You are Canadian, a European socialist country, so I will give you a pass. Our founding fathers DID debate quite a bit...when they disagreed. It is a world where ideas matter and defending yours and being "critical" of those to which you disagree is a priviledge and some would say a right and responsibility.
So, in summary you may be righteously indignant in my perceived attack, but I was simply doing what any American would/should do when they find fault/inaccuracy or simply do not agree with another. I give MY OPINION. (Which you also did)
If you judge you better expect to be judged back. I do. If you defend judgers and YOU DO defend them when you start spouting off rights of opinion...Then you better expect, in the United States of America, to be judged too.
Mob mentality? Funny. I can think of multiple false narratives being forced upon citizens...
Socialism is at the top of the list.
Just to summarize how I "feel": Progressives love to spout off with what they believe and demand free speech and assembly...
...UNTIL they are challenged. Then they wish to silence the offending party that does not agree...By whatever means available. The most expedient currently is to cry racism or YOU are a racist.
Mr. Troll one poster just dropped his turd and disappeared...Giggling at what he/she has wrought.