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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. This is STEALING $ that should rightfully go to a charter carrier. The whole thing stinks like wet dog...
  2. I am selling my Co-Owner on the Lynx 9000+. Will hopefully happen in a year or two...or three
  3. Ya, I am not playing in this "game"...
  4. My Co-Owner and I charge $25/hour to "engine fund". A separate savings account that is settled up on a 1/4ly basis. The money is then there WHEN, not IF a top overhaul or significant engine event occurs. Works for us.
  5. -Placards...Check -Double check pump is correct (at unfamiliar self-serve pump)...Check -ALWAYS sump-look-smell...Check Look VERY closely for the fuel put in plane...on self serve receipt-e-mail receipt-FBO receipt...Learned something today...New Check! Thanks George-AOPA
  6. My best Jack Webb Voice: "Just the Facts"... 6/10/2005-PM Flew an hour under hood with instructor#1. Dropped off instructor#1 at CID and instructor #2 (previously in back seat) instructed during flight review. Following flight review returned to IOW and did approximately four touch and Go's. On downwind instructor #2 pulled power and asked me what I was going to do. (Normally I would be lowering gear)...I explained I could fly a tight pattern and land (Runway (now deactivated) had 1,000 displaced)...In flare she said "beautiful"...wait for it...CRUNCHHHHHHHhhhhh... -My A&P came to IOW from MXO and pulled engine. (I had elected to have engine overhauled at Poplar Grove). -I coordinated with AIG claims examiner providing photos and they had an adjuster look at plane. -Authorized Laser smooth one piece belly and overlapping K-Nose Gear Doors. -inboard flap hinge replaced. New McCaulley prop ordered. I ordered laser parts and precision hose replacement hoses. Oil cooler sent for overhaul. Dawley overhauled the exhaust. -Engine overhauled with oversize on jugs by Poplar Grove. -Engine re-hung with new prop. Duct tape used on airframe...Ferry permit. Flew plane to MXO with gear down and locked. -Balance of repairs completed at MXO. -9/23/2005 Flew 2 Hours North to Cottages and shot some birds. -Just over 3 months from crunch to lunch-on Ruffed Grouse. GUP was a blessing as the Major to new limits cost me $10 grand vs (insert number). I had original accessories and engine run on a nearly 40 year old plane. The case halves had separated and it was misting oil on windscreen with a hour plus flight. Minimal usage, but the short clock was ticking to overhaul. I would NOT recommend the experience though... I had 96 hours total time at GUP. I now have 717. Plane had 1985.5. Now has 2590 or 604 post GUP/Overhaul. Those are my facts...JUST the facts.
  7. YUP. XC-Extra Cranking. No leaking/filling battery and having a rusty battery box...Mine going strong. Replaced a couple of failed Gills prior to going Concorde.
  8. When I die, I hope my kids and their kids look at the notes over the years and have fun reliving their lives...
  9. What is "hard" is most rewarding when accomplished. Love Kennedy's "Moon" speech... Good stuff Ricky.
  10. I like this. It is taking me down memory lane. I remember my intro flight. I first tried to turn with the yoke...Then I did a fine job of pulling on rotation. So fine I struck the tail on the runway on departure...Good times. I AM trainable as I have not repeated either of those. Gear-UP while under instruction. SHE, not he forgot it was complex...J-Bar thing?...She flies Jets professionally, but obviously she and I had a bad day. I meant ZERO disrespect. Yes, we are each just giving our opinions. I agree that a good pilot with a GOOD Mooney savvy instructor can learn in a Mooney...especially one that already flies rotary. I would have been a LOST puppy.... Enjoy your MSE. THAT would be my dream plane...especially if sharing with a bunch of good pilots.
  11. What you describe was a gear collapse vs. a gear-up. Sometimes there can be damage to the gear torque tubes/bungees through a collapse/failure vs. landing gear-up. It just needs good documentation that the rigging and function of the gear are "O.K." With collapse in addition to "normal" gear-up that is generally belly skins, maybe a stringer, nose gear doors, beacon, transponder antenna, flap hinge, prop/engine...and pride that commonly need mending.
  12. Also in a 152. I was training with my 1000 hour 19 year old instructor and when I pulled mixture to cut-off it came off in my hand...He went "I don't know what to do"...I said "I will shut the fuel off". He smiled and the plane shut down in about a minute. Also had fuel prime come off while on night flight cross-country...
