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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. Recently, I was talking with my CFII and he said that approaches that require a DME technically require a stand alone DME... so, the KNS80 would technically not be a legal DME for approaches that require one... I actually have a KN-62, so it was a non issue for me, but has anyone else come across this before with other CFIIs? I haven't tried to look up the FAR.
  2. Another reason why I'm against GPS as a primary nav source and ADSB.. viva la resistance!
  3. yea, it smells of industry lobbying to drive sales..
  4. when will they start giving out fuel stamps ? Really, this is stupid... Watch the prices of various adsb hardware go up by about $500... Same thing happened with the stupid shift to digital TV broadcasting and the rebates for digital converters... Everyone should just hold out until they start extending the deadline every year..
  5. I have taken my F in and out of 2500' grass many times without any problem at all. However, I won't attempt TO at full gross and 90 degrees F. An E would do better for your mission it sounds like. In my opinion a J is overkill for your short mission. A good E model is as fast as a J at half the price.
  6. You might want to refer to the windshield as one piece, as it's not the 201 style. Jmho. Good luck!
  7. Yep they have them in stock, but price them dearly... just checking the 2nd market.
  8. I need one of the Brittain AH on/off valves to put in my panel so that I can bypass the yoke button, as a master PC on/off valve... I've seen a few brittain installs with this setup with field approval.. Hoping someone has one they aren't using...
  9. I need one of the Brittain AH on/off valves to put in my panel so that I can bypass the yoke button, as a master PC on/off valve... I've seen a few brittain installs with this setup with field approval.. Hoping someone has one they aren't using... Panel On-Off Valve 1966 Mooney.pdf
  10. marriott rewards chase visa... points will get you hotel stays, and you get several free nights per year automatically.
  11. I think everyone is missing the point. If anyone finds that they either forgot their gear or bounced causing prop strike, just pull everything back, turn master off, and just curse as loud as you can while sliding down the runway. Live to tell the story
  12. Mine was mounted behind copilot seat. I removed the mount and have it in the slide-in pocket on the back of the seat because it there was no easy way to grab it with one arm. Where ever you put it, make sure you can access it with one arm so you can keep one on the yoke if needed.
  13. If you miss hitting a hawk by about 10 feet because you're too busy looking at your engine monitor, you might reconsider where your eyes should spend most of their time looking.
  14. I'm glad you have questioned my data because it led me to take another look, as I haven't taken a hard look since resetting the timing on my engine from 20 to 25 degrees. It seems that the higher EGT values I mentioned earlier can be explained by the 20 degree timing that the engine was running at the time. EGT values have dropped quite a bit since going to 25 degree timing .. I just looked at data from my last flight and it shows 17.1, peaking at 17.3gph.. my hottest EGT was 1283. The below data was take off from 1000ft field with 79 F OAT WOT Full rich. I also just remembered that I have yet to dial in my K factor.. dang it! Anyway, it seems, with respect to EGT values people have thrown around, it appears to be in line with 25 degree timing.
  15. I think the TO egt values mike Busch talked about were at sea level. In any case, my cht never goes over 360 on hottest #3 on hot days with 25 degree timing. FF at about 17-16.5... but as an added measure to be good to my engine, I back off on MAP and rpm just after take off. I know it's certified to run harder, but I don't.
  16. My IO-360 usually runs about 1330-1340 on the leanest cylinder WOT full rich 2700. I reduce rpm to 2600 and don't touch mixture until it starts to go below 1290. I target 1300 until i can't make more than 75% power. I just remembering Mike Busch saying to maintain egts on climb.
  17. if you are having the seats redone, you might find someone who has the same seats and wants to pay you something to trade seats instead of having those nice brown covers cut off and thrown out..
  18. hang these streamers around your plane... I keep a little on my hat rack and it's easy to tape on the VOR antenna when stopping over somewhere. http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=24985236&KPID=17059742&pla=pla_17059742
  19. I'm in the same boat for saturday arrival, but may just drive since it's only 4 hours drive from here
  20. Has anyone flown into KCVG? If they are operating 36L/C/R, with a west wind that would be ok for the airlines, but not us, would they be able to work us in on rwy 27 without too much trouble? any advice would be great..
  21. SAL12-70 comes with voltage regulator and you'll have to use a little deductive reasoning by comparing your original wiring schematic to the one that comes with the kit.. pay close attention to the mounting bracket and spacers orientation
  22. That hole with 1" scat tubing was there to cool the generator. Your alternator probably doesn't need it unless there is an air inlet flange on the alternator. Consult with your mechanic though.
  23. Generator and brackets with voltage regulator. Removed in working condition for alternator conversion. If anyone needs it, pm me. Thanks!
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