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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. Hey guys, thought I would plot my questions down here like everyone else. Perhaps some of you more experienced guys could help me out. My original DG is poop and parts are no longer available for overhaul. I've attached a photo for your amusement. My PLAN is to update the panel to a more modern configuration as attached. So, I had planned on updating the DG anyway. I had gone back and forth about getting a G502A so I could easily add accu-flite if one came up, but I have figured out that I would really just be interested in the accu-trak. Later, coupling a DG with a GPS might be nice, but by that time, I would probably be looking at HSIs instead. So, this brings me to my current question. I have not looked under my panel in great detail just yet, but wondering if any of you could look at my drawing and advise if the new placement would be problematic? Can anyone recommend a particularly good DG that would fit and maybe have a non-autopilot bug, as its handy for remembering my navigation plans.. I've also seen the little bugs you can stick on there... Oh yea, this has to fit with the frugal bastard crowd, of which I am a member. Thanks! Craig 67 F
  2. I'm sure you already knew, but I've been told to idle 1100-1200 rpm in order to keep the cam wet with oil... Not sure i this came into play, but thought I would mention it as a possible cause?
  3. If you said you did, but I didn't see it in the thread, my bad. But, if you haven't already, drive over and look at it in person and have a coffee with the guy and get to know him. Let him see that you are a fair and reasonable person. A little personal visit and diplomacy will make him a little more agreeable. Never stop negotiating. It's the plane you want, not him.
  4. Hi Larry, Would you be so kind as to share your measurements for the 32 gal tank? That's without a bladder, right? Thanks! Craig
  5. I am not sure, but I can check some of the overall dimensions against your file. Can you send to me please? Brownlee.craig@gmail.com. Thanks!
  6. That's a really nice looking F. . I suggest you be really careful looking for corrosion, as it was repainted. Try to find out if they used paint stripper or not. Autopilot and 430w definite plus. TT doesn't mean much to me either if it is well maintained. However, look in the logs and see if the landing gear motor is original and which one. I avoided this by getting one with manual gear, but I heard the electric gear and flaps can be expensive to repair.
  7. I've got a '67 M20F that I would like to update, at least on the left side. A template of the original would be very helpful!
  8. Hi zx6rider, I recently got a 67F and thought I would chime in. My goal was to get a very clean airframe and engine with fuel injection. That put me looking at E and F models, as the J models are too expensive for not enough performance. I also required the simple Johnson bar and hydro flap systems. I found an extremely clean F with NDH that had been with the same owner for 25 years. It was also always hangared.. The original paint is still shiny. I decided to take it for three big reasons. 1. The panel, while IFR doesn't have Gps or some of the other cool gizmos. However, finding a plane like this WITH those goodies is nearly impossible and would come with a higher price. I would rather spend money later on what I want than money today on things I didn't really pick out. A penny today is worth a nickle tomorrow! 2. I bought directly from the owner and felt strongly assured after looking at the plane and logs with the owner and the 24 year mechanic that I could fully trust this plane with my life. During my search I talked to many brokers and none of them had intimidate knowledge of what they were selling. I felt fully assured. 3. The money you save in purchase price due will save you in insurance and sales tax. Overall, got a good save plane and add gizmos later if you really need them. If you fly by yourself, get an E. If you fill the rear seats, get an F. Consider useful load as equipped. Good luck!
  9. $4.09 KDKX. Been trending down steadily. I expect under $4 soon!
  10. Bob was talking about 180kts true, up high coming down
  11. Glenn, I'm one of the guys who would take your brittain stuff off your hands if you switch. Let me know if you decide to pull the trigger Cheers Craig
  12. There is a fellow on here with a nice low time E asking $29k. Needs paint, but seems pretty nice. He posted it on barnstormers
  13. I'm new to this forum, so maybe my thoughts don't matter to some people on here. I think there are two schools of thought when it comes to flying, and I happen to agree with hank. I would rather glide a single than a twin. And that might be the case, as fuel exhaustion is a major cause of emergencies. There are certainly many more complexities involved in safely flying a twin. Either way, I think the community benefits more from intelligent debate.
  14. Thanks hank, then I must have misunderstood or he misspoke. I do know that it was the fast actuator motor that he had to replace and he claimed the cost was $9k. In any case, I trust my arm more than electrical components.
  15. I would think that the insurance savings from being in a hangar would pay for any possible repairs that the 182 owner might cause and not pay for. plus you won't be bothered by frost. Or maybe you could take the back slot. For me, tie downs just aren't a consideration. Just my 2 cents
  16. This is my first post after months of trolling and learning before working a deal on an F model. I wanted to chime in on this one because I too called on this J. I recall them asking 65k, but he sounded weak when is told me the price and he confirmed they have wiggle room on the price. Not sure how much that is though. . I did not see this plane in person, because I finally decided that I wanted an only F with Johnson bar and hydro flaps after hearing of one guy paying over 9k to repair the gear transmission and another guy having problems with flap relays. I am a believer that simplicity = safety. ...., that and saving about $20k in purchase price together with resulting lower tax and insurance. For me, the J would have only provided about 15minutes shorter time enroute on my primary mission. All that said, this one as on my short short list of J models. Keep in mind that congress COULD retroact 2014 bonus depreciation if you are able to put under your business. I wasn't banking on it though. Good luck! I hope you are happy with whatever you end up with!
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