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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. +1 on the ground lean-back unlock/pop door...and I am right-handed. Mooney crawl....funny. I am stealing that.
  2. Wowza. I wonder how many ticking time bombs are out there waiting to go off? (Gear not Radicals). GREAT work! Time and energy spent may have saved thousands of dollars and many hours of labor. Did your son get a sip? (Of the beer to complete bonding experience)? My Grand Ma used to let me have a sip. My memory is of the sharing and the bad taste (then) of beer.
  3. What's your hat size? We'll be the judge of that...
  4. Sex on wheels....That's Marauder's bird.
  5. What just happened? Did a C owner just show love for an E. It is indeed a strange and beautiful day...
  6. Everybody knows that Lowe's has the "good" stuff...
  7. This kind of talk will get you expunged from the CB club.
  8. Attach Point Hardware and shape of flap in-board. Completely different integrated main attach point. Good news is that I likely have a buyer for this very good condition right flap. Oh well...
  9. There, doesn't everyone feel better? We have ALL been there. Maybe not in our Mooney's, but we are human. Except for that one guy So I am an always open guy. Replaced a hinge because of that (wind and a bad hold open hinge-both corrected). I am a closed and latched, but NOT a closed/latched/locked guy. Seriously, have these come open in flight when latched? You 100% KNOW of someone having this occur in a vintage Mooney? I like the idea of someone being able to open from outside in an emergency to access a rear passenger vs. probability of latched door opening, but I am "open to change" IF I am shown evidence of this being a worthwhile pursuit...
  10. Score one for Mooney. You are not sucking an airplane cover out of that opening! Glad that worked out. THAT would of been a really bizarre way to buy it.
  11. Way to fly the airplane and not let something minor turn into something major. You got in a rush...We have ALL down things like this. I am sure you didn't read about the baggage door being open causing the plane to be "not flight worthy?" Or act as a kite here on Mooneyspace. Head shaking a little on that....anyway...My similar goofiness was-After having a nice lunch with a couple of fellow Mooneyspacers we were heading out and I got in a "hurry" and forgot to remove my cowl closure pads. I wrap them around the prop so they were immediately "flung" where I definitely COULD see them within the first few blades....What a dumb-ass...I thought to self of self. My mental take-away-DON'T GET IN A HURRY AND TAKE SHORT CUTS WHEN IT COMES TO FLYING AND AIRPLANES. Fly safe everybody.
  12. Come on Yetti...Say it with me "I feel the need....The need for SPEEEEEED!" Taxiway to the Dangerzone...Ba Ba Ba Bom Bom....
  13. Only time I ran a tank dry was with my mom coming back from Arkansas. She pitching in $100 for return trip and I was a goof and didn't top the tanks...(This was pre re-seal and fuel left in tanks would seep)...anyway, winds were NOT as forecast. When I got set-up in cruise I told my mom "we are going to have to stop and get fuel"...I was heading for Washington (about 30 minutes from destination) and going to fly pattern. Left tank sputtered. Switched to right tank. Uneventful. I had 30-45 minutes of fuel in left tank. Had I tried to "push it" I could have been this guy...IF it is fuel exhaustion. Post seal I am a full tanks guy as mission is usually my wife and I dog and baggage. Hope he didn't run 'em dry. Tough lesson for a 17 year old. Glad they walked away OK. REALLY bad decision if he tried to push it.
  14. I did my interior with my co-owner years ago now. Ya, that baggage door windlace is still not all the way in... Where is that barbecue place ?
  15. So I wonder if you strip paint to eliminate weight/prep for a wrap? I like this idea. No No on control surfaces I suppose? Anybody know what the cost comparison is?
  16. She's no Tramp....She hath no stamp!
  17. I would have liked to have been there for the "dismount". The Russian judge can be harsh... Incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girls face observing...Priceless.
  18. I am never under 80 on final. Once I have runway made power comes out. Plane slows down as I let it come down. You are slowing down as plane descends without power.
  19. Upland. Ruffed Grouse & Woodcock. Yes Iowa & Indiana. A long time ago...
  20. Some great times had chasing birds by Traverse City. Some not so great times at Grayling...Always fun at Traverse City Holiday Inn though!
  21. As I have gotten older I seriously think about goofy stuff like that happening...So I don't ever get off my seat. I hope you recover quickly and fully. Sorry this happened. That sucks when you are trying to do something for health and fun and you get nailed by a freakish failure Here's to 110% recovery
  22. You come up short or long on a putt and it's a bogey. The penalty in landing is a little more expensive... I agree that practice for both can result in better execution when it really matters. A good pilot and golfer is always learning and the ability to pick up bad habits is always there with the results. Weather/wind impacts both in a potentially catastrophic negative fashion. Some of the best "wind" golfers and flyers are from Texas and their near north neighbors. Certain pilots and golfers are arrogant about "their" game and it definitely comes easy for some vs. others that have to work hard to be proficient. In both it is all about the equipment. A lot can be spent OR you can be a CB and buy the latest/greatest when it is a few years old and "step up" to some nice improvement hardware for pennies on the dollar. Standing on the first tee is a lot like flying final. It is ALL you and there should be some nervous energy. Practice prepares you to execute...But alas sometimes the rough, like a little too much speed will "catch you". The ability to hang tough and salvage...to NOT shoot that Big number THAT is what separates you from the also-fans. Neither are "games" of perfection.
  23. I reduce power abeam the numbers and I pitch to maintain 100MPH through my base turn to final turn. THEN I add full flaps/trim and stabilize at 80MPH on final. Power out when runway made and let her come down. If I have a significant headwind I use power as needed. 90MPH may be the "sweet spot" for speed in pattern, but I have 100 on ASI as white (flap arc) and serves me well as a quick reference. I have no problem slowing to 80 on final with flaps and gear. My co-owner, an instrument rated pilot, used to drag the plane in on final...down low. I have converted him. His tendency was to get low and slow on base to final turn. I would be on him about airspeed...I don't want a steep bank on overshoot down low and slow...
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