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Everything posted by Cruiser

  1. not that I know of, the 310 HP STC includes increasing the fuel capacity of the M20S to 89 gallons.
  2. the only physical change is replacing the placards, which (I believe) can be done by the owner/operator and adding the AFMS to your POH. Some feel that filling the volume above the tubes is too slow because the venting holes at the top of the filler ring are small. They have been known to be enlarged ... Mooney long bodies came with three different length filler tubes. The longest was for M20S Eagles with a full indication at the bottom of the tube - 75 gallons. The middle length tube on most M20R Ovations equals 89 gallons when filled to the bottom of the tube. The shortest length tube (which is basically no tube) fills the wing tanks full to the 108/102 gallon useable fuel level. Just remember that the landing weight is less than the MTOW so you need to burn enough fuel to get below that restriction during the flight.
  3. and have a logbook entry stating --- installed in accordance with Mooney Drawing Number 210217 p.s. - remember, Ovations have a maximum landing weight limit lower than MTOW. Be careful on fueling more than you use up before landing .
  4. I believe what you are looking for is the 51 gallon fuel tanks AFM supplement. It allows a Total Capacity 108 gallons / Usable 102 gallons in M20M, M20R, and M20TN models. You will need to have one of the MSC order the kit https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SUPP0006.pdf
  5. a piece of grit from the tire. Be certain to clean the inside of the tire and completely remove any sign of loose debris. A small piece of the tire the size of a piece of sand will vibrate a hole in the tube.
  6. we used QT Halos and hooked them on the sun visors, up and out of the way.
  7. We had a Mooney Ovation "pancake" in on a botched go around, both occupants survived ... the issue was the the same, full up trim that pitched aggressively nose high when power was added to go around, in this case, the plane was behind the power curve (hanging on the prop). He couldn't climb and he couldn't push the nose over -- the plane eventually settling into a thicket of saplings and brush.
  8. I have not followed the thread but I did read that the pilot admitted he was below DA looking for the airport. I also looked at FlightAware, The plane has flown over 50 times since the 1st of September. Now that is a lot of flying no matter who you are. Was the pilot a CFII doing instruction or a commercial hauler ?
  9. this is why I always used the #2 radio for freq chg. -- it allowed me to monitor app. if I needed them.
  10. FAA Clears Piper M600/SLS for Unpaved Field Operations - Flying Magazine. I had no Idea the FAA controlled where an aircraft could land. Does this apply to all aircraft ? Mooneys ?
  11. Is the A&P/IA doing the annual working for a Mooney Service Center? IF not, there are two good options. One - call Saavy Maintenance and ask for help. (it is a pay for service) Two - call a well known MSC and ask for guidance on your issues. It is certain a busy, well established service center has run across these issues and knows how to deal with them. Note: I believe the FAA considers stop drilling to be a temporary repair that must be followed up with a permanent fix as soon as possible.
  12. Document Number : SA02624AT Document Title : This STC converts the Mooney M20L to essentially an M20R. The STC requires minor changes to the aircraft structure and includes installation of a Continental IO-550-N16B engine (The engine is operated at the performance limits of 280 hp at 2500 rpm just like the Continental IO-550-G used on the Mooney M20R.) The STC is to be accomplished in accordance with Mod Works Master Document List, MW8800-000, Revision "B", dated April 30, 2003, or later FAA approved revision. Document Type : Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) Published Date : 01/22/2004 Effective Date : CFR Part Reference : Part 21CFR Subpart/Appendix Reference : CFR Section Reference : Sec. 111 | Sec. 113 | Sec. 115 | Sec. 117 | Sec. 119 | Sec. 120 No Attachment to Display
  13. other than the propeller change the 310 HP upgrade is only allowing a max RPM change so how does the engine know that 242/310 is 78% power but 242/260 is 93% power ?
  14. The 310 hp STC and three blade prop for the Ovations increases the need for right rudder under full power take-off and extended climb conditions. While the airplane is fully controllable and quite capable WITHOUT rudder trim, the use of trim to take out the right rudder pressure needed on long climbs can reduce leg fatigue. I have no experience on a M20K but unless your leg tires now in T/O or climb conditions, the trim is not going to do anything.
  15. perfect application for an LED upgrade with a minor alteration sign-off
  16. get rid of the Davtron clock in the upper left and put it in that hole.
  17. Possibly, but it appears the FAA has already taken a position on the requirement of an STC. You can always challenge them.
  18. two parts ---- first, the FAA approved the fuel to be used in certified aircraft -- issue STC second, the STC holder can provide the approval to use their modification for free or for a fee. in other words, if you don't want to pay the STC holder, don't use their product.
  19. they probably won't.
  20. that may be true, BUT .... GAMI requires you purchase an STC to use their fuel.
  21. Ovation POH Section II Limitations Power Plant Limitations Fuel Grade (Color) ...... 100LL (Blue)** or 100 octane (Green) ** ** refers to weight -- lb/gal.
  22. you are stuck in the weeds. The FAA works on the basis of certification. An airplane is manufactured and it is flight tested. The first entry in every aircraft log book certifies the aircraft to FAA standards. That aircraft cannot be changed, added to, subtracted from or modified in any way or the certification in void. Changing the composition of the fuel used (G100UL) is a change to the certified version of the aircraft. It met several performance requirements with 100LL, to use G100UL requires an STC to remain certified.
  23. the actual production process is much easier. Any refinery can do it. NO need for purging and special handling No issue with cross contaminations requiring dedicated tankers No problem issue with switching product in the refinery. So, the manufacturing and distribution portion of the process should be cheaper.
  24. First, he was not granted a MONOPOLY, he was granted an STC and if Shell or any other entity wants to submit its product for FAA approval they are free to do so. Until 100LL is banned, your concerns are .... well, concerns. In the meantime, the aviation high-performance fleet is going to continue to be supported .
  25. does that include the M20J w/TKS out of an Indiana dealer ? I was looking at that one.
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