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Everything posted by 201Mooniac

  1. Seems like you would want something like this: https://www.astronics.com/subsidiary?subsidiaryItem=astronics max-viz. Mounts on the belly or the underside of the wing.
  2. Not sure about the 430W but when I sent my GTN-650 in earlier this year, it came back with what the shop told me is a 1 year warranty. I'd expect the 430W is the same.
  3. Have you tried powering on the unit with the inner knob pressed? If that works it might be a problem with you internal clock. I had that issue and it needed a trip to Garmin to resolve.
  4. For the M20J at least, there is no restriction as to placement that I could find in the installation manual. The drawing showed it in the avionics rack but the text described alternate mounting of the unit to the panel without calling out a limitation on position.
  5. I'm very sorry about your experience but I must say that it differs dramatically from mine. While I understand how disappointing this is, when my J model went in for the GFC-500 install, the shop found that there was a serial number range that had a wing difference and Garmin modified the roll servo bracket and got it certified for me in 2 weeks. I have had excellent service from them. I am sorry to hear you didn''t.
  6. Just be aware that path to the GFC-500 also includes a G5 and a GAD-29.
  7. Well you could start with one G5 to replace the HSI, then do a second G5 with the two servo GFC-500 and then add the other one or two servos afterwards. Probably not what you are looking for but doable.
  8. Don is mostly correct but I already had the G5 as a backup to my TXi. I have the GAD-29, no need for the B.
  9. No, just the AP, it did include all 4 servos including pitch trim and yaw damper.
  10. Mine ended up at around $17.5K but that is still a big bill to pay if you are happy with your existing AP.
  11. Agreed, I'm not sure why Garmin hasn't gone for it, it would be a killer solution for so many aircraft.
  12. True for attitude indicator but it can for the HSI.
  13. I'm not sure why you say this but I currently connect my iPad to both my FS210 for flightplan transfer, weather, traffic, and AHRS and also to my PMA-8000 BTi for audio. Since they use difference bluetooth profiles, both connections are possible.
  14. When I click on that link I don't see the installation manual, just the AML, AFMS, POH and ICA.
  15. The certified G3X installation manual is not posted on Garmin's site anywhere I could find it. I guess it is in the dealer area. I would imagine someone will find one though.
  16. Just be aware that link is to the manuals for the experimental version. In a certified airplane, you would add the GFC-500 autopilot to a G3X and G5. Both can drive the autopilot and they back each other up. The GFC-500 is really is the same thing though as described above as it is just the GMC-507 mode controller and the GSA-28 servos. The trim servo is just one more GSA-28. While no hardware really seems to change, it is just the means of certification that makes the distinction here.
  17. Yes, the original 8000 also had it. According the Mark from PSE, the FAA made them change it when they went to the 8000 B and since then (I have an 8000 BTi) it needs to be set on each power up. Come to think of it, I don't know how it responds on the 8000 G however when I brought this up to the sales guy at the AOPA expo at LVK earlier this summer he agreed only the 450 enabled it to be saved across reboots. Maybe he was just trying to upsell me.
  18. Just for completeness, PSE only allows that on the 450 audio panels, not the 8000 audio panels.
  19. True enough, mine did not include the G5 but was a 4 servo install.
  20. Definitely not the mid 20K range, mine (M20J) was right about $17.5K
  21. Congratulations, sounds like a great setup and you'll love it and never even miss the money from your bank account :-)
  22. The YD is not necessary on an M20J but it is nice in turbulence. It was about a $2.5K add on for me.
  23. Adding the YD afterwards is fairly easy in this installation as no wiring needs to go from the yaw servo up front, it is a continuation of the CANBUS and can be added from the pitch servo. I did find that in moderate turbulence it is a noticeably better ride but in just slight bumps with no one in the back, it isn't so important. It is fairly inexpensive though while you are in there so I did it anyway.
  24. Yes, that was me. As I mentioned, there was a change in the wing starting at serial number 24-1301. The roll servo bracket that was initially certified was for the later wing and Garmin had to modify the bracket and get it certified so it would work in the early serial number wings.
  25. In what way? It's an incredibly sturdy install that while complex (this install has all 4 servos) is rather straightforward to install given the Garmin bracketry. The wiring is also extremely simple. The only install issue for me was I was the first 201 with a serial number below 24-1301 and Garmin hadn't realized there was a change in the wing at that point that required a modification to the roll servo bracket. Garmin came to the shop, did the modification, and got it certified in about 2 weeks which only added a week to the completion date. Extremely good customer service.
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