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  1. 81-201

    GoPro Mounting

    GoPro is having a $100 off sale right now if you turn in any old digital camera that had an original retail price >$100. As a result, my first GoPro is on its way. With the countless mounting options available, I'm curious what the MS crowd has found as their favorites. Please share what has worked well for you and any lessons learned from things that perhaps didn't go so well. Thanks for all your input. This is a great group that I continue to learn from every time I sign on. Blue skies and tail winds (not that kind!)
  2. This makes me wonder how many hangars across the US are housing planes that have not flown in 10+ years. We had a lineman retire December 1, 2018 and he had worked at our hangar complex for about 10 years. According to his records, about 90% of the hangars hold planes that haven't flown since he started, my guestimate on that number is about 70 hangars. He also mentioned at least a couple that haven't flown since the early 80's. It will be interesting to see what is hiding in there and if any of the equipment is ever usable again....
  3. Thanks all for your thoughts and feedback. @EricJ thanks for sharing your experience. Scenarios like yours and hearing how you were able to overcome the adversity are very helpful. @carusoam I like your idea of limiting the various battery sizes needed in your cockpit. It sounds like the main benefit folks get from their hand held is ground based and not a ton of in-flight use / experience. I'm glad there haven't been loads of experiences that required the use of a hand held. @Bryan it sounds like yours came in quite handy returning from OSH. Thanks for sharing. Blue skies and tail winds. Brian
  4. I'm curious who here in the Mooney Space uses a back up hand help radio. There was an incident near where I fly often and I recently learned that the pilot had a hand held in the plane but was not familiar with it. As a pilot that likes to mitigate risks as much as practical, a hand held seems like an easy addition to my flight bag. So, here are the questions for the community. What hand held do you use? Are you able to clearly hear others? Can they hear you well? Do you utilize an external or non-standard antenna with your radio? If so, which one and how did it improve your comms ability? I may think of more questions later but these should get the conversation started. Thanks for all your thoughts and ideas. Fly safe. Brian
  5. Thank you for all the ideas and thoughts. While new glass units (E5 and G5) are sexy and appealing I don't think they are the right fit for my partners and I given our AP and the necessary add-ons for proper and full functionality. @Jerry 5TJ my first thought was vacuum failure but it turns out not to be the case. The primary vac is doing its job as is the back up vacuum, both working well and not the culprit. I'll PM you to discuss further. @201Mooniac a PM will be headed your way as well. @jazztheglass The G5 is a great unit. We kicked around the idea of dual G5's but my understanding is that G5's will not drive the Century 21, could be wrong, but that my current understanding. Also, your experience of loss of AI's in IMC is harrowing and one I'd rather hear stories about than tell first hand stories about. I'm glad things worked out well for you and I hope you sent that controller a fine bottle of scotch! I'll post a panel pic later to show what we're working with. Thanks again for your thoughts.
  6. Hey gang! I'm a rookie and need some thoughts / expertise from the group. First the background / current state: on a recent cross country I noticed my AI indicating about a 5 degree left bank while I was actually wings level. This persisted for some time and had me strongly considering diverting and landing at a reliable shop, had it been anything other than clear and a million I would have aborted the flight. The sagging AI continued to sag until I began my decent at which time it corrected itself. Again on the way home I was lucky enough to have total VFR conditions otherwise I would have flown the airlines. Since that initial sagging flight it has intermittently sagged again in cruise (she's a VFR only bird right now). So here's the question for the group: given that I have an AI I don't 100% trust ...what next? Keep in mind my autopilot is a Century 21. Thanks for your input!
  7. I forgot my shameless plug for the folks at Sensorcon. I called them shortly after ordering mine (i.e. 2 minutes after getting the order confirmation email) and explained my strong desire to never fly again without their unit onboard. Being a Friday afternoon I was expecting to hear that they would try to get it out Monday. When I explained I plan to fly a 700NM leg Wednesday the lady said she'd rush and get it out today. 5 minutes later I had the shipping confirmation email and the unit will arrive Monday. Very strong customer service! disclosure - I have no business whatsoever with Sensorcon, just thought great customer service should be recognized and publicly appreciated.
  8. @DanM20C home base for me is KPWA (Wiley Post) in Oklahoma City. I read the entire thread about your experience...I'm glad you lived to tell your story. I've learned quite a bit about CO poisoning since starting to read about your experience. At annual last April a bulge in the muffler was found and a new muffler was installed....what if...? I can't wait to get out there and test her like many others have written about in the other thread. I have a long cross country coming up in several days and will be exploring with the best place to keep/mount this new unit.
  9. Just in case there are folks out there that have not yet purchased a sensorcon I can verify that the discount code "aircraft2017" works as of 3/9/2018. I just ordered mine. Won't fly again without it.
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