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Steve Dawson

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Everything posted by Steve Dawson

  1. I like the blue. Did you notice much difference in cooling? I but Guy's baffle kit on my J and worked as advertised and cleaned up the looks too.
  2. I'm just installing a JPI 900 in my Bravo and wanted to clean up under the cowl to make things look neat and organized. Does anyone have pictures of their engine compartment they're proud to show?
  3. It would be cheaper and less money in the long run to just buy a J now and fix it up as you go. And your resale value would be higher and there would be more interested buyers when you want to sell it.
  4. Great and thanks, My Bravo is a 90 so it looks like it was updated. There's a very brief log book entry but it doesn't clarify what happened.
  5. Thanks Gentlemen, Just to clarify, this means that Plessy is different then Eaton/Vickers? And the Eaton/Vickers is the better actuator?
  6. Can someone tell me if the Vickers actuator is different than the Plessy? Just looked at mine and it's been rebuilt a little while ago but has the Vickers sticker on it.
  7. If you belong to the AOPA talk to them. They have an escrow service that will help you through the whole thing and makes it "almost" seamless. They'll give you all the information and be able to lead you to the proper paperwork to have also. You can also first check on their website
  8. Thanks Carusoam, I talked to JD at SWTA and he mentioned that Mooney doesn't have any in stock and I've emailed Dan but haven't heard back from him yet. I also emailed Whelen about it (it is their product) but haven't heard from them either yet. Alan, I maybe giving you a call soon. . Steve
  9. I'm looking for the lens for the left rear recognition light at the rear of the wingtip. Does anyone have one or know where to get one? Thanks Steve
  10. I have a Robotow for my M20M Bravo that I'll be selling in a couple months.
  11. I'm still waiting for parts that are overdue. It's best to get in touch with a MSC and they have direct lines of communication. A few weeks ago I was told that Covid was going through their plant and many were off because of it. Hence delays. No information of any deaths because of the virus though.
  12. We sent the gear doors to Lasar and they intern to Mooney but I'll check today to confirm. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. Paul I didn't know this. The brakes were updated to the two buck version. New ones are ordered from Mooney but are delayed with one of the reasons being Covid going through their plant. Just to confirm what you're saying is an older Bravo with updated two puck brakes will have the newer style gear doors? The doors have been sent to Mooney but I'm unsure of the part numbers now.
  14. Thanks carusoam, I asked him and they were sold a while ago.
  15. Looking for all 4 main gear doors for a 1990 Mooney Bravo. Steve 519 589 7034 sdawson630@gmail.com
  16. Thank you guys, At least I won't have to wait for Mooney and it's probably the same
  17. Does anyone have or can tell me where I can get the insulation for inside the cowl to protect it from the heat of the turbo? I know that Mooney probably has them but they've been very busy and I didn't want to wait. Thanks Steve sdawson630@gmail.com
  18. I think it's a good start. Take along a CFI familiar with Mooneys for the first 25 hours or so and use some of that time towards your IFR. I'm guessing your insurance agent would like that idea too. It looks like a good plane to start. Good radios, good autopilot, should get a good engine analyzer, and the engine and prop look good time wise too. First question should be what is your mission. I wish I had have bought a K model rather than the J I bought even though it was a great plane.
  19. Thanks PJ, The main goal presently is to only have one 275 with the G3X and from what the avionics shop suggested was to install the Garmin EIS with the G3X and save $4-6K over the price/installation of the JPI 900. I'm keeping the storm-scope so with the Bravo panel having the KFC controls kept in the panel, it still won't crowd any available surface and be much better then the legacy. I have vacuum speed brakes so I'll have to keep one of the two pumps. BTW very nice panel.
  20. So you're saying that the G3X (10") will show the functions of the AI and the HSI but not the FD. If the GI 275 is installed will it be acceptable as a standby instrument and be able to show the FD? Where can I find the functions listed of the G3X if the original instruments are removed and the KFC autopilot is maintained? I should mention that I'll have a GTN 750xi with the remote audio panel installed and currently have a GTX 345. I don't mind using the legacy instruments to control the preselects and I would like to remove the two vacuums.
  21. Thanks Moon dog, I should have added that our shop thinks that the G3X can't be used because the GI275 is the primary. So My question now is, does this curtail any functions of the G3X now that using the GI275 as primary? Any issues with being legal?
  22. I have a Mooney Bravo. Has anyone installed a G3X with a GI275 that has a KFC 150 autopilot ? Our local avionics shop is telling me that it can't be done because the GI 275 would have to be the primary. The auto pilot is working great so I didn't want to change it out until it needs to be. Secondly I maybe installing the EIS with the G3X Thanks
  23. Update: I had the prop dynamically balanced Monday and found it was off quite a bit. When the prop was overhauled they had installed too much weight on one side and the instrument would tell us to put weight on the opposing side, obviously to offset the difference. We couldn't see the existing weights until after removing the spinner so had to go back and redo it. Finished with it at .03 IPS. Thanks everyone
  24. Hi LanceĀ 

    I'm ordering a IFD 540 Monday for my Bravo. How do you like yours and why did you chose it rather then a garmin ?




      I love it. I later swapped it for an IFD550 and like the enhanced synthetic vision better.

      I like the intuitive part of it - it thinks like an IFR pilot. Hard to explain until you fly with it. I definitely recommend the Gary Reeves training on it (avidynetraining.com). Some of his videos are on youtube but buying the videos is well worth it, it really shortens the learning curve.

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