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Everything posted by Raptor05121

  1. I have the same one. However, I'm not too concerned about blocking out already federally-protected DHSMV data.
  2. I *believe* at one time there *was* a M20E at a flight school in Ocala as of a year ago for rent. I have no knowledge if they still have it.
  3. Yes. We've been together for 8 years now. She is for sure a keeper. Her first ride and the day I took N6744U home almost five years ago.
  4. Amazing post. Good to hear such a free-flow of information. Unlike that $250 pipe clamp. Aviation prices never cease to amaze me
  5. I may have overlooked it, but I always thought the hurdle of supersonic was A.) the EXTREME cost and B.) The FAA's decision to limit overland flight due to noise pollution from supersonic booms. How much of that $1bn is going to wax the Administrator's pockets?
  6. The 25 requirement is in regards to 61.159 ATP minimums- You need 50 hours multiengine to take the ATP checkride during indoc. You will accumulate 25 hours in a sim to help you make the 50, but you have to have at least 25 to be hired. I'm not a guy to ask people for airplane rides, but I spent most of today cold calling owners of twins I see parked on the ramp in hopes of buying a ride, any ride. Every little .1 is that much closer.
  7. Update on all things N6744U: So the precipice of selling or keeping N6744U mainly was hinging on this. The girlfriend and I bought a house in Florida. The rates were too great to pass up and with the new job means I could (barely) swing keeping both. Of course with all great things, I got a nice little house warming gift from the girlfriend. At this point I'm not sure if its a conversation piece or a reminder on where my paycheck is coming from to keep the mortgage. The fun didn't last long. I had about 6 hours to move stuff from our rental into the new house. We cracked open a bottle of champagne from our realtor, cooked some spaghetti and I got to spend one night in my new house before loading up the Mooney and beginning the trek up north for work. It was about 8.5 hours from Florida to Maine with fuel stops. A massive low pressure system over the midwest gave me great tailwinds the first few hours of the trip with ground speeds approaching 175kts. A quick stop in NC for gas and up to New Jersey. Cute little airport called New Garden Flying Field. Of course I saw a handful of Mooney's on the ramp and didn't realize it was home to the MSC I've read so much about on here. Trekking north, I got to experience the NYC skyline tour which was neat And a few more hours later, dodging some storms on the last 30 minutes of my day She has been sitting there for over a month waiting in line. The mechanic texted me today and said he's pulling her into the shop. This is my first time not doing an owner-assisted annual. Its kinda nice not having to bust knuckles and knowing shes getting a different set of eyes looking her over. But I'm not looking forward to the bill (who ever is?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the Caravan side of things... During my training, my instructor was going down the list of approaches we need to do. "Next up" he says, "is what everyone has trouble with. VOR approaches. And no autopilot!" I smiled. He read right through it. "Why are you smiling?" "Because I love VOR approaches! Its the only other approach I could do for 5 years in my Mooney". Needless to say that turned out to be my Part 135 checkride. Pass is an understatement- he praised my hand-eye coordination and lamented that owning my plane has been severely advantageous compared to other new-hires. I've got about 75 hours so far solo in the Caravan and G1000. Very potent aircraft for what its needed for. Almost 9,000lb ramp weight. Holds 2,000lbs of fuel when needed. Of course with almost 2500lbs of cargo we cannot fill the tanks. Rotate at 75KIAS, and climbs at 1,000fpm at gross weight. Of course we're burning almost 70gph with 1800ft-lbs of torque at 1900rpm on takeoff. The stink of JetA is slowly permeating my uniform. Our OPSPEC allows us down to 1800RVR and its pretty challenging going from a 1960s VOR panel with high personal mins to doing some lower-than-standard mins. But boy is it exciting busting that first time. The TKS system in this bird holds 20 gallons of fluid, which it really needs. The gear, struts, etc all pick up ice very quickly but the TKS handles it very well. I can see why it would be opted for over an air conditioning system on newer Mooneys. I haven't bought 100LL in a long time sans the ferry flight up here and I'm already looking at a sectional trying to decide what I want to explore and I can't believe the price of fuel. Average is almost $5/gal up here. Far cry from the $3.20 in Florida I left. It seems like everything in Florida is cheaper. I'm renting a 1br apartment for 1.5x the cost of the entire mortgage of my house and land. I'm right at 1,450 hours. 50 short TT for ATP for the airlines, which won't take but another month to acquire but I still only have 7 hours multi. I need approx 25 hours to apply to the airlines and that's my next worry. Anyone nearby with a twin want to split some time?
