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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. Been asking Gena and John for a slot for the last 2 mos, shrug maybe that's what i'll have to do
  2. I remember those ORION amps omg needed a dedicated powerstation for them huge class AB amps.
  3. I have a call into Outright, Sugarland, AvionicsUnlimited, etc... all are exceptionally busy.
  4. man I miss the car stereo comps, great fun.
  5. funny, no fear of electronics or wire but terrified of 1974 plastic
  6. I've been thinking of doing it myself, paranoid about taking the interior out. why is a 480 a bad idea 1/2 the cost of 650/ifd and garmin still supports the unit( called yesterday ). hell if I have to do the install myself, which is seeming more and more likely I can buy 2 or 3 replacement units and still be under the cost of the 650 install also going in will be a new pma8000 audio panel to replace my kma20
  7. I"m so frustrated, my main comm/nav is on the fritz barely working, cuts in and out when it feels like it. Have no idea how i'm going to take my ifr checkride. avionics shops are so full of business at the moment that they can't be bothered with me. I'm a tiny mooney wanting a gps/nav/comm, guess not worth the trouble, the avionics shops don't even bother to call back or send quotes; nice to have the business. Anyone know how I can get a GNS 480 installed sooner rather than later?
  8. that's pretty cool
  9. ewww
  10. Adding a second battery or couple largish caps, will stop the lights dimming
  11. Best System: 2x Alpine 35series amps, 2x JVC subs in sealed box running gasp stereo, 4x Alpine components in cab. this system still gives me the old warm and fuzzy. Hope you get up and running soon.
  12. Mine isn't connected to the DG. it has a heading knob on the autopilot for magnetic heading( flux valve is in tail ). you set the radial with your obs, then turn the knob on the ap to match. not sure how that would work with gps.
  13. Adding a GPS to my bird, wondering what it would take to get a gps to work with the Brittain NavFlite II( think it's a B5) It does work being connected to the Nav radios but you have to set the magnetic heading to match the radial you're following. wierd
  14. one other question are you sure it's the ci-196 for a 74e commants site says j and k
  15. darn that's what i thought, was hoping to avoid putting more gps warts on my plane
  16. Anyone know the correct replacement comm antennae for a 1974 m20e ? Also what are the chances of getting one of the commant combo antennaes to fit ex. ci2580-200 or ci2480-200.
  17. Man I would order one of those today.
  18. I can't wait to finish my IFR, Houston has had nothing but rain and clouds for the last month. If I have to go round the pattern one more time.
  19. Don't worry too much, my first two years of ownership haven't been bad at all. 2 annuals, new baffles, umpteen oil changes, lots and lots of avgas. next year will be expensive, panel update and mag overhauls. Just a note, I'm accepting donations 8)
  20. Popeye's bag wrapped around filter while loosening works perfect, not a single drop spilled.
  21. OUCH but bright side, insurance or shop will pay for your overhaul 8)
  22. DAMN I belong to both groups
  23. i'm installing a 300xl, can't justify spending 14 to 20k installing a new 650 in a 50k airplane.
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