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Everything posted by 201Mooniac

  1. In my J I use WOT until at cruise altitude and just wind the prop back to 2600 after I'm 1000' AGL. I rarely have trouble with CHTs being too high except occasionally in the summer months when it is 95+ degrees and then I still leave the engine setup the same but just lower the nose a little bit to increase airflow.
  2. Ah, yes, very true, I was thinking of GTNs
  3. Database updates use the system id which comes from the config module so that won't help here.
  4. I had the same experience when I bought my 201 25 years ago. At that point I thought they all had steps but mine came from the factory without one. I don't miss it and I like to think it makes me faster :-)
  5. I've been using it exclusively for about 15 years now in my IO-360. While I live in CA I do occasionally have some cold starts and it is never a problem.
  6. Garmin just issued the 10.2.6 update which claims to fix the safe taxi issue. Downloading it now.
  7. I understand that, I was just commenting that it is too easy these days.
  8. Practice it, yes, but it is hardly a challenge anymore. Last weekend I "failed" my G500TXi and flew an approach on my G5. I didn't sweat it one bit, it was easy as it can be.
  9. I wasn't the one who said that but just posting the latest status. I don't think there is any reasonable expectation of a date when it is listed in the future category.
  10. Those models are listed as beginning in the next 12 months. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/604257#additional
  11. Yes, unfortunately that was my plane where they found the problem, it was an issue with my flush mounted access panels. Always a risk as an early adopter. Garmin was great though, they modified the bracket and got the change approved in just over a week.
  12. Looks like Garmin just announced a new watch with pulse ox and pilot integration. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/707506
  13. Haven't gotten a real chance to fly with it yet but I haven't found a way to schedule readings, it does seem to take some on its own however I've don't know whether it will send alerts. I guess I need to fly as a passenger so I can get hypoxic and see what happens
  14. I asked Top Gun to look into and they are checking with the FSDO it but if they can't do it I'll speak with Lasar.
  15. I hope you are right but they have been telling me that at OSH and SnF each year for the last 6 or more years. I really hope it is true this time.
  16. Here is a copy of the 337 for a 231. 337_BC410_Mooney_M20K_N44CG.pdf
  17. If you pull the vacuum pump you can add a standby alternator on that pad. I don't know of an STC'd unit for a 231 but LASAR has gotten it field approved.
  18. Very true. 25 years ago I got a checkout in my new to me Mooney with an instructor who didn't know how to land Mooneys. I was doing lousy landings for 6 months before Don straightened me out in 1 hour.
  19. I just got an Apple Watch 6, it has a pulse oxymeter so I wanted to try it out. It can work without the phone nearby but you do need an iPhone to set it up. I'm not sure how well it will work at altitude but I'll try it out on my next flight. The heart rate and rhythm monitoring seem to work fairly well. I'm also going to try a few aviation apps that are available for it.
  20. I'm sorry, I don't mean to dump on your shop but that seems nuts, when I had my G5 installed (as a backup to my G500 TXi), it was $65 for the flush mount kit and another hour to mount thr bracket to the back of the panel. I don't see how going to 2 G5s makes this so expensive. For instance, you can find the dual flush mount kit here: https://www.steinair.com/product/g5-flush-mount-bracket-dual/ So that seems to imply about $3900 for mounting the bracket. I'm not sure but I think the shop just flush riveted the bracket to the panel before power coating. Could this have been the cost for an entirely new panel? Even so it seems expensive.
  21. Mine was just about $17K for a 4 servo install
  22. VNAV is a function of the GTN navigator (and the new low profile ones). The older navigators don't provide the VNAV functionality to the AP. You should still be able to fly GPS apporaches though.
  23. I had the same issue where I was originally using Aviation Out from the GTN-650 to the AERA-660. When the 660 stated to support MapMX, I wanted it switched. It was just under an hour of time for the shop to make the switch, not too expensive, and well worth it.
  24. Not sure of others experience but I have found support form Garmin to be great and I know they have been very helpful to my dealer.
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