  8. I have a new Gill as well and so far so good. It was $100 cheaper than Concorde for more capacity and lighter
  9. IIRC when you specify length or have McFarland make them to length, it falls under "owner produced"
  10. David's shop is putting the axe to the grinding stone, so to speak. I'm super excited for this.
  11. $800k is a hefty down payment on a $2m used TBM...just saying!
  12. FWIW I found an article on the PT-6 converted Bonanza and found this excerpt: "The turbine has a TBO of 3,600 hours and no hot section inspection requirement unless dictated by trend monitoring. But at a $125,000 overhaul cost, the turbine will still require about $15 per hour more in engine reserves than the Baron’s two Continental IO-550s." the -114A has a higher TBO and the -720 is undoubtedly going to cost more than the 550s so it seems a wash. As Erik pointed out above- turbine conversions on piston airframes generally don't go well because the speed limitations the FAA places on conversions. http://blog.covingtonaircraft.com/2020/08/28/turbineair-bonanza/ Again, I think Mooney should find some capital and start an all-new 301-like turbine design (with a Mooney tail) and compete with the TBM. The Acclaim is almost a million dollars. A brand-new TBM is a shade over $3m. Bridge the gap?
  13. I don't have any experience with them personally but a good friend of mine got hired to fly Excalibur-converted Queen Air's for the current STC holder at the same time I got hired to fly the Caravan. We spend hours comparing planes/training/etc and while I'm sure I am speaking more to the airframes rather than the engine, it doesn't quite strike me as efficient as compared to a single turbine. 32 spark plugs. 16 cylinders. Four magnetos. Airframe to airframe, they both have about the same weights and useful loads and the twin is a bit faster. But overhauling two 720s at 1800hrs when a single PT-6 can stretch to 6,000. I know what my wallet would rather support if I had that cash. Its time for Mooney to slap a small turboprop and make a 6 seater (I know, I know...301 and TBM...)
  14. Being the reigning President of the CB club for 5 years now ages a man quick. I gotta hold meetings, write minutes, approve invoices and gasp when anything over $100 comes across my desk.
  15. How much longer will new airplanes still be relevant 50 years later like our vintage birds when avionics are a driving force? A 2020 Acclaim Ultra in 2060 may have to be scrapped when the engine is past TBO and both screens are dead.
  16. 91.205(b)3 Old post I know, but even the 787 has a mag compass. I doubt any pilot has ever looked at it.
  17. Thanks! I'm up in Maine doing various runs
  18. I love my plane, but there's no doubting she's the bottom of the barrel in terms of fleet quality. I'd trade her in for just about anything faster/newer
  19. Yup I fly a 2011 Caravan for a FedEx feeder in the northeast and we have 100% TKS'ed birds. So far the two months I've been here, I've heard nothing but horror stories and read accident reports from booted planes. If I ever get a bigger, badder Mooney you can be damned sure TKS is going on the top of the list. Its an eye opener. FWIW, I had a class with a guy taking delivery of a new 2021 C208B EX with TKS and he told me it cost $140,000 to check that box
  20. With a GPS, you don't need to time legs. For those of us with archaic circa-1960s panels with an OBS head, we do
  21. I've heard rumors they are doing a new oleo strut for the GW increase. I haven't heard anything about it being the M22's
  22. From this point on we are no longer allowing any more additions. Order window has closed and orders are being submitted today. Thanks
  23. Sorry Ross, my fault. I;ve got you confirmed. You're late but David is allowing the late additions. You're confirmed Tom. Late, but you're confirmed Mike
  24. How did I miss this? Super cool
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