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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. I generally feel the same about c-blockers, c-teasers and tattle tales. I call them as I see them. There are a lot of ways to make a point JR. I swear like I drink coffee. Often. I shake my head in your general direction. Medication, the answer for all that that is ailing you...Thanks for your "general agreement". It's a wonder that I make it through the day sans a 'scrip... Do you?
  2. This whole thread reflects poorly on the author. The author purports to be "A Mooney Guy", but then teases about a "Big Release" on a public forum for the brand...essentially calling attention to something they, Mooney, obviously wish to keep quiet until such time as THEY Choose to make a public announcement. This is like the guy that cried about getting ripped off, giving vague one-sided tale...That may or may not be true and accurate. Why do this? What are you gaining? Do whatever the ^%$# you want. F-ing expose what you think/know or shut up already. If you do give a damn about Mooney....shutting the F-up and letting them release on their timeline as obviously what they wish to do. Regardless, don't cry to me/us with a cloak and dagger tale that may or may not be B.S... Everybody should also shut the F up about Little Timmy. What the F does a political thread have to do with this? Nothing. Let the little bastard and his thread remain D.E.A.D.
  3. Twice. Ouch....OUCH!
  4. Technically I think the rider failed more than the chute...and the harness. That is a face plant vs. my face palm...
  5. Tommy gives me a pseudo face-Palm from a fictitious star fleet captain...I got a real deal one from a former Brigidier General/Mr. Right Stuff himself Chuck "Got a stick of Beaman's" Yeager...I was the fictitious captain then. Luftwaffe Hauptmann (flight gear) re-enacting at Oshkosh years ago. Yeager had not much love for any "enemy" wearing German flight kit. Ross, you were probably right then, as you are now...or not. Either way tenacity is a fine trait. This may be a long thread...
  6. And give Tom (The master of the Universe and King Judger and Accuser in charge the final word?). NOPE There are countless threads that discuss safe operation of a Mooney and decision-making on MooneySpace. The fact that you are such an arrogant @$$j (Takes one to know one)...and you are one Judging away on the defense of the apparently defenseless chute pullers. I don't know how many times I and others on this thread need to say they like the chutes would be happy to have one in a new Mooney before you accept that we are NOT chute haters...Wait a second NEVER is the answer. You need to market a T-Shirt that says "I love All Chute-Pullers". White lettering on Black. I am going to continue to judge JUST as I would expect others to judge me if I have an off-airport landing for running tanks dry. The guy that allegedly flew without a Private ticket or IFR Cert., was mixed in a thread and then appeared to have been deleted. I came in late to read others questioning (in their input) whether the guy was a licensed pilot flying his family in poor conditions. I would have lambasted the guy if his threads were not deleted. At some point you shake your head on these people. Summation: You need to go to specific threads and voice your outrage. I reject your premise...For as many times as you feel it necessary to try and have the final word: 1. That we/I am a chute-hater 2. That I/we have less outrage for stupid pilot tricks that result in a chute-pull than I/we do if it is a non-chute pull 3. That you dis-like our words of condolence to the lost pilot/family/friends. That is what people that care do Tom. I judge you lacking in the caring about others department...BUT give you a solid Gold Star for whining about 1&2 above. 4. When I am the ONLY one that feels a certain way with conviction...I tend to pull back, re-evaluate, question. You just keep doubling down as the sole-purveyor of judgement.
  7. FAIL. Your feeble attempt to refute the belief of some "chute pullers" that made multiple accident chain decisions up to the point of the pull, that may have also been pre-mature, Do NOT deserve judgement and second-guessing is wrong. Everything else is just a lot of words used to poor effect. I might be that guy someday, but knowing I will be judged for my decisions to do or not do is food for the soul...
  8. The V-Tail Bonanza LIKE the Wood-Tail Mooney's were structurally deficient. When strengthened and replaced with a metal tail both were/are superior airframes. The Cirrus likely IS safer than both the Mooney and the Beechcraft. Fixed Gear, superior auto-pilots from the beginning, Lots of audible nanny's, Superior avionics AND the BRS. Do I want a Cirrus? Nope. Would I love to have a new Mooney with a BRS? Hell yes. Would I retrofit my 1966 with a BRS if available? NOPE. Like when many read my posts they find them/me abrasive. Reading Tom, for me, is like after I had my lasik surgery completed. Painful, like there was sand in my eye. He is probably to much LIKE me. I try to never "pick a fight"...but if I disagree I will debate. I reject his whole hypothesis that: Mooney owners are chute-haters and or have chute envy OR that we reject Cirrus as inferior or having inferior pilots. That said the video MADE by a fellow piloting a Cirrus was funny and certainly harmless tongue in cheek fun. Or not to some.
  9. No. Mooney's have been around PRIOR to life saving situational and engine monitoring avionics advances. No. Mooney pilots/drivers of airframes making better decisions as a whole? Perhaps. OR the Cirrus composite airframe is a lot more expensive to repair...or both.
  10. "Incoherent ramblings of fanboys like you"... Succinct/Accurate/Funny. You win. Bob Newhart is funny. Commedian's don't explain their humour. They are just funny. Those that feel it is necessary to explain words like denigrate show themselves for who they are: pompous/arrogant/blowhards. Don't be "that guy". Love the Cirrus and it's owners, but HATE the sins of poor planning/decision making and airmanship resulting in denying Darwin his just rewards. Cirrus airplanes are "Fool-Proof" I like having Fools in this world. I can relate with them. I am just going to hold out until they install the directional chute option...
  11. You liked in original...AND bumped with a personal quote. Yes, you do agree. I just wish I looked as awesome as Bob in the straw hat... I got to hear him speak in front of a FlugWerk FW-190 re-make at Oshkosh a few years ago. The guy still looks (and I bet he still can/could) fly the $%^& out of anything put in front of him. RABob Hoover just reeks "Cool" to me.
  12. Kinda brought a tear to my eye. I am the weirdo that actually rinses my stuff out (like you are supposed to) before recycling. THAT tree is a thing of beauty...
  13. Paint looks awesome David. The 1/4ing angle and front view are super nice. Paint really finishes it off. I think it is beautiful and really brings a Vintage C into the 21st century for appearance...It was already there for performance
  14. I think his reply was pretty clear. Just be creative with the acronym...
  15. Seriously, I would get that sorted/repaired ASAP. Another experienced CFI and fellow pilot in training died for lack of a functioning stall warning. Be safe. Or, as others say "wear your helmet"...which in essence means be proactive to address the sudden undesired event that may result in personal injury and or property damage...Or just scare the hell out of you. Somebody cares. I know Nobody does.
  16. Yes? With all rights and privileges.
  17. You probably bumped with your calf when you were walking buy
  18. Mine was not.
  19. If you are a Packer fan, you get this. Otherwise, Not so much. Goodnight.
  20. Sometimes NO!...Means YES. Sometimes NO!...Means Maybe. Sometimes NO!...Just Means NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo! I think this may have been worse than Seattle last year....
  21. Trying to forget about that Sudden Death... Not working. Sad.
  22. I like it when you talk about piss-tols...
  23. What do my Packers have in common with the hottest co-Ed at the party? They both are %^$&teasers...
  24. Actually he asked about LONG bodies and then re-stated that he meant mid-bodies...Define Figety. I could not disagree more. The Short body aircraft are a very stable platform and not Figety...unless that means stable. A short body is an easy plane to land...with practice. Once you get it I find it easier than a 172 or Cherokee in the wind. If the longer the more stable...that settles it. Long and Mid body birds are SUPER and Spectacularly easy to land while short body birds are just "easy"...
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