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Everything posted by jrwilson

  1. I have a 231 with low oil temps, 150-160 in the winter. I have started using a winterization plan with some aluminum tape on the oil cooler. It brings the oil up to about 170.
  2. That does help, thank you! That’s the type of info I’m looking for since I’m in California I really don’t know anything about the specifics of each area in Va. I had no idea Richmond was rough. I’ll take a look at culpeper.
  3. Sorry, edited my post. Williamsburg itself will probably be too close to the school, she will want some distance I’m sure :)
  4. I’ll be moving to Virginia in a couple years and am hoping to get an idea of some good airports to base my Mooney. I was thinking the Petersburg or Chester area but really I’d just like to be within 2 hours driving of Williamsburg, but not right in Williamsburg (daughter will be going to college there, and she probably won’t want us right there…) so I’m pretty open to any ideas. Hopefully I can get a hangar before I move. Any ideas?
  5. I think you guys are saying the same thing…sounds like you both go full flaps on short final, ie, minimums. But the majority of the approach, through the FAF, with only partial flaps (takeoff setting).
  6. That’s great, thank you!
  7. Does anyone have a picture of the de-ice slip ring installation for the 231? like a picture of it installed on the plane. thanks!
  8. I also had a C with a 3 blade prob and upgraded to a K (231) with a 2 blade. My shortest runway limit is about 2,400’ with the 231 and that’s fine most days. Weight can be a factor of course. Something that’s not considered is the 231 throttle is finicky, you can’t just go full throttle like on a 252. So my takeoffs eat up a bit more runway because that initial acceleration is slower and I’m being careful with the throttle throughout the takeoff roll so I don’t overboost. I’d say 1,800’ is much too short of a runway.
  9. Sounds like it might be beneficial for some to try a tailwind takeoff or landing during their next flight review. As mentioned above there are times when you’re stuck with a tailwind, whether it’s terrain, ATC, prevailing traffic or something else. Trying it with an instructor and getting comfortable is a better alternative than just a blanket policy of “no tailwinds for me…”
  10. Really? No tailwind? Not even a little wind? What about on a 5,000’ runway? Still not tolerating a tailwind? That’s just silly.
  11. I called, sounds like there’s been changes but thanks for the suggestion!
  12. Thanks! You liked him? Seemed fair?
  13. Anyone have a lead for a DPE they would recommend for a commercial check ride in CA/OR/WA/NV or AZ? Bit of a shortage in northern CA. doesn’t need to be Mooney specific. It’s for my commercial student at work and it will be in a Cessna 210. Thanks!
  14. Supposedly 57241 was destroyed in a windstorm. So maybe that one wasn’t his fault.
  15. Well then I stand corrected! Mooneys are great for people of all sizes!! :)
  16. Mooneys are made for short people. The tall people are the ones who have to make adjustments in mooneys. Short people are comfortable in Mooneys and can still have people in the backseat.
  17. “Illustrated parts catalogue”. I had to look it up…maybe I was having a stupid day though :)
  18. I was thinking $1000 plus shipping, though I really don’t want to ship it.
  19. Any interest in a used, functional prop for a 231? I was going to get it overhauled due to age, but went with new. It’s in good condition, could use some paint on the back of the blades. Blades in good shape, no leaking. It has deice boots About 1000 hours on it.
  20. Do you have an intercooler? If so, you should dial that take-off MP down a bit. If no intercooler, disregard.
  21. I have the single alternator 12 V system on my 231. Does fine with an electrical load w LED lights. Only issue is on the ground or on short final when power is pulled way back.
  22. I just bought a new prop for a 231 from tiffin aire in Ohio. Way less than McCauley retail and less than any other place. Plus they were fast. Shipping was even reasonable. I was getting prices for overhaul and prices were all over the place, but pretty high. A new prop was within $1500 of the expected overhaul price.
  23. You could use Mather also
  24. Any other options other than the Orion?
  25. Anybody have an idea what I could get to replace just the strobe light with an LED? thanks!
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