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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. between the two front seats, just aft of the trim wheel.
  2. put it on amex, if they don't ship, dispute
  3. I read the manual for the aerocruz 100, wow that thing is really capable for the price. you can find the manual on spruce. really close to pulling this trigger.
  4. I have the brittain b5ish ap, tracks mag heading, follows magenta line, can shoot approaches, unfortunately no altitude hold. tough decision.
  5. so flipping the coin, extended range tanks or aerocruz 100 as my next upgrade. hmmmmm hard hard decision
  6. I've forgot once or twice, so quit using them on takeoff. one less thing to concern myself with
  7. i'm getting these NavStrobe Sextant Aircraft Navigation System with Constant & Fast Strobes 45w FAA-TSO | Aircraft Spruce
  8. No, but will eventually get a garmin 275
  9. Kevin is awesome, btw. talked me thru a number of pc problems.
  10. Opinion: What price speed? - AOPA
  11. Small plane crashes onto California freeway and bursts into flames (msn.com) atleast they didn't get anything wrong
  12. 22 to 23 in / 2300 rpm. or if higher than about 7500 ft, wot and 2300 rpm. rop or lop depending on mood. actually been playing with over square lately so like 22/23 inches and 2100 rpm
  13. go as high as possible, turn on the ap then alternate between instruments and netflix. rare for me to have to avoid anyone at 8k+
  14. No, bring a big flashlight and a camera. look super close in the wheel wells. smell the cabin for fuel hell, smell the engine. look in those tanks get the owner to fly the plane, if it don't fly don't buy. make sure to go in with the attitude that it's the worst example of a plane ever built. DO NOT fall in love, 6 mos from now you'll be complaining about an aircraft with only 1 wing. go thru the logs, make sure the are as complete as possible. check the dates of the last few annuals, are they consistent. oil changes? other maintenance. chack frequency of flight. frequent good , infrequent very bad. I had my plane annualled instead of a ppi, rather pay 2k then 60k oh yeah, then after all this, go talk to your shrink, ask why you would ever do something so O*(I# stupd as to buy an aircraft 8).
  15. If you turn off cellular data, the battery in your ipad will last MUCH longer. I fly with just bluetooth enabled, both the IPAD mini5 and mini6 will last about 4 or 5 hours. Normally i keep them charging while flying. Honestly, i had forgotten about the whole Overheating thingee. Maybe the newer ipads work better ?
  16. there was one a guy is giving away in the classifieds section, look it up.
  17. I mount them on the windshield bar above the compass and on the yoke which keeps them out of the sun. I also use X-grip mounts so plenty of air flows around them. I also never leave them in the plane, unless they are shutoff and in a bag. I may just be lucky but so far no overheating issues
  18. looking at trade a plane and barnstormers, why is this price so low ?
  19. Pilot had no qualifications to fly when a single-engine plane crashed in West Michigan (msn.com)
  20. If' you're not opposed to a bit of a drive, i believe there should be space in Glendale. Airport Rates and Fees - City of Glendale (glendaleaz.com) Glendale Hangars Management LLC: Home
  21. It cost me approx 10 to 12k a year before birdy is pulled out her hangar, add fuel, oil, maint res., incidentals, your looking at 175 to 200$ an hr @ 100 hrs per year. Nothing about it makes any sort of sense, but, I wouldn't change a thing. It's amazing, if you have the bug and resources just do it. realize it's a commitment. honestly think of myself more as a steward than an owner, do everything possible to keep her up. I had an annual performed instead of the ppi. had them open anything that could possibly corrode. thought being everything can be replaced, including the engine but corrosion will kill her. Just a note, the rear seat in my E, folds down for cargo. honestly, should prob take it out, none have ever ridden in the backseat. hmmm.
  22. Price it as run-out, if he bites , get it annualled, make sure there are NO airframe corrosion issues and AD's are good. Corrosion is the killer, everything else can be fixed. fly it till the engine goes then rebuild. win/win
  23. Try Garmin pilot, runs on both android and apple and has about 90% the same features. andoid version is missing 1 or 2 things. that'll let you taste without having to buy an apple device.
  24. man, guess gravity works differently on the other side of the world 8)
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