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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. I've got junk in my frunk...The Whore...I mean horror. So did the cavalry charge Calvery hill to save Jesus?...or visa versa?
  2. Great stuff. Thank you. Especially "cat" with 9 lives that can take it as well as dishing it out.
  3. Looked in search for a thread focusing on the pre-load inspection at annual. Do's/don'ts. Could not find any information to include How To's, tool's required. Video of completion. Pre-load readings? I believe they changed with a Mooney circular from original settings/range. Yes/No? Nobody doesn't know. Nobody wants to know. Nobody knows? Alrighty then.
  4. Deleted double & triple of this thread actually asking for information have more views. Curious. Speaks to the dark side me thinks... Sad.
  5. Naw Ned I hit Submit and nothing...Hit Submit again...Nothing...Hit again and had three of the same posts, so deleted two best I could...
  6. Delete
  7. -Video Links -Service Bulletins -Updated Load Acceptable Load Ranges Nose/Main Gear -How To's (Specific equipment and procedure) Thank you.
  8. Delete
  9. Thanks for sharing. Good Stuff! Always enjoy hearing Harrison's voice. Great footage!
  10. Deal. I will just look at you and think my Forrest Gump thoughts... "Stupid is as Stupid DOES"
  11. Can you define what a "chute-hater" is? I want to know so I can be one of the "in crowd" guys...
  12. I know Yetti's....and they generally know hair.
  13. Mooney is pretty down on letting wild hare's run around in the factory...
  14. Just to be clear...Me thinks you thunk me a goober...so I am clarifying that I kinda thought same of someone else.
  15. Let me just say: Thank you Captain Obvious...
  16. NO $%^&? Really? Once under a canopy in an airplane you have no control. Huh. Didn't realize that. Thank God you clarified that. No possibility of joking around with the response. NOPE, I was serious as a heart attack. Good clarification there. Good Grief.
  17. "Nice job missing trees and house"...Other, not so much.
  18. Of course it is. That is how insurance companies price. They use actuarial predictions. Commercial carriers DO evaluate the individual insured on a prospective basis and or after the insurance contract is completed. Would it be cost effective to have a carrier fly with each pilot they insure? To complete an inspection of each aircraft? No. They do ask for information about where your store it, do you fly for work/pleasure. Who is allowed to fly the plane. How many hours you fly. They take for granted that you follow FAR's (Annual for plane and flight review/medical). You do get a lower rate for health insurance based on if you smoke. Our provider provides a lesser premium if you provide screens (Cholesterol) etc. Of course risk is not universally equal. How do they "pool it"? Not sure what you are getting at?
  19. I completely disagree. No damaged stringers on my smooth fiberglass belly, that when easily removed, shows the bottom. My wife and I lose weight when we need useful load. All three of us have prettier bellies... Overhauled engine and all accessories to include mags, oil cooler, Teflon hoses, refurbished (essentially new) exhaust, overhauled oil cooler and new overlapping nose gear doors... WAY better than pre-GU including the belly. Butcher...Funny. Why did later models put the one piece belly on? I wonder....HMMMMmmmmmmm?
  20. Crab 'em if you got 'em.
  21. I LOVE the Panthera. Completely different mission. This plane is to be built in China as a TRAINER. The plane is planned to have a retract tarted up version LATER. I would much prefer to train in the Mooney to my 150/152 years ago. Now, going cross country in a Panthera vs. a 201...... Completely different mission
  22. Laser has a brass insert and shims too. I did the insert and also put a couple shims in. Wilmar invoice me (I got a couple of all sizes) and charged me only for the two I used. Returned others. Didn't know what one's I needed...
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