... for that one the iPAD was upside down I guess) Yves
  6. There is a reserved time slot for MooneySpace posters to get to know each other: Monday: 6:00 pm - MooneySpace Forum Social Gathering North 40 Mooney Caravan HQ Tent This is an opportunity to meet with the guys that post on this forum. Who is planning to be there? Yves
  7. It was very kind of you and Billie to welcome us at your place. Diane and I had very good time in El Paso. Thanks again. Yves
  8. Byron, that $50... what would happen if you would not pay it? Yves
  9. I concur with Byron's comments. GA's service level in Canada is nowhere near what we can see in USA. The canadian government just passed new laws to force local government (municipal, provincial) compliance when establishing or maintaining an airfield. This virtually kills the ability for land owners to establish an airstrip and renders very difficult the creation of new airports. Nowadays, house/land owners surrounding lands that potentially could become airfield will voice their unwillingness to accept flyovers, noise caused by air traffic. It is the "not in my back yard" syndrome at its best. We had manifestations about this in my province. Some of these people air tavel right? Where do they think the American Airlines pilot strarted to learn flying? Navcanada is not doing a bad job however I still feel cheated when I pay the yearly fee since I already pay tax on the fuel. Yves
  10. 12 volts devices plugged into 24 volts outlet could cause this. Maybe this was the case? Yves
  11. I had the same issue a few weeks back. Looks like a bug! Yves
  12. All Mooney flyers are welcome to the BBQ however I suggest you buy your tickets in advance, just in case they set a limit with the available food. The whole Caravan group will be in Madison from Friday to Sunday morning. Yves
  13. Would insurance cover this? Yves
  14. There is usually empty spots from Tuesday on during the week that develop where the Caravan parks. Some members of the Caravan have to leave early and it takes a few days before the Marshallers decide to fill them up with any type of aircraft. Mooney Caravaners will be happy to welcome other Mooneys in these spots as they develop. You just need to find out where the Caravan is and tell the Marshallers you want to park there which might not easily be done. You kind of need to have someone walking undo the ropes to allow taxiing where the group is when you get there. Don't forget that there will be a MooneySpace gathering at the Mooney Caravan tent on Monday evening at 6PM. There is also a BBQ on Tuesday at 5PM. Tickets are required for this one. Check the schedule for details on MooneyCaravan.com Yves
  15. I sent an email to Marsh to see if they can match the price I got from Nacora (EAA Canada insurance broker) and the reply came that they cannot. So I will switch to the EAA offering for this year. I am planning to continue being EAA member (Required for camping at OSH) anyway so this does not make any difference. Strangely enough, the quote from COPA is the highest of all. I did check last year if using discounts provided by the membership are worth it and they were not. I will not renew my membership. Yves
  16. Cyril, the poor fellow that is living an awful experience is not Yves... it is Ned. Just for the record. My engine is fine (so far) Yves
  17. Can someone buy me one and bring it to Oshkosh?.. I'll pay cash. Things that cheap become expensive when crossing the border with all taxes and brokerage fees. Yves
  18. Did you have a cellular phone or an iPAD open and allowed to connect to cellular Network? (Not in airplane mode) The way it sounds when a cell or iPAD hanshakes with the network could be misidentified as similar to Morse code for untrained ears. Yves
  19. This varies a bit between quotes. The cheapest has $500 deductible. There was another one where the deductible is $1000 but if your claim is > $1000, the deductible is void, which means they just don't want to hear from you for small things. $500 deductible is OK for me. This will not break the bank. Yves
  20. I did all this online. Their web site: http://www.eaainsurance.ca If you need their phone number send me an email at yvesg@semo.ca and in my reply I'll forward the contact info I have from them to you. Yves
  21. Got most of the quotes in now. My Hull value is $65K, 1 million liability. There are some variations for deductible here and there but I am not taking this into account. Prices are BASE TAX TOTAL Marsh $1534 $138 $1672 COPA (Magnes) $1653 $148 $1801 Charette $1378 $124 $1542 (they have a $40 admin fee) EAA $1323 $119 $1442 Still waiting for a quote... however looks like I will go with EAA this year if they don't get beat. I went with Marsh 2 years ago because they were really cheaper than the others after being with Magnes for many years. Is it me, but I believe if you don't shop around this will keep going up until you realize they charge you more than what you should pay? Yves
  22. Houman, I do not know if you are going to camp in Oshkosh or not? I go with my wife and the aircraft is "full load". I could not even fit a 5 year old kid in the back. And Ned is not quite that size/weight. I have good faith in Clarence. Lets all pray the Mooney gods that no more road blocks get in the way of Ned and Ute! Yves
  23. I am really sad for Ned and Ute. Got the news today and feel lucky this did not happen to me yet. I religiously fly my aircraft at least once a week, maybe two but this is rare. Due to his work, Ned needs to leave his aircraft parked for several weeks which might have caused this. Lets hope there will not be more issues down the road. Yves
  24. Too bad you are not living near here. I am looking for a partner for my 1965 M20C. I agree with ryoder. My plane went across north America from cold wet snowy to dry hot without ever let me down. Good luck finding your bird. Yves
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