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Everything posted by jrwilson

  1. That is what I did when going to Park City. Heber was so pricey and I needed a car anyway, so I flew into an airport near Salt Lake city, which was much cheaper.
  2. really bad paint, dated panel, rough interior, really high time airframe, no working autopilot, not adsb compliant, mid time enginge, fairly recent damage history,etc...probably more stuff...
  3. You crazy kids and your hashtags! Get a haircut, you millennial! (FYI, I don't think hashtags work here...That is for the hip websites like instagram and the like)
  4. I think many people gave many simple answers. It seems like the reasons vary. Questin answered. Problem solved. I sound like Carusoam.... "Just pp thoughts. Get a PPI. Yada yada... A" (That was my Carusoam impersonation) John
  5. It is a heater vent, right above fuel selector . You don't want to cover that; get it fixed cuz it gets very cold up at altitude
  6. That's what she said.... Also I don't know how to make the map smaller.
  7. Also consider, that takes into account some riskier aviation activities; Flight instruction, ag flying, aeromedical, Alaska...Outside of that, private flying gets significantly safer and isn't 20x riskier, but yeah, Lance is probably right, approaching as risky as Motorcycles... But that risk is reduced depending on what type of flying and decreasing pilot error rates...
  8. Besides, you have a J....That is not a "Longbody" and won't fit in yours.
  9. Lance beat me by 5 seconds...
  10. Wing Landing Light Lens Thickness Clear (W-) Part Number (G.L.A.P.) Right or Left Note: Lens is trimmed oversize due to aircraft variations We can trim to your lens if supplied. Please inform us that you are sending us your lens. .093" Polycarb $ 88.56 2503-RH or 2503-LH That is great lakes aero plastics; looks like for an Eagle. New prices appear to be $89. looks like he is offering for $55, shipped...
  11. That filthy raptor! Currently WAY out in the lead! Looks like your social media game is STRONG. Millennials...;)
  12. Thanks
  13. Looks like there are some entries in the lasar contest. https://lasar.com/contest/?contest=photo-detail&photo_id=1821 there is my entry if you wanted to vote for it
  14. Hmmm, way different than mine, but it could be because you're using 2400 rpm and I'm using 2500... You're not using 40" for take-off are you?
  15. Again, check your aftermarket intercooler POH...I think you might be running too high of manifold pressure...But, hey, it's your engine, do what you like.
  16. If you have an inter cooler you might be running too high mp; you can't use book numbers and you shouldn't be using more than 36" for take off. Use 252 book settings, or about 28" for cruise for most altitudes. Your fuel flow seems high too. you seem about 5 kts slow at those altitudes
  17. My pushrods do the same on the left, after 4 reseals and using the real seal brand. It has improved a bit with the newer seals. Tsio360lb 200 hours smoh late 2014 oh Minor valve cover leaks too, but those were solved w upgraded gasket covers
  18. Ok, two shirts ordered, one adult and one child, as promised... i bet you'll see a big bump in shirt sales now! You can PM me for my PayPal info for my consulting fee. Just kidding, I don't even have a paypal account! You can just send me a big check!
  19. Finally! My badgering has paid off. Since it's only $16, I may buy two, one for the daughter. You make kid's sizes too, right? If not, I get another commission for that idea!
  20. If you made a 201/231 shirt; I'd buy one... But as I've said this before, then I need a commission because at this point, I'm a consultant...
  21. Do it! Take a chance, you only live once! Your avatar picture says, "Model: M20J (One day)" Make that a reality now! Then again, it's not my money I bought a Cessna 140 at 25 years old, and like Raptor mentioned, it took up WAY TOO MUCH of my disposable income and the wife complained...But over time, the relative costs decreased as my income increased, even with upgrading to a M20C, and the wife complained much less. Owning an aircraft has been an incredible experience, even if at times it was financially burdensome.
  22. people say the turbo is costlier....Probably is, so far I haven't seen it, other than a bit higher fuel burn and an extra $100 bucks on the annual to inspect the turbo. But yeah, it has extra parts and 2 more cylinders, so eventually there will be a cost. The plus side is I can climb to 24,000 feet if I need to; I haven't needed to yet, but I usually cruise at 16,500 to 17,500, if I'm going any distance, which is above the weather, above the turbulence and above the heat. Plus, the cruise speeds up there are usually pretty phenomenal. The K has extra range over the J because of bigger tanks and more speed, plus, on average, they're better equipped. It's also nice to not have to worry so much about density altitude; with the turbo, I can take off from Tahoe or Mammoth in the middle of the day in summer without a problem, which is really nice. If you couldn't tell, I really like my plane
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