Hi folks, looks like the civil servants in Canada are jaleous of the ton of procedures required to cross the border since the implementation of the eAPIS. Apparently there is a thrust in that direction. The Canadian Owners and Pilot association is trying to push back. They have prepared a short survey, to help them understand who and how would this plan affect trans-border flights. P
lease take a look and respond to the following survey if you are sometimes crossing the border and have 5 minutes.
Important message for all pilots
By Patrick Gilligan, COPA vice president of operations
COPA needs all pilots to complete a Cross Border survey. Your opinion counts so we need strong participation. Last year, I alerted members to the development of an additional procedure being developed by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) for crossing the Canada/U.S. border. The survey will provide statistical feedback to Canadian and U.S. officials to find a solution that both addresses their goals and minimizes duplication. COPA is heavily involved in finding creative solutions to minimize the detrimental consequences that any additional requirements will have on our sector of aviation. Please take a few moments and complete the following survey: