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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. So much Nationalistic Pride. So yesterday. It is a New World Order. We don't need/want borders. Free trade. One form of currency. All we need. There is No Candad and United States and Mexico and U.K. And Europe. We all are just part of a big happy world community. North America, just another player... President. Congress. Yesterday. We answer to the world. The worlds problems? Our problems. You need anything? We are here to help. Property? Who needs and wants property. Just share. Work? Excel individually? The collective will take care of you. We don't need management. That is ridiculous. Just show up and contribute. If you choose not to, that's O.K. We will take care of you. Utopia is right here. Stop with all the old thinking. Be one. Be a lover. Don't be an individual be one of us. Welcome.
  2. 5000+ views. Why? Curious? You are the same people that rubber neck at a car accident... Closet gawkers. Those that "act offended"...but keep coming back for more. Stop viewing the thread. Instead of talking about "moving on"..just "Do IT" already. I'll shut up when you do. Gently Die.... KA-BOOM! Is better. 5,000 views... Why did you look? Stop it. Stay away. Vote with your finger...
  3. Yes, not buying this at all yet...
  4. McStealth can apparently now tell all. What a weird way to roll out such a dramatic and awesome improvement by Mooney? Good for Mooney on the upgrades to the airframe. Should sell some new Mooney's and get some looking for an upgrade. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Where did this appear?
  6. I feel, on the other hand, absolutely nothing for you...
  7. Junior, You amuse me. Nothing more. So pleased to hear that I do not illicit a similar emotion in you.
  8. SFI...What an idiot. Glad he left. I am sure he had a heart attack and rid the world and the western socialist republic of his right wing idiocy. If he were alive he would probably like and vote for The Rand Paul. Another loser that believes in Individual Rights and a tiny little Federal Government...What a whacko bird. That Bern and Hill. Winners...You can just feel it.
  9. Funny...Coming from the far west socialist republic.
  10. No doubt, based on your reply, that the point of my post REALLY hit home. Enjoy your Cherry...Picker.
  11. I stand by my words...again, that opinion thing. I wouldn't want facts to get in the way of an opinion and the rights to have one...
  12. Dunno. Poplar did Major. There was case half separation that was causing oil on my windscreen. Diagnosed as prop seal. I paid to have two prop seals removed/reinstalled before diagnosis of case-half separation. Before I bought the plane it flew about 15 hours in 20 years..... Benign neglect had surely set in. I was shall we say "Not a savvy" buyer. I did not have Mooneyspace.
  13. You are Canadian, a European socialist country, so I will give you a pass. Our founding fathers DID debate quite a bit...when they disagreed. It is a world where ideas matter and defending yours and being "critical" of those to which you disagree is a priviledge and some would say a right and responsibility. So, in summary you may be righteously indignant in my perceived attack, but I was simply doing what any American would/should do when they find fault/inaccuracy or simply do not agree with another. I give MY OPINION. (Which you also did) If you judge you better expect to be judged back. I do. If you defend judgers and YOU DO defend them when you start spouting off rights of opinion...Then you better expect, in the United States of America, to be judged too. Mob mentality? Funny. I can think of multiple false narratives being forced upon citizens... Socialism is at the top of the list. Just to summarize how I "feel": Progressives love to spout off with what they believe and demand free speech and assembly... ...UNTIL they are challenged. Then they wish to silence the offending party that does not agree...By whatever means available. The most expedient currently is to cry racism or YOU are a racist. Mr. Troll one poster just dropped his turd and disappeared...Giggling at what he/she has wrought. FAIL.
  14. I don't. See other thread regarding opinions...
  15. They are going to get some practice on obtaining a warrant and being videoed with a phone if/when this occurs to me...
  16. I will just refer others to your post in the future...
  17. I don't like your opinion of his having a "right" to his one posting slam on a reputable shop by sketchy geographic association. His opinion smells of unwiped anus. Of course that is my "opinion" which I have a "right to" so take it with a grain of salt. A lady at a Trump rally had a word for Teddy C., at a recent rally, that was another word for cat. Also applies to original poster...again in my "salty" opinion... I do however have a positive opinion of Japanese toilets after watch Sunday Morning on CBS. No need to wipe with them. They are still suitable for swirly's. Perhaps original poster could use one. I know I could. A Jap toilet, NOT a swirly. There. Now the thread has been taken into the toilet and may be locked.
  18. Super Cop: I flew an Arrow after the Cherokee. I never went back to flying a Cherokee. I flew an M20E after the Arrow...I have never "missed" the Arrow. The Mooney is just a fast BETTER Arrow. You should fly an Arrow if you like your Cherokee. DO NOT fly a Mooney. You will "skip" the Arrow/not like the speed loss/efficiency vs. Mooney. I don't care if it is a C or an E. Skip the G. Get the F if you want more space. Leg room is adequate in the C&E unless you have an inseam over 32". Seat goes WAY forward and you load pilot Back seat behind pilot/back seat behind co-pilot then co-pilot. I hauled my high school age kids with no issues... Enjoy your step up in the world.
  19. I have NEVER seen an E owner pine for or slam a C. I wonder why that is? HMMMMmmmmm....
  20. I ALWAYS Crab. I think it is dead simple in my Mooney. Never an issue with applying rudder in round-out. I don't do Texas X-winds...I think Mooney's are VERY stable in a cross-wind crab. I am NOT cross-controlled in any way in the crab. Nose is just deflected/tracking the wind.
  21. I stretch a short bungee that I knotted shorter from one yoke to the other. Takes 2 seconds, Hooks are coated so they don't damage yokes and the whole thing is cheap/light and small as stored in hat shelf. Rudder and elevator are non-issues in a Mooney.
  22. I never knew you were an E-F hater....Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...?
  23. I must confess it was I...I supplemented my alveoli...I cannot lie...already lent it to another guy.
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