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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. 1. Monroy Long Range Tanks -- along with tank reseal 2. Electronic Ignition System 3. Speed Mods 4. 1 or two G5's -- depending on how much is left
  2. Quick trip KDWH to KDTN with my first LPV approach, thank you Warren 8) Oh yeah if you're near, kdtn is literally downtown Shreveport, 2 mins to casinos, restaurants, hotels and other entertainment. -> KDTN
  3. looks like my E, same s @Bob_Belville
  4. ouch, the one Friday I can't go, wifes birthday. Probably end up on the couch if I even mention it
  5. almost done, from 1974 to 1996 in one swoop. 8) actually should get some credit for the shiny audio panel.
  6. this would look good on my E, anyway to ballpark cost and time ?
  7. 1. If you can, buy a Mooney, not that difficult. 2. Diamond, they love to fly hate to land, just like a mooney 3. anything with wings
  8. well since I don't have my plane, it's raining anyway. guess i'll start thinking about my next upgrade. what do you guys think, Jose's Monroy Tanks ( think he'll give me a discount? 8) Electro Aire Ignition? Speed Mods? I'm thinking the tanks will give me the best bang for the buck
  9. and the latest, def not giving me the warm and fuzzy
  10. this sux so bad, just knowing it's not in my hangar is irritating me. to top it off, they sent this annoying picture, can't see anything.
  11. I spoke with tkm a few mos back, it's my understanding that there may be a kx170b version of this radio in the works. also if I remember right, I think he said it may be an SDR
  12. Birdy is in the shop for a few weeks getting an upgrade, what to do? Seriously, she's been away about two days now and i'm already going thru withdrawal 8( didn't realize I was so attached to her
  13. before I purchased the mooney, I was a member of tx flight club. all the planes have AC and garmin gtn 650''s or gtn 750s. all great. I'd agree they are all shiny but brass to tacks theres about 1 or 2 steps more capability, why would you spend the money??? esp with a flightstream. flightstream is cool!' flightstream I give a rats ass about Victor flyways
  14. i'm still not understanding why I would yank a working 530w for anything else? Not enough difference in capability to make up the cost. well maybe if I flew it every day instead of 110ish hours a year. now 430/530 to something with waas, maybe. Aspen will atleast put the visuals in front of you, SV is nice. what about a shiny new paint job?
  15. yaesu fta 750L awesome radio. mostly used for checking atis and getting clearances before starting the plane
  16. Aspen, what's the real diff between a 530w and 750 not much, bit shinier. but honestly, i'd keep it as is and spend the money on experiences.
  17. not far from me i'll go. also, you do have my spot reserved right 8)
  18. hmm, those do look nice
  19. I believe this to be a failure at all levels, manufacturing, lawyers, regulations and the current owners community. GA is now for the elite, where as back in the 70's you just needed to be ok. I cry inside whenever I hear someone brag about how expensive something was and how others shouldn't be here if they can't or won't spend similar amounts. when I look at pictures of GA gatherings you know what I see, 50+ year old men. yes there's always the odd ball woman or youngun but for the most part its an aging higher income group from a past generation. Today it's harder to get to the higher relative income. Someone mentioned housing in California, a buddy owns a million dollar townhome in one of those places but makes less than me, how's he supposed to own an aircraft ? people start trying to save for retirement the instant they turn 18, what sense would it ever make to buy a limited use item which if you're lucky doesn't self destruct due to a few mos of disuse. Really a hard sale. As mentioned earlier yeah, a lux car or Rv can be had for similar prices but those things have 1000x more utility, comfort and durability. I LOVE flying, LOVE being an owner but honestly, the writing is probably on the wall.
  20. simple fact, airplanes are tiny, it's hard to see a Cessna 1 mile in front of you. USE ALL available resources once you get a traffic helper( adsb, tcas, whatever ) you finally realize how much traffic you don't see, scary.
  21. Just a thought, could your plane be overly smooth at this point ? maybe the rougher old paint was acting like a golf ball and causing the air to release at just the right points.
  22. Not overly concerned about weight, i can stand to eat less burgers anyway. A nice deep and wet automotive style looking plane would just make me smile from ear to ear. It's 2018 i'm sure there's a paint additive for UV. Delaminating is just a sign of a bad paint job.
  23. I didn't even know you could get a clearcoat on a plane, def adding that when I get paint.
  24. sorry $961 plus another $115 or so for the landing light cover? where do I find the additional charge for the stc ?https://www.aeroresourcesinc.com/product_category/product_detail/55
  25. hmm that nose enclosure doesn't look bad, also if i'm reading it correctly it's only $910, might be next on the shopping list
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