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Everything posted by Raptor05121

  1. I kayak rivers almost every weekend in FL and I haven't seen a gator in almost 15 years...and the last one was at a gator farm.
  2. I did exactly that. I bought my D model at 80TT and I'm at almost 1200 (Part 135 IFR mins). I built 650 hours in my Mooney before getting a first job in Cessnas for survey. I did my IFR, commercial, and about to take my CFI ride in her. It's a VERY pleasurable experience and it teaches you A LOT. My DPE has commented on how proficient I am with the aircraft versus most people who bring rentals that they have only a handful of hours in. I am trying to stay humble, but all of my coworkers are children of Part 141 "pilot mills" and I'm appalled at their lack of real-life GA experience (one employee has over 1,000 hours and has never used a self-serve fuel pump, for example). It will teach you real-life knowledge you cannot get anywhere else, but at a hefty price. If you like adventures while climbing the 1500 ladder, DO IT.
  3. I'm out of Lake City (KLCQ). @Hector is out of Herlong (KHEG). Couple others I'm forgetting.
  4. I know exactly what you mean. I fly a Cessna for work that gets an astounding 350*F in climb...and 290*F CHT in cruise and EGTs in 900-1100 range! At first I was jealous- but every morning it gets the dreaded Lycoming morning sickness! No matter what mixture setting I run, she just doesnt heat up at 65% power. My Mooney, never had a fouled plug or stuck valve with 380*F CHTs and 1300*F EGTs
  5. Just a caviat on this...the PowerFlow does not "add" horsepower- it simply robs less HP than stock, its still a parasitic loss. I've seen some people think it "adds" to the stock engine output.
  6. The basic gist is you want to run the engine hard and hot to help scrape down those new hone marks. Its not a science. Push all the knobs forward and dont touch them as you fly around for 2 hours (or however long your tanks last at 16gph+). Lycoming does call for varying RPM after the first two hours. IIRC 2500 then 2300 then 2700? They have a service procedure for it. Thats what I followed.
  7. I also have a set on-hand for someone to borrow. I'm in Springfield, IL
  8. David, I might have missed it in the year+ long discussion and multiple threads- but was there ever a decsion to do like a fixed cowl flap like the Acclaim? Mine stay open 24/7- as CHTs are acceptable when open but rapidly rise when closed in cruise, and I don't see any gain in speed. I've also seen a C with the cowl flaps riveted open on the ramp once. Seems would be easier to design and less parts to produce, and less labor if you drop the cowling for mx
  9. It seems 50% of YT is an outlet for people to gain social acceptance that they are pilots, and "hi, im a 747 pilot" at the beginning confirms my suspicions. He seems like a nice guy, but I just dont care for that plus the reasons you mentioned. I love quality content, this stuff is more pedaled to the non-flying public. But if its money for him, I can't blame him!
  10. I've seen a few. Meh.
  11. Completely unrelated- but my grandpa owned N2996L. I miss that plane dearly. I want that plane simply because it was behind his in the assembly line
  12. I just had this issue. Cracking on the radio that goes away when the alternator is disconnected. Pulled the unit and sent it out for service. Brushes were at 80% length and diodes were good. In reinstallation, we cleaned all the terminals and degreased all the wires and made sure everything was hunky-dory. After reinstallation, we fired up the plane and the problem disappeared.
  13. Absolutely nothing. They are 100% identical aircraft sans the landing gear
  14. I have the Yaesu FTA-550L which the -L suffix denotes Li-Ion rechargeable battery. I pull it out once every other month to charge it.
  15. What interesting is on the M20C, the TCDS states 100LL minimum, but on an M20D, same airframe and engine, states 91/96 octane minimum. M20C: Lycoming O-360-A1D or O-360-A1A (Carburetor MA4-5, Flow Setting P/N 10-3878, 10-3878-M, or 10-4164-1). Fuel 100LL or 100/130 min. grade aviation gasoline M20D: Lycoming O-360-A1D or O-360-A2D (Carburetor MA4-5, Flow Setting P/N 10-3878, 10-3878-M, or 10-4164). Fuel 100LL or 91/96 octane min. grade aviation gasoline
  16. Mike, you're making me miss home. I have 2 months yet stuck in these corn fields
  17. Check out 15FL Cannon Creek in Lake City. Paved & lit rwy 18/36, smooth grass 09/27. Very active EAA chapter. 100LL fuel on field for members of the "HOA" which is ~$700/yr for runway fees. There are empty lots available and several sprouting new houses for sale as well as older ones. My GF and I have looked at some lots and they are about your price range. I learned to fly here and there are several Mooneys based here. Smack dab in the middle of the "big bend" area, and minutes from downtown Lake City with a population of ~12,000. Its not a small town and its not a big city but it has a mall, plenty of food, and local hide-a-ways. Also plenty of grass strips and other small county airports within 100 miles with other active EAA chapters, its a round-robin of saturday morning breakfasts and sunday luncheons around the state. We're away from large ATC corridors like Jacksonville or Pensacola or Tampa. Perfect blend of quiet and active, if I may say so myself
  18. For a high-fidelity model, its not simple programming. 90% of it is animations modeling. Most flight-sim companies spend months on a model with a staff of 5-20 people.
  19. Write me a check, I'll let my plane go for $40k, it checks all of your boxes
  20. I've been frothing at the mouth for the release of this. I'm sure some 3rd party company will make an aftermarket Mooney
  21. This thread is five years old lol
  22. If he wants a 3rd class medical/Private ticket, its possible. I have an unrestricted 1st class for monocular vision
  23. Yup. I've crossed 1,000TT a few weeks ago and hope to have 1,200 at the close of the season in November. I'll be coming home and promptly starting work on CFI. I'll no doubt have to go back to working at the local Sheriff's Office again, and will most lilkey have to sell the plane, but better than being jobless.
  24. I printed one out and laminated/taped it where your gear selector is. You could possibly move it a bit to the right. I didn't want to hang aynthing else off my vertical card compass or block any view.
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