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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Why would you say that? No fuel to burn, no EGT
  2. When I had my engine monitor installed, the first flight to be, it ran rough, #3 was showing no EGT, turned out to be a plugged injector, I've had other problems that were found just after maintenance, now every time I get it back from the shop I do so with some trepidation.
  3. works well for my mini, a PIA to install, I have my brightness turn down as well,
  4. I use a protective screen film that is also anti glare
  5. TIS-A is same as Mode S, I thought the 88 was suppose to handle multiple traffic sources and combine them, but I can't see where it states explicitly that it handles TIS-A
  6. Yes, the bottom of the rudder, there is no place to put the tail light anywhere else, the rudder is full length.
  7. How about just flying in a square using 4 waypoints, at the end just divide the distance travelled by the time it took, removes variations of wind, etc by averaging speed over time, and you can create a flightplan in your GPS, let AP handle it while you monitor it. Try it ROP, then LOP, then using ram air, and then move weight around to see if you can go faster with CG more aft.
  8. What exactly do you mean by under balanced or over balanced? I thought the idea was to balance the rudder on its hinges?
  9. I didn't get exact weight, was told "not much"....the maintenance manual makes removal sound easy, only 3 steps, I'm guessing it's not so easy
  10. I was going to install Orion LED tail light, but my mechanic says they would need to pull the rudder off to rebalance it. Anybody gone through this, it weighs 0.28lbs?
  11. All this to figure out who is fastest?
  12. My experience mirrors yours, by year end my plane will have spent 3 months in a repair shops hangar, most of that will be upgrades. I'm bringing it up to my standard.
  13. I would get a hold of a POH for performance specs, take claims with grain of salt, so many variables like mixture, prop setting, altitude, temperature, etc F sounds like a good choice for your mission
  14. They want to reseal tanks because their age!?! First of all, no way would I let them do that. Second, if I was seller, I would laugh at you if you wanted a price reduction because nothing was wrong but there could be a problem in the future.
  15. The mini on yoke blocks my lower instruments, I'm still searching for a location for my mini, I use the copilot yoke for now, might try positioning it to the left side using a glare shield mount
  16. The extra keys you can have made at Ace Hardware store, no MSC required. Your wish list of improvements will grow as you fly the plane, there is a tendency to make it your own, something about the pride of ownership.
  17. There is a special battery minder for AGMs, I think the model # 12248 AA S5
  18. I would get a insurance quote, pick a example plane from controller.com, expect it to be high until you get your instrument rating and a few more hrs
  19. Is this true of both Lycomings and Continental?
  20. I had a similar problem, turn out to be a bad or loose connection, they clean electric contacts and reinstalled
  21. I'm scheduled to have 210 & 88 installed, assuming Garmin meets their date.
  22. Can I assume the seat rails are standard for all Js?
  23. This is where an engine monitor pays off, you would be to narrow it down to which cylinder and which plug, also I lean aggressively, even during run up because being full rich can hide problems, like partially clogged injectors or in my case a few months ago, a completely clogged one
  24. Maybe it's just me, but seeing a plane with it's tail off just seems so wrong
  25. I would first get some more facts, like having the engine borescoped to figure out the damage and possibly the cause. Obviously the filter will need to be cut, and any metal identified. What other work was done on the engine? The prop may need to be inspected and You should download your engine monitor data as well and check it out.
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