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Everything posted by bradp

  1. A little square of baffle seal pushed in there will create a path for airflow.
  2. If you pull the prop back on descent this could be a factor.
  3. Not an economist but I don’t see this as anything but leading to both increased costs across the board. George B mentions that the STC will be about the same as the Peterson Mogas STC you’ll see for C’s, Franklins etc. So somewhere between $2-3/hp for the STC. At some point the availability of UL will impact the availability of LL. We all know that LL is not favored by refiners. Nor will any municipality put in the $$ for a new pump setup to offer both fuel types, exclusive of the liability coverage needed to do so. So we’ll be in some future environment where there’s impacted LL supply and some weird demand pressures that are satisfied by neither. I hope there’s continued work on fuels not requiring an STC or pushing market pricing upward.
  4. Also protect your hearing in other non-aviation environments. Lawn mowers m, power tools, etc will all have a detrimental effect on hearing. I’ve moved from lightspeed z3 to Qt halos. I use the yellow foam plugs. If I got custom molded silicone they’d be even quieter. If I put a headset on top, they’d probably be as near to silent as possible in a moving aircraft. No more headaches from my glasses / sunglasses, hat on long flights!!
  5. Sorry for this loss. Often hear “he was such a cautious / careful / meticulous pilot” after a tragedy like this. Apparently and unfortunately not in this case.
  6. I’ve got a 730 with plans to upgrade to an 830. It cost about $2300 to install initially. It has told me of mag issues before they were issues. It’s paid for itself in fuel savings.
  7. What he said. I’ve spent 10 years getting my J to where it is now. It would take a lot for me to part with all that effort and the time (probably 1.5-2k hrs of sweat equity over the years) it took to get it to a known-known. I’d probably over value it by 25-30% over vref but it doesn’t mean that other people would. But this C’s got VGs. :-)
  8. It might vary by SN. Early Js have the FP on the MP gauge like late Fs.
  9. I’ve always considered a circuit breaker function to protect both the wire and the internal circuitry of the electrical device connected to that wire. Ie reverse polarity protection for a radio, in some circumstances can be accomplished through a breaker. So can protection for a short internal to the device. I’ve heard for years that CB protects the wire - and that’s true. Educate me further please.
  10. Most AP would likely consider this to be a minor mod. I’ll insert the carousam disclaimer here
  11. If you have an LED landing light there is a case for reducing the Amperage of the CB/ switch to better match the circuit draw. You’d just need to be aware of that should you go back to incandescent.
  12. An aspect that has not entered the conversation is the condition of the magnetos, timing, spark intensity, spark duration, and shorting / jumping / alternate ground path conditions that can occur in high altitude and high temperature conditions. The mags (esp low output like slicks commonly found on Js) are a weak part of the J engine setup, esp TNd. Re over square-. You know every 300 hr wonderkinder CFI that told me to pull the throttle and RPM back never over square it. I only lose 200 fpm and gain Fahrenheits by employing this (prob some combo of cylinder pressure duration at lower RPM and loss or cooling air). Lose lose in my mind. I’m supposing the “lugging” descriptor is that bike in high gear starting out analogy. My J shows economy cruise at LOP. 25F. I wonder if Mr Sandman literally made a typo and inserted ROP in lieu of ROP. I haven’t read the full POH supplement but seems very in keeping with IO-360 management and I’m doubtful he Re-derived the performance data during certification testing. Maybe he ignored the “when cruising at 75% power or less” since it’s a turbo at less than critical altitude? @Fasterthanmycherokee have you trialed WOT 25-50 LOP? You’d probably be giving up 5-6 KTAS but may gain additional fuel economy and lower temps / TIT. Can you share some of your uploaded flights on savvy with us? Internet J POH, but my POH is the same here. ^^^
  13. At least it’s pins with the 24 and not literally globs of solder like my old 20 was.
  14. John no STC is required for this item. It’s a NORSEE device. Therefore it’s a minor modification. You can forward this document to your installer. An IA is not required to fill out a 337 for this item; simple logbook entry will suffice. https://landingheight.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/LHS_NORSEE_Dec_9.pdf
  15. @JohnB where are you located? What audio panel do you have? I bet you’ll get side eye looks if it’s a KMA-20 or KMA-24 because nobody in their right mind wants to make an interconnect with those. If it’s a PMA >7000 or a Garmin this is *very* *very* straightforward. Probably the simplest “avionics” installation I’ve done. I just re-did my wiring and ground to take out a ground loop that I created. So I’ve effectively done this installation twice. It’s really simple and straightforward.
