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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. It's good to put these post under the Bravo specific forum so in the future Bravo owners can reference them. This post in the Bravo section may shed some light:
  2. Occasionally a J or K model comes up that has inadvertent de-ice (FIKI not available on a J and only available on 28V K's with dual alternators). In that part of the country it would be nice to have just in case. On the used market the TKS adds a little to the price (10,000 - 15,000 ??) but how many times would you have to use it to get out of icing conditions to make it worthwhile?
  3. Clearly he doesn't want the job. If he did he would have looked over the quote. The ES upgrade is $1200 not $12000.
  4. I was gonna say partially blocked fuel injector, but it looks like you checked that. Maybe pull a plug and borescope the cylinder to see what it looks like.
  5. http://airnav.com/airport/L18 I agree with Don, 2160 ft. is too short for a Bravo. Plus it says "NO SAFETY AREA AVBL DUE TO ABRUPT DROP-OFF EACH END OF RWY". You have zero margin for error there.
  6. That was a great deal on what looks to be a well maintained 231.
  7. I've had 6 Mooneys over a 25 year period (in order 231, M20M, M20M, M20K (encore), M20R, M20M). The M20R Ovation (310hp) was the only non turbo charged of the Mooneys I owned and I missed the turbo. I am back in a Turbo Mooney. When I get over 10,000 ft and decide I want to go up higher I like 1000 ft per minute climbs and as beautiful as the Ovation was I realized soon after I bought it that I was not going to be satisfied without a turbocharged airplane. I like flying in the teens with a cannula where the air is cool and smooth and there is hardly ever any traffic. The Bravo is perfect for that.
  8. If I understand correctly 10.2 was finished and went off to the FAA before the Garmin 500 update came out. They couldn't have known what updates Garmin had in the works before sending it off to the FAA. Granted the FAA didn't approve 10.2 until March 6.
  9. I agree, we don't have a lot of prop clearance, also the clearance on those main gear doors is not much. I'd feel more comfortable on a well maintained dirt strip than grass, but I don't plan on either. This discussion reminds me of a trip in 1997 to Oshkosh. I flew M20M N9153Z from Texas to Minnesota with a couple of older flying buddies and picked up my brother. We got up early Saturday morning for the short flight from MN to WI and I decided to land in Fon Du Lac since I didn't want to be part of the Oshkosh airshow. They marshaled us out to park in the grass off of a distant taxiway. Here's a picture of us just after we tied down before we caught the shuttle bus to Oshkosh with no other airplanes around us. (I'm the skinny 34 year old kid on the left) As the bus was taking us out to the airplane late Saturday afternoon for the return flight to Minnesota and we got closer I saw a lot of people up ahead and airplane parts strewn everywhere. An airplane two planes down from me had forgot to untie the tail when he wanted to leave and kept adding power until the tiedown finally gave way at full power. He took out five airplanes (one on each side and three across from him - Vtail bonanza, C182 and three Pipers), thankfully there was one in between me and him. i didn't get a scratch. That was my last experience even parking on grass . . lol
  10. Or maybe the shop shouldn't have installed the latest G500 software until they found out whether it was compatible with Avidyne 10.2. Others are using 10.2 with their G500 successfully - they are just cautious to update the G500 software only after it's been tested by Avidyne first.
  11. Wow N9153Z gets a colonoscopy!
  12. That looks like a great solution. The early M20M's had a nice built-in spot for the POH with a hinge at the bottom. The POH fit in perfectly along with a small flashlight and I keep a couple pens and a pulse o2 meter in there as well.
  13. I'd be tempted to try a "new" capacitor in place of the 2007.
  14. Sure, your front two cylinders are usually the coolest, but I would still do what it takes to keep all CHT's under 400. Until you check and possibly replace the baffling material I would keep the cowl flaps open a couple bars on your indicator at cruise. (Of course, full open position on climb)
  15. I would definitely do what it takes to keep your CHT's below 400 - whether that means partially opening the cowl flaps or adding fuel. If not you'll be buying cylinders prematurely. Most likely if you look at your baffle material it is probably blowing back and letting air escape at the top of the cowling rather than forcing it over the cylinders for cooling. If that's the case, the Gee Bee Baffle kit for the M20M will do a great job.
  16. Could we please spell Avidyne correctly so later on when someone does a search of "Avidyne" all the content in this thread comes up?
  17. This stuff actually works really well:
  18. https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Living_With_a_Narcissist#Criticizing
  19. Goof Off, a Heat Gun and a plastic scraper will get the glue off easier than anything else I've found.
  20. On page four of this thread I found my flap problem and fixed it inexpensively.
  21. It is but the shops are super busy so you better get it scheduled if you want the rebate.
  22. How would one get a 3D printed keyboard holder?
  23. After shutdown I noticed the right side speed brake was still making noise. I banged on the top of the speed brake and it stopped. I pulled out the right speed brake and cleaned the microswitches and re-installed and it seems to have stopped. I might just be buying time but we'll see. No strange noises at least.
  24. Since the extra weight in the back is going to lessen the tendency to float I'd probably carry an extra 5 knots over the fence. I've seen a few long bodies with tail strikes. As long as you have plenty of runway in this case hold off til it lands. Letting it land always works better than making it land.
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