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Everything posted by jrwilson

  1. Rule airspace is also E space, but for the ADSB check, that means above 10k. I did my rule airspace time between 105k and 125k (faa wants climbs and descents). It worked out fine and all Green on the report. Check on the way.
  2. Sent you a PM, requesting price info...
  3. I was on the 45 going into Columbia o22 and had been announcing my position. Out of nowhere, a green camouflaged L-3, cub type thing goes by 20' below me. He had a sky-light and I see the pilot and passenger looking up at me with an "oh crap" look on their faces. We were that close,. He starts talking on the radio at that point. I parked at the pump and he parked nearby. I was going to yell at him, but he walked over first, apologized and said he was transmitting, just on the wrong frequency. So while he screwed up, he was at least very courteous about it afterwards...
  4. That is awesome! Previous owner just couldn't get that plane out of his head and had to have it back!
  5. What about a non-electric option, like "dry-z-air"? http://m.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=109550666&camp=CSE:GooglePLA:109550666:24737225-DSG:TACKLE_FISHING-ACCESSORIES_FISHING-ACCESSORIES&gclid=CMLPyYj5ls8CFciIfgodz6AKbQ plane cockpit is a pretty small area, and the dry-z-air works well for me.
  6. Less goodies on the older ones?
  7. Lol that's true. I used to have a 63 C...I liked it. But then I didn't know the joy that is the mighty 231!
  8. Yeah, if I drop my fuel load down to what a C carries, I've got more UL than that...
  9. 12.4 - 12.7 gph at 28" mp. 84 231 w intercooler. 170 + kts at 10k, increasing tas with altitude
  10. Lasar (lake aero styling) has some combo jack point/tie down rings. Not very pricey
  11. According to airnav, large cracks and loose aggregate material on ramp... Why Chinle?
  12. Nice 20c! I named my 20k Wendy too.
  13. Another thing about k annuals, base inspection price at my shop is $2400 for the 20k which is the same as a nearby MSC.
  14. I've had my 84 k with an intercooler for a year after owning a 20C for 12 years. my last annual was 4,000 with relatively few squawks, comparable to my C costs. Fuel burn at 75% is 12.7 rop, maybe slightly less. i fly fly high when possible and use o2, but it's fairly cheap to fill the tank, about $40. I like the one piece belly, I think the 84 was the first year for that, not positive. Gami injectors are good for lop. I'd get one with at least an intercooler. so far, my K has been AWESOME! An extremely undervalued plane! They usually come standard with tons of options you're gonna pay extra on js, and despite what people who havnt flown a K will tell you, the performance difference is pretty significant between a J and K, even below 12,000. Fuel burn is a bit higher but on typical 2 hour flights, fuel burn is the same as my C, and on longer flights, 3+ hours, fuel burn with the k is less because I can skip a fuel stop (faster plus more fuel).
  15. When I was buying I did pretty much the same...but I only did it on planes that fit my criteria....not C's and Es and Gs and Ks. I knew I wanted a k so I looked at Ks. It's great to talk planes with someone who stops by the hangar to chat, but im just saying, he could be wasting people's time and to consider their perspectives as a seller, rather than his own motives as a buyer who just wants more general knowledge.
  16. Just giving my experience....pulling out logs, taking time out of my day to show the plane to someone with no interest? Waste... Maybe if you're upfront with them that's fine, but I personally wouldn't want to do it... and if you want to leave Mooneyspace because you feel "beat up" then you might want to toughen up a bit for the next forum you join. good luck
  17. So just from the perspective of someone who recently sold a plane....tire kickers who take your time with no real interest in buying your plane are really annoying. Yes it can be beneficial for you, but try to consider other people's time as well..
  18. Maybe aluminum tape up in the nose gear wheel well?
  19. Agreed wholeheartedly about the mighty C! It was a great plane for me (although my second plane...a real step-up from a Cessna 140).
  20. If you're worried about size, what about a JPI 730?
  21. Yes, I just bought some new socks from an MSC...Surprisingly pricey for what they were, but that is aviation. That would be a great application for an owner produced part.
  22. I have a GE and whelen together. The mechanic said to just put the whelen last in the series.
  23. Loogie, why are you kissing that fish? I'm sure it's a very nice fish but, really, there are some limits....
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