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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. So he starting working out pretty early...? .....SURPRISE!!!!! "Thanks for that shot of adrenalin son"...
  2. I also have a three-blade (McCaulley) prop. There are a lot of haters due to weight, speed loss and vibration. Vibration CAN be an issue, but I don't experience it with my prop. I generally fly 2500-2550 in cruise. Good luck sorting the issue. Enjoy your climb with your 3-blade it should NOT be causing yokes to vibrate...
  3. My A&P wears flannel, so ya know...I win.
  4. Moonfusious say: "Probe and an answer you shall find"...
  5. Sorry the dominos lined up that day. Man, I definitely believe that sometimes we just have "those days"...The ying to your yang my wife and I returned commercial from a beautiful week in Savannah and Charleston. We flew commercial. Got a push notice that our flight was leaving at 10:00 vs. original booked time of 6:40AM. Slept in until 7:30, nice breakfast get to the airport and the plane is delayed 30 minutes...Uh OH...Only a 30 minute window at OHare. I wait for gate check bags and think no way we made connection as it is 15 minutes to flight...Get to entrance and wife is there with an attendant that walks me down to expedite the boarding pass. We made it. Easy flights and a wonderful time. Hunting Beach State Park (Beufort S.C.) is absolutely beautiful. The food and Southern hospitality in both cities was amazing. Better luck next time Hank. Thanks for taking one for me...
  6. I have owned my vintage short-body for 14 years. I listened to Aviation Consumer and put Air Hawk Tires on (Mains and nose gear). I have had zero issues with the tires. ZERO. I put expensive rubber on my Sports Car and SUV. My Mooney? Not so much...and I couldn't be happier with my decision.
  7. Got to go with a Targa 4S for my comparison. It has a small rear jumpseat access able through a separate opening. It has an S in the name implying and having more power. The view is spectacular with the opening top. The Mooney view is likewise Super. It is powerful, Fast, Beautiful AND Expensive. Engine is confined, but maintenance can be performed by owner. Both are quality speed machines that are built to be flogged for maximum SPH. "Smiles-Per-Hour...
  8. Welcome. You are on the right track (experience both personal and here at MooneySpace). I went a similar route. Complex in Arrow. Owner of a vintage Mooney with about 100 hours. E&C are both great planes. F's too. If I had it to do over again I would be flying a Mid-80's 201 with removable/fold down rear seats. Some E's and F's have fold down seats. NICE to have option. Find your plane WITH stuff you want (Airframe/avionics). It is a buyers market. Enjoy!
  9. Ya sexy shower scene...I think M14's are sexy as hell... Best used with barrel pointed...away.
  10. That was awesome! What a trooper. She's definitely coach able...and a cutie-pie
  11. Ten plus years post LASIK. All good...Except reading vision...Not so much.
  12. All good, that Mooney signed her organ donation...and the fleet lives on. My bird is an organ recipient. Thank you E for providing me life...
  13. Glad to see the field get cleared. Parts available. Money made. Recycling occur. Appendages remain intact. De-construction ultimately AIDS construction and cosmetics of the remaining fleet. NICE. Learned: 1 bad ass saw makes up for a lack of tools...
  14. My take-away is the same as it has always been. Know your limitations and those of your Mooney. I have and always will make a shallow, coordinated turn Base to Final. I turn early, not late and compensate. I fly Upwind, downwind and base at 100MPH. With power reduced at numbers I pitch for 100 MPH. I reduce power and add all flaps on final. I have a sterile cockpit. I am focused on flying the airplane. I am 80MPH on short final with power OUT. I hear the stall horn in the flare... If a Mooney Test Pilot can stall and die base to final THIS IS something to have your attention. Just like the movie said for WWII pilots. Higher stall with higher G's...Planes stall at any airspeed with pulling (G's) and turning (climbing turn) causing higher airspeed stall. I never have a need to do a steep turn down low.
  15. If you are going to talk weight penalty for side windows in 1/4 inch say what it is. A pound? I had zero difficulty with install. Non-issue. No difference from stock. It reduced vibration and the resultant fatigue. That was huge and worth the cost. Difference in price again was minimal from stock. Yes, still 90db, so a good ANR is mandatory for comfort. Unless you fly a lot, it is no big deal for hearing loss.
  16. Hank, Spock says "Logical"...Probably a Bingo.
  17. I see two drawings. One is on top of the other. I don't see numbered drawings... Original poster, does that sound like your controller? He is/was a D.I.C.K...
  18. Wow! This video as well as the video taken of the helicopter going down are amazing. I would be ducking and getting OUT OF THE WAY vs. standing there and capturing the video. Just an amazing amount of energy into that car on the bounce. Could have been so much worse. Walked away.....OUTSTANDING. AND lucky.
  19. I have a latch if you are in a lurch...
  20. REALLY pleased with the outcome. No pilot or pedestrian injuries. No fire. Could have been so much worse. Just bent metal on cars and some avionics for the needy. Good Job KY. Way to slide in the hole and come....out safely.
  21. Whatever. Simple is not only good it is safe AND effective. I will freely admit I am "No RA Bob Hoover"... Vulgar? Another reason I like the crab. I don't fly for the challenge. I fly to safely transport myself, my family, my friends and my pets or a combination of them safely, econonomically and speedily to destinations. You lost points on this post, but no doubt gain "style points" when you demonstrate your cross-control skills for your adoring fans even if it is the one in the mirror. Whatever floats your boat.
  22. I have a '66 E Right Flap & hangers. It has one light ding on the rear that is barely visible...but it is there. Have flap hangers. I also have a right elevator with a small crinkle/wrinkle...No hangers.
  23. Welcome to the Vintage Mooney Club. I hope your engine work is straight forward and you are punching holes in the MTN skies soon. Enjoy the ride...flying her and improving/making her yours. It will be both rewarding and costly, but most things in life that are satisfying involve risk. You can learn a lot here to assist in protecting your wallet/your new airframe and yourself. Enjoy.
  24. Pet in Need? Funny. Elitist B.S. I think somebody definitely needs to shut the hell up. 100% agreement there.
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