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Everything posted by Cruiser

  1. check the relay next to the battery. It could be stuck contacts. Everything else in the plane is common to both batteries.
  2. yep, cornstalks and leading edges are incompatible.
  3. Technically (for us) its non-medical description is "Mooney knee"
  4. I do the same but leave it open until the next flight.
  5. I will take them. PM sent
  6. can someone explain the aerodynamic forces required to place the airframe in such a huge nose up attitude as shown in the image of the plane hitting the ground tail first. ? The long body M20 is very nose heavy, without lift, it seems the nose would drop and the plane would be in the opposite attitude.
  7. The only reason this STC was issued is because the FAA special committee to replace 100LL failed. 100UL will take off like wildfires in the west very soon as the environmentalist renew their attack on lead emissions
  8. is the RPM/PROP control cable available. ?
  9. Griffing Flying Service at KPCW has been caring for my Mooney since 2014, I am based there. They are not a Mooney Service Center but they do good work. The shop cares for a Part 135 fleet and they are very thorough.
  10. call Maxwell Aviation, MSC they will have a solution
  11. enroute cruise 7000' Full MAP, 2350 RPM. LOP 50°F, 12.8 FF KTAS 168 - 170 Flight plan for 15.0 gph on one to two hour trips.
  12. Sensor. I have been told putting them in an oven at low temp for a couple hours sometimes works.
  13. the key is the display. The iPads don't actually do anything. They are simply displaying info from other sources. Notice all the certified equipment is on the left side, it is the only thing that actually interacts with the airplane. Two major concerns with any equipment. Does it flag or warn of improper or invalid data ? How can you be sure it is working properly ?
  14. changes in EGT appears very uniform across the cylinders. Very good. What you need to do now is go back and review the data to find at what FF each of the cylinders reached peak EGT. Compare the first FF value to the last one for each cylinder at peak EGT. IF the difference is less than 1.0 gallons you should be able to operate LOP smoothly. (the lower the number the better) I think you mean the CHT on #6 did not drop as much as the others, but it is low enough already (341), so not really a problem. You could check the baffling and fix any leaks, this will change CHT also. "rough" is not really a problem, it is the difference in power produced from each cylinder. A little rough will not hurt anything. Did you try this at different altitudes?
  15. Has anyone had a failed burnt exhaust valve operating LOP and CHT below 380°F ?
  16. I was focused on burned exhaust but the other failures can be discussed. It may be too technical to get into the weeds on this but the idea is to see if we can set some loose parameters on things like excessive heat. Are we concerned with 380°F CHT ? what about 400°F ? is there a dwell time involve? i.e. can I go over 400° in climb out if the cruise is below that ?
  17. Looking to define the reason(s) exhaust valves fail. reading the LOP thread, there is a lot of generalization about operations - such as damage the engine internal pressure - high ICP burn up your engine detonation there are continual reports of top end replacements at 1000 hours or less, yet some operators can go to TBO without issues. How can we define these differences that make sense relating to exhaust valve failures. Mechanical issues are well documented, alignment and tolerancing is obviously important but it is more than that, even with the mis-alignment it seems some engines survive but others do not. It is certainly linked to operational methods. Let's try to develop specific, measurable factors in operations. Some things that seem important - CHT, EGT, FF, ROP, LOP, POWER, RPM etc.
  18. Anyone seriously considering putting every member of your family in a plane including young children should step back for a minute and re-evaluate. There is risk in flying and exposing every member of a family at one time should be thought through very, very carefully.
  19. from the insurance perspective the 182 is the winner hands down.
  20. The 310 HP is a paperwork function. The engine doesn't change so 75% of 310 is 232.5 hp. Just run the 280 HP IO550 at 85% and you should get the same performance. Climb and T/O performance are a function of the propeller change
  21. there are lots of methods to doing this and as stated above it is all about distraction and forgetting. That being said the best protection is checking the gear as the very last thing done before touching down.
  22. use the system before modification. Check your O2 levels. modify the system and try again. as for Bernoulli, I can fly without him but Newton must be onboard.
  23. You are correct, CAV claims the TKS fluid is not corrosive. there are a couple of cases of TKS Bonanzas that had severe corrosion of ferrous metals in the wings. Not directly attributed to the TKS fluid but they did have problems. You can test the TKS fluid yourself. Put out two dishes in your hangar. One with water and one with TKS fluid and monitor the results. As an added test, dip two pieces of metal in the fluids and hang them in the air
  24. It is not like water and will not evaporate quickly. It leaves a wet, slippery coating that will allow ferrous metals to rust quickly.
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