  16. A turbo normalized E or F depending on how much back legroom you require would be a good match for you. Don’t skip any steps on due diligence. Buy because you want to buy. It won’t be cheaper but can be safer. the convenience factor is key - I know few if any rental situations that are amenable to taking overnight trips or traveling cross country. Mx on rental fleets can be full of shortcuts**. Clubs can be better. I have no idea what the per hr operating cost is for my plane. It gets its feeding, watering, barn, and pampering and I just put gas an oil in it. I try not to look at any costs else the accountant would probably make me put her to pasture. ;-) ** I had it when the beat up Pa28r I used to rent in Boston had a dime sized chunk out of the prop. It needed at least dressing and for sure an A&P to evaluate airworthiness. The owner / manager told me it was up to me (100hr know nothing PPL) to determine whether I wanted to fly it or not (ie make an airworthiness decision) and refused to call an A&P. I didn’t rent there again. Next guy on the schedule probably had to have the same stupid conversation.
  17. 1) baffles - shine a light through oil access door If you see light though the front cowl openings, your cooling air is missing your cylinders. Have your seals ever been changed? Mine were awful and it’s not a difficult job - results are impressive. You can DIY with AP supervision with a roll of silicone - or Guy Ginby has some high quality kits. 2) cowl flap rigging - ensure they are rigged about 1/4 - 1/2” open in trail in the “closed position” for summer flying. Maybe Don Maxwell had an article about rigging on his website. Yes on hot days you may need to run them in trail, but usually only ROP. Proper rigging can give you almost the cooling of in trail position without the drag. 3) oil cooler clean? what are your oil temps doing? 4) you have an engine monitor, Correct? Something seems not so LOP if your CHTs are still that high. How far LOP? 8.7 gph at 8k doesn’t seem very LOP off the top of my head - maybe 10-15 LOP. Get down to 50 LOP and see what happens. My bet is your baffles are torn up or flipped backwards.
  18. You can just decrease your descent rate to 1-200 fpm momentarily and that should let you get to gear speed Another option is that big old rudder can help slow you down. Enter a forward slip and pull the nose up slightly. You will slow quickly to gear speed. You’re using the entire side of the fuselage as a speed brake. Prop coarse will decrease drag. But your robbing Peter to pay Paul in some respect- most folks would not advocate for fine pitch and low MP such that the prop is driving the engine - esp if it’s a counterweighted engine. As others have mentioned the best advice is be ahead of the airplane. New York approach controllers are literally the best out there. They don’t do slam dunk approaches. They also appreciate you telling them what you need and if you’re unable to do what they want, “unable”. But NY are like sharks in a way - you hesitate or stumble on the radio and they sense a struggling fish and will bite. Know - exactly - what you want, fit in with the cadence of the frequency, and you’ll get it if it can be accommodated. “New York, Mooney 123, needs to slow for turbulence, unable XYZ IAF at 3000, request a short vector for descent.”
  19. This is a simple design that has the same function as the Bk and would be very straightforward to make. if you make a 3D printed part make sure to use ABS or the like - nothing else will stand up to the environmental stresses in the cockpit
  20. Another option is to reskin the original part in carbon. Or to make a plug and start fresh. I needed the same part but no BK autopilot housing to start from - so I made a plug from pink foam and skinned half of it in carbon. Then I removed the first half from the plug, and skinned the second half to close it in. Then micro and finish work. Result was perfect for what I needed.
  21. Welcome to Mooney space. Sorry about your loss. Air mods or Henry Weber have extensive experience doing GU damage repairs. I’m not sure if freeway is experienced in GU repairs. What kind of structural work are you talking about? Most gear ups are limited to belly nose gear doors and flap hinges with paint and engine/prop work. Alan, Jerry or Lasar are good sources for parts. Send the prop to Cody and decide whether you need new blades or a new prop. Any lessons learned you’d be willing to share with the group here or over on the safety forum. This is an enduring problem.
  22. The pricing would suggest this.
  23. @Jerry Pressley @Alan Fox looks like there might be a repairable airframe waiting for you. @Sienicwi were you a partner in this plane? Sorry to hear it got totaled out. what did the quotes vs insured value come out to be so we may all be educated. Seems like insured value - %30 might have been close to have been able to have insurance buy out their liability and you guys are close to being able to out in the extra $$ to keep her without the hassle of having to find a new plane? If you don’t mind us asking what was the prior experience of the PIC in RG / MM? Did he receive transition training ?
  24. @jclemens @jimluper might get in touch with each other
  25. I know Bob was struggling with high oil temps after the Sabre cowl was fitted (don’t know whether it was truly correlated or just uncovered an air:oil cooling issue). Bob would definitely have gone by whatever the mfr recommended break in was, so it’s prob just coincidence, and I can say that Bob wouldn’t have put cam guard in during a break in. I don’t remember if he even overhauled the E or bought it recently overhauled. I was looking at the E (it was located in MD) at the same time as Bob and at least my criteria at the time was 200-500 hr engines.
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