  13. "Is a Mooney suitable for learning how to fly"...THAT is the title of the thread. There is a reason that there are trainers on the market. A 150-152 or Cherokee are designed to be abused through the learning curve. They are a more simple airplane. They are more influenced by wind because of their weight. They are designed to allow spin recovery. They get "back to flying" with application of power more quickly and easily. They have very effective flaps. I am writing this for "me" 15 plus years ago to "be that guy" that keeps it in perspective instead of "this guy" that is likely a pretty gifted pilot if he is competent in rotary and fixed wing airplanes. He did it right...if you are going to "do it" in a Mooney-Mooney pilot CFI for ALL training- BUT WHY? Why learn in a complex airplane that is more unforgiving, difficult, with a steeper downside, stall spin/gear up when you can have fun learning the basics of flying in a simple rugged airframe that was designed for training (flying in the pattern and cruising at 100MPH)...vs. a plane designed for cross-country fast travel. A Mooney...ANY Mooney is NOT an excellent first plane to fly. Fly somebody else's plane. Learn. Master the basics of flight. You will have a lot more chance of loving it if you are NOT behind the airplane and its systems ALL the time. THEN-buy yourself an awesome airplane like a MSE and enjoy the hell out of YOUR non-delicate BUT complex flower with a Mooney pilot CFI to educate you on the ins and outs of Mooney's. Have fun.
  14. Because modding the "existing circle/guppy" is not as aesthetically pleasing as riveting in a new upper and lower cowl mod. The C has that ugly chin and the E has that inefficient ram air...
  15. One "guy" SabreMech is making an "improvement" on the 50 year old design. Wind tunnel testing? Funny. How about take existing improvements and incorporate them with what ends up being an aesthetic and function (speed/reduced temps) result? Is this a popular mechanics thread? What has already "been done" is a guppy mouth OEM nightmare. A simple lower cowl mod, aesthetic fiberglass mods that crack and are not available and an über expensive LoPresti (why/how can you justify on a vintage bird)...and the SabreMech Goldillocks "solution" that if priced right will be JUST RIGHT. Wind tunnels....
  16. Am I missing something? Is one person talking about Air Traffic Controllers losing retirement benefits with retirement and another talking about carrier pilots? The privatization of Controllers is a BIG DEAL. NO, AOPA does NOT support if there is any user fee component for GA. As they say "Non-Starter"...
  17. There you go. Could NOT agree more. Most can see that recreational opioid use is an expensive death sentence, but for those that just have to play...and there will always be those...let's make it legal and tax it. That or death sentence... I really don't feel tolerant toward them, but I want to eliminate the cartel and border issues relating to drugs. Taxpayers and society is paying for the dregs one way or another...
  18. I put headrests in my plane. I regret it. After buying different seats, having them re-upholstered and installed what have I got? A headrest that really is NOT functional. Your head doesn't use it as designed. They raise the seat-back height making "reaches" into the backseat/baggage area more difficult. Unless you are going to modify (NOT have straight mounts) the headrest to be forward/have capability to angle forward they are functionally worthless. Sit in a vintage bird with them and try them. Waste of time and money...
  19. AVWEB Consumer has a nice video on the Ultra roll-out. I thought the spokesperson did fine. Paul B. Had a nice article talking about the Ultra and Mooney. I especially liked the sentence discussing how that "old" air frame design just passed you going 25 knots faster". Paul gets Mooney. So do I.
  20. Thanks for the history lesson. I fully understand and appreciate the desire by a given percentage of the population to use/abuse illicit drugs. We have some heavy reporting of opioids overdose/death due to the tightening of prescriptions. I could not agree more that the "War on Drugs" is a failure. What is your point? What do you propose change? More of the same?
  21. There is a chart somewhere that shows states that have reciprocal acknowledgement of CC permits. I personally wouldn't mess with that. Firearms are unloaded/cased/mags empty and separate from ammunition. The nuances of local laws on transport of firearms are one of many reasons NOT to consent to access of your home/vehicle/body for any search.
  22. So having a "Weapon" in the plane is considered contraband? This whole scenario IS due to American Citizens that choose to participate in illegal drug use. Our freedoms are being taken/forfeited because there are people that use illegal drugs. As long as those people use these drugs there will be people looking to make/grow/transport/sell them in the U.S. I have ZERO tolerance for the people that use these drugs. THEY are the problem. Everybody else whether enforcing or selling are there because of the user. Get rid of the demand/user you have no problem. Now, if you want to make it legal. Tax it. Provide "help" for the users because they wish to participate. Strictly enforce laws regarding vehicle operation/crime as a result of their use/addiction...THAT is a different story. We have a booming LEO and Prison business in the U.S. Because of laws and people that choose to break the law. I save my anger for them (user/lawbreakers). No anger for the individuals enforcing the laws. Just doing their job. You look, walk act like a duck...Your a duck until proven not a duck. Anger should be for the lawmakers/users/enablers. That said I will NOT cede my individual rights to anybody. Polite? Yes. Going through my vehicle without a warrant? NOPE